This wave of attack lasted for an hour.

Only when the corpses filled the city walls did the Yellow Turbans call off the attack.

Wang Hao gasped for breath as he watched the bandits retreat like a tide.

"Junhou, let's......We actually won!"

Zhang Nan was horrified, his whole body was covered with blood.

But his muddy appearance still couldn't hide his ecstatic heart!


Zhang Nan laughed wildly towards the sky and cheered:"We won! We won!"

On the city wall, all the soldiers followed suit and cheered. How could they not be happy after surviving a disaster?


"I actually won!"

Even Gao Lan couldn't help but get excited.

In the entire East Gate, only Wang Hao seemed calm and composed.

Because he didn't dare to slack off, even for a moment!

"Zhang Nan!"


""Go!" Wang Hao ordered,"Take people to clean up the battlefield, and take off all the leather armor on the Yellow Turbans. Try to give each person one, and equip them all for me!"


Zhang Nan clasped his fists and bowed:"Brothers, follow me to clean up the battlefield."

He had to admit.

In this battle, Wang Hao adopted the tactic of letting the Yellow Turbans go up to the city, which did allow him to seize a lot of things.

Not to mention the piles of swords, spears, and halberds, he could send people to make two more wolf-tooth paddles. Even the pieces of leather armor could temporarily arm the brothers.

Although the effect of leather armor is not very obvious, it is better than nothing. As long as it can play a little role, Wang Hao will make the best use of it.

Of course!

More importantly.

A large number of arrows were also seized.

Zhang Nan bowed and clasped his hands and said:"General, in this battle we have seized a total of 688 arrows, 283 sets of leather armor, and about 500 to 600 swords, spears, and halberds!"

"Well, good!"

Wang Hao nodded and ordered:"You know what to do, right?"

Zhang Nan hummed and said:"Don't worry, General, each person will have a set of leather armor, two arrows, and those weapons. I have arranged for people to make them. It will be ready in half an hour at most."


Wang Hao exhaled:"Is there any news from the county magistrate?"

Zhang Nan frowned:"This......"

He really ignored this matter.

"Don't worry, General."

Zhang Nan clasped his fists and said,"I will send someone to find out."

"No need for that."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Lan interrupted


Wang Hao turned his head and looked.

He was about to ask, but he saw that the county lieutenant and his men had already arrived at the east gate.

"Li Xianwei!"

Wang Hao personally greeted


Li Xiong responded, looking around, there were piles of corpses:"Thank you for your hard work, the East Gate has the least troops, but it is under the strongest attack. I just learned that they have transferred their main force to the East Gate."

"It seems!"

"Just as you said, they want to pick a weak point to break through and then quickly capture the city!"

"Wang Junhou, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders!"

Wang Hao clasped his hands and said in a sonorous voice:"I swear to live and die with this city!"

"Very good!"

Li Xiong nodded and said softly:"The people behind me are all fierce soldiers in the county. There are more than 30 of them. Although not many, they can be of some help!"


"They are all under your command, use them well and don’t let me down!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed:"Thank you, County Lieutenant, you are really a timely help and help me out of my urgent need!"

Li Xiong called out:"Come! Meet Junhou Wang."

All the soldiers bowed in unison:"Meet Junhou Wang."

Wang Hao hummed, turned around and shouted:"Zhang Nan, take the people to the city!"

""Yes!" Zhang Nan responded and turned to go down the city. Wang Hao made a simple arrangement and asked,"County Lieutenant, have you collected the gold juice? Even if we don't need it today, we will definitely need it tomorrow. This matter cannot be delayed!"

"I know!"

Li Xiong nodded and said softly,"Don't worry, the county magistrate will personally supervise it, and it will definitely be done today. He is now leading people to collect information from house to house, and by the way, he is looking for some strong men to supplement the troops."

"That's great!"

Wang Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about it, are you confident?"

Li Xiong stared at Wang Hao and asked tentatively.

"I'm fine here"

""The city is still there as long as the people are there, but if it is lost, the people will die!"

Wang Hao replied calmly, smiling slightly,"The key is the other city gates, I hope the county lieutenant will take care of them. Once they are lost, it will be useless no matter how well I defend them."

"Okay, I understand!"

Li Xiong nodded solemnly and exhaled:"In that case, you go ahead and do your work. I'll go to other city gates and stabilize the army's morale first."

"The county lieutenant is wise!"

Wang Hao clasped his hands and watched Li Xiong leave.

In fact,

Wang Hao was quite lucky.

You know, in the Yellow Turban wave, many officials fled without resistance.

The two people Wang Hao met, although not good at military affairs, were at least very responsible and never thought of running away.

Just based on this point, they were better than most officials.

""Jun Hou, it's bad!"

On the city wall, Zhang Nan shouted,"The Yellow Turbans are coming again!"



Wang Hao cursed inwardly, turned around and rushed to the city:"Each team returns to their posts, listen to my orders, and prepare bows and arrows!"


I still need 200+ flowers to reach 6000 flowers.

More! I must add more!

Thank you readers!

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