

The huge Yellow Turbans, like a golden wave, rushed towards the city.

Even Wang Hao, who was always calm, was stunned! If the Yellow Turbans yesterday were just a group of bandits, then the Yellow Turbans now were the real elite!

They rushed forward under the rain of wooden spears!

Even though the brothers beside them were pierced through the body.

But they seemed not to see it, and continued to charge madly, one after another.

They raised their weapons high, roared, shouted, and saw death as home, and moved forward bravely.

"Damn it!"

Wang Hao cursed inwardly, without any hesitation, he said in a sonorous voice:"Don't worry about the wooden spear, fight with all your strength, and kill all the thieves before they climb up the city wall, leaving no one alive!"



Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The wooden spears rained down like rain.

Zhang Nan held the spear with both hands and attacked left and right, as fast as lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the Yellow Turban soldiers who were rushing madly fell down like wheat being cut.

You know, such an attack had easily defeated a wave of offensives by the Yellow Turbans on the same day.

But today!


It can't stop the opponent's momentum of rushing.

Wang Hao's idea of defeating the opponent in one fell swoop was instantly shattered.

He finally knew!

He had met an opponent.

A real warrior can't be fooled by his little tricks!


This did not make Wang Hao sink.

Instead, it aroused his fighting spirit!

"Jun Hou, you can’t stop it!"

"Damn it!"

"We have to stop them even if we can't!"

Wang Hao cursed, picked up a ring-handled sword, and moved forward.

Looking around, he saw that the first group of Yellow Turbans had already gathered under the city, and a series of ladders were set up under his eyes in an instant!

"Wolf Fang shoot ready!"

"Hit him hard, you son of a bitch!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The soldiers, who were already familiar with the wolf-fang clap, kept hitting the city.

In an instant, wailing and screaming broke out, like a hymn playing between heaven and earth

"There are too many to take pictures of!"

"Damn, aren’t these guys afraid of death?"

"Junshou, they are coming!"


Under such a powerful attack, the army was indeed unable to hold on.

Many prisoners wanted to retreat and ran towards the stairs.

Gao Lan held an iron halberd and killed one by one:

"The military commander has ordered that anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"Charge forward! I would rather die in battle than die of fright!"

"Coward, charge forward!"


I have to admit it.

Gao Lan is indeed one of the Four Pillars of Hebei.

Although his methods of dealing with people are cruel, they are the most effective in wartime.

It is because he killed the retreaters in a timely and decisive manner that the defense line of the East Gate was not broken by the cowardly prisoners.

Wang Hao was secretly pleased.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A wave of arrows suddenly enveloped the city.

It was the Yellow Turbans' archers!

Wang Hao reacted quickly, wielding his sword left and right, blocking all the arrows whistling towards him.

Advanced Swordsmanship (1/3000)

Advanced Swordsmanship (2/3000)......

Although his swordsmanship proficiency was increasing, Wang Hao didn't care about that.

He glanced at the top of the city wall!

At least a dozen people were shot dead.

"Damn it!"

Wang Hao gritted his teeth and shouted,"Watch out for arrows, shield soldiers!~~~~"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Another wave of arrows rained down.

While Wang Hao was blocking with his knife, he called out to Gao Lan:

"The Yellow Turbans’ rain of arrows is too dense!"

""Leave a gap open and let them come up!"

Gao Lan naturally understood what Wang Hao meant.

As long as some Yellow Turbans climbed onto the city wall, the other side would be cautious and would not shoot arrows easily.

In this way, the city wall with fewer soldiers would have a chance to breathe.

You know, although they have fewer soldiers, except for the prisoners, each of them is a survivor who has experienced five or six battles.

Especially the soldiers at the east gate, they are brave soldiers who crawled out of a pool of blood.

They may not be able to avoid the dense rain of arrows, but in terms of close combat and life-and-death struggles, they are definitely no worse than anyone else!

As for the prisoners, there is no need to say more.

Among them, there are at least eighty murderers and arsonists.

In a real life-and-death struggle, this group of seemingly The elite Yellow Turbans may not be able to get the upper hand.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Hao took decisive measures to let the thieves in and then close the door to fight the dog. He used his own strengths to attack the enemy and shorten the time, so that he could really hold on to the end.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Wang Hao rushed with a knife and fought fiercely with the Yellow Turban bandits.

He could clearly feel that the combat power of this group of Yellow Turbans was really not on the same order of magnitude as the group of people yesterday.

But fortunately!

Wang Hao has been promoted to an advanced soldier.

Facing them, he can still kill them one by one without any effort.


Experience +1500;

Advanced Sword Skills (78/3000)


Experience +1500;

Advanced Sword Skills (88/3000)......


What a pity.

The evaluation votes did not reach 500!

I beg readers to support me!

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