When Wang Hao came out of the county government office, it was already daybreak.

He did not dare to delay and immediately rushed back to the east gate.

Fortunately, the Yellow Turbans had suffered a defeat at night and were probably resting and not attacking.

"I am guilty, please punish me."

Zhang Nan knew he was guilty, so he took the initiative to ask for punishment.

"I'll just remember this for now, and make amends for your crime!"

Wang Hao glanced at him and exhaled:"Now is the time to use people. If I kill you, who will lead the troops? But I warn you, if you do it again next time, we will settle the old and new accounts together!"

"Thank you for your leniency, General."

Zhang Nan breathed a sigh of relief and stepped aside.

"That's enough!"

Wang Hao waved his hand and said,"Take the time to rest. There will be a fierce battle later."

Zhang Nan replied,"Yes!"

He was indeed a little tired.

If he didn't rest, he might not be able to bear it.

After Zhang Nan left, Wang Hao was thinking about how to fight the enemy.

Suddenly, a voice came from the city:

"Wang Junhou!"

""General, look!"

Li Le pointed to the streets in the city and said in horror:"It's the prisoners!"

Wang Hao looked up and saw that the streets were full of people in prison uniforms.

Most of them had disheveled hair, pale faces and thin bodies, but there were also some who were tall and extremely burly, as if they were murderous.

Below them, a clerk bowed and clasped his hands together:"I, under the order of the county lieutenant, hand over 138 prisoners in the county to the general. I hope the general will use the troops well and live up to everyone's expectations!"

"Please tell the county lieutenant!"

Wang Hao clasped his hands and returned the greeting:"I, Wang Hao, will do my best to defend the city to the death!"

The clerk heard this and turned around:"In this case, I will take my leave!"

Wang Hao ordered:"Li Le, Tie Niu, go and call Zhang Nan to take over the prisoners. Anyone who dares to disobey orders or intends to escape will be killed without hesitation!"

The two clasped their hands and clasped their fists:"Yes!"

After saying that, they turned around and left the city.

And Wang Hao?

He immediately opened the system page and called up the [List of Legion Members]:

Li Le: Military Strength 18; Intelligence 12; Politics 8; Command 7;

Tie Niu: Military Strength 21; Intelligence 10; Politics 5; Command 3;......

Zhang Nan: Military Strength 30; Intelligence 22; Politics 12; Command 21;......

Awang: Military Strength 8; Intelligence 7; Politics 2; Command 1;......

After a quick glance, it turned out to be true!

The attributes of Li Le and Tie Niu have slightly improved.

However, the one with the biggest improvement is Zhang Nan, the squad leader.

His force has increased by 5 points!

His command has increased by 10 points! It's simply terrifying!

Of course! No matter how powerful Zhang Nan is, he is nothing compared to Wang Hao.

The soldiers have changed their jobs and have been strengthened in all aspects. In just one day, they have completely crushed the soldiers of the same level!

If Wang Hao can hold on to the end of this battle, his strength will probably have a qualitative leap.


Just when Wang Hao was secretly delighted, a familiar name appeared before him. Gao

Lan: Force 78; Intelligence 55; Politics 38; Command 66;


Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

Could it be that he is Gao Lan, who is known as one of the four pillars of Hebei?

Wang Hao looked around.

Sure enough!

In the crowd, a burly man stood out.

He was at least 1.8 meters tall, and his arms were as thick as bowls. It was obvious at a glance that he was a man of great strength.

In addition, this man had a dark face and big eyes, and two thick eyebrows that lay diagonally, like a sharp sword, pointing straight to the sky!

He really was born with a ferocious look.

Wang Hao thought that the prisoners were at most just to supplement the troops, and there would be no problem.

But now.........

If Gao Lan wanted to rebel, neither of us would be his match.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hao forced himself to stay calm.

What should I do?

Wang Hao asked himself.

But for a long time, he had no idea.

But no matter what, he had to understand the situation first.

Wang Hao put on the airs of a military marquis and walked boldly into the prisoners.

His target was clear, that was the strong man.

"your name!"

"Gao Lan!

It was indeed him

"Why were you imprisoned?"

""The bully bullies people, so I kill him to vent my anger."

Good guy!

Such a reason actually has a kind of awe-inspiring righteousness.


"Frank enough!"

Wang Hao nodded slowly and said softly:"I see that you are a man. How about it? Now there is a way in front of you. Are you willing to follow me, kill the Yellow Turbans, and seek a way out?"

"I won’t hide it from you, military lord!"

Gao Lan was not stupid. He learned about Wang Hao’s military rank from the conversation between the soldiers and Wang Hao:"Back then, it was that evil Taoist Taiping who colluded with the dog officials to kill my brothers. If I can kill the thieves today, why shouldn’t I obey?""

Oh my god!

There is such a thing?

Wang Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was like a god-given general was given to me!


Wang Hao laughed out loud,"Very good! I will promote you to team leader, lead fifty soldiers, and help me defend the city. If you can defeat the bandits, I will personally ask for credit on your behalf!"

Gao Lan clasped his hands and said in a sonorous voice,"Don't worry, General, I will live up to your expectations!"

"What weapon do you use?" Wang Hao asked

"Fight on horseback with an iron spear, fight on foot at will, use a ring-handled sword or an iron halberd!" Gao Lan replied

""Iron Ox!" Wang Hao ordered,"Find him an iron halberd!"

""Yes!" Tieniu responded


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