With the help of a fierce general like Gao Lan, it became easier to take over the prisoners.

I found out after careful inquiry.

Gao Lan is a bully in the prison. Even he agreed to conquer the Yellow Turbans, so the others had nothing to say.

In this way, the total strength of Wang Hao's troops was close to 400.

Four hundred people!

It was in line with his status as a military marquis.

Although the quality was uneven, it gave him some confidence.

Wang Hao mixed the remaining prisoners into the original team and adopted a differentiated management model. In the short term, it was safe and would not cause trouble. The only fear was that once the war came, the cowards would disrupt the morale of the army.

But it didn't matter.

Wang Hao already had a way to deal with it.

Next, Wang Hao began to arrange the defense areas of each team, distribute weapons, and new equipment, wolf tooth bats.

The soldiers and horses of each team were busy, but they were in order and clear.

Wang Hao was extremely satisfied with this.

But the good times didn't last long.

Because, traces of the Yellow Turbans suddenly appeared outside the city.

"Jun Hou, it's the Yellow Turban!"

A voice came from the sentry tower.

"Beat the drum to warn people!"

Wang Hao calmly gave the order.

Boom!���! Boom!

The drums of a specific rhythm sounded.

Not only the East Gate, but also the North Gate, South Gate, and West Gate would enter combat readiness when they heard it.

"Jun Hou!"

Zhang Nan stared at the outside of the city, and couldn't help but be surprised:"Something is not right!"

Wang Hao was slightly startled, and hurriedly looked at the yellow turban outside the city:"Hiss~~~"

Although Wang Hao had only fought the Yellow Turbans once, he had mastered some rules. He had some experience with the Yellow Turbans' use of troops and attack methods.

But this time!

Outside the city, flags were flying, covering the sky.

The first row of Yellow Turban soldiers were strong and armed.

Although they were only wearing leather armor, combat boots, holding broadswords, and yellow scarves, they were not comparable to the previous batch of Yellow Turbans holding wooden sticks!

Look closely!

On the fluttering big flag, there were five big characters:

General Ren Gong·Zhang!

Is it Zhang Liang?

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jue called himself the General Tian Gong, his brother Zhang Bao called himself the General Di Gong, and the last one who called himself the General Ren Gong was Zhang Jue's third brother Zhang Liang.


Is this the rhythm of fighting the BOSS?

But can I upgrade again?

Although the advanced soldiers are powerful, they are no match for the Yellow Turban generals.

If Guan Hai, Zhou Cang or someone else comes rushing up, Wang Hao will probably have to go to see the King of Hell.

But fortunately, we have Gao Lan, one of the four pillars of Hebei, so I think we can hold on for a while!

Wang Hao did not hesitate and ordered:"Li Le, go to the county government quickly and tell the county magistrate to seize the time, collect the gold juice and prepare the cauldron. The Yellow Turbans will surely launch a fierce attack today!"


Li Le also felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

He did not dare to delay, responded, turned around and went down the city, and went straight to the county government.

Li Le had just left.

I saw a man in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe walk out of the yellow scarf outside the city.

This man held a Buddhist whisk in his left hand, a wooden sword in his right hand, and cloud shoes on his feet. He took strange steps and muttered something in his mouth. He actually performed a ritual similar to a ritual in front of Wang Hao.


More than a dozen Taoists in apricot-yellow Taoist robes followed the first one, taking strange steps, jumping, muttering, and looking mysterious.


A bit similar, but obviously different.

At least, Wang Hao had seen the magic tools and equipment of witchcraft in the information before, which were completely different from the Taoist in front of him.

But one thing that can be confirmed is that this should be the unique pre-war mobilization of Taiping Dao.

It is not difficult to imagine!

A fierce battle is inevitable

"Pah! You are such a ghost!"

Looking at the yellow turbans outside the city, Gao Lan made a disgusted sound.

"Do you know what they are doing?"

Wang Hao glanced at him and asked curiously

"I don’t know."

Gao Lan shook his head, his eyes were fierce and fierce,"But it’s definitely not a good thing. My good brother’s father drank some magic water to cure his illness because he believed in them!"

"Is it the magic water that works if you are sincere?"

Wang Hao frowned and glanced at Gao Lan.

"The military marquis actually knew about this?"

Gao Lan couldn't help but look at Wang Hao curiously.

"Of course."

Wang Hao nodded:"It's just a trick to fool the people. Can it deceive others? Can it deceive me, Wang Hao? The poor people have become a tool for Zhang Jue to realize his ambitions."

""General, your opinion is brilliant!"

Gao Lan clasped his hands and said,"Indeed, Zhang Jue had the intention to rebel long ago, but the court was ignorant and left it alone, which allowed him to grow to this extent. How sad! How hateful!"

"Don't worry!"

Wang Hao looked firm, and said with great certainty:"The Yellow Turbans will be defeated!"

Gao Lan nodded and said:"Today, I have received the great favor of the military marquis, and I will repay it with my death!"

Wang Hao said in a sonorous voice:"Don't talk about death lightly in front of me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the roar outside the city shook the sky and resounded throughout the three armies:

"The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is blessed!"

"All soldiers, listen up! Whoever climbs the mountain first will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins; whoever captures the flag will be rewarded with a hundred gold coins!"

"Charge, take the city!"



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