
The second wave of the Yellow Turbans' offensive was more fierce.

But under Wang Hao's calm command, after an hour of fierce fighting, they were finally defeated again.

The morale of the soldiers was getting higher and higher, their equipment was also replaced, and their fear of the Yellow Turbans was getting lower and lower.


Although the Yellow Turbans organized an effective offensive, the situation at the East Gate was getting better and better. So much so that later, when the Yellow Turbans were defeated, the soldiers were too lazy to cheer.

There's no way!

Everyone has gotten used to it.

What they care more about is just taking time to take a nap.

Maybe it's because the sword and weapon network was hung up.

That night, the Yellow Turbans did not organize a night attack, but let the brothers rest peacefully for a night.

The next morning.

When the sky was gray.

Wang Hao woke up from the leisurely.

He did not get up to patrol the city, but took the lead in opening the system interface. After a day of fierce fighting, his level was raised from lv30 to lv36.

There is still a big gap from the lv50 job transfer level.


His advanced spearmanship and advanced swordsmanship have been upgraded to the maximum level.

Because of the mastery of Overlord Spearmanship, his advanced swordsmanship has not yet reached the maximum level, but he has already reached a proficiency of 1800+. Before reaching level 50, he will definitely reach the maximum level. What makes Wang Hao quite gratified is that he has madly upgraded the elementary Overlord Spearmanship to the intermediate level. He has added an extra point to his strength.

Now, his strength has reached 58 points.

Of course, this is because of the skill bonus of Death Battle.

But even without the skill bonus, it has reached an outrageous 53 points.


Wang Hao let out a long breath.

He was very satisfied with his current development.

If nothing unexpected happened, it shouldn't be a problem to upgrade his advanced swordsmanship to the maximum level today.

"Jun Hou!"

Just at this moment, Zhang Nan came over with a bowl of meat soup:"This is the breakfast delivered this morning. You should hurry up and eat more. I guess you won't even have time to drink water later."

""Yes, thank you."

Wang Hao took the bowl of soup and drank it in big gulps.

He had to admit that the treatment of the military marquis was indeed very good.

At least, there was meat in his bowl, while others did not even have shredded meat in their bowls.

But as he ate, he smelled a foul odor.

When Wang Hao was wondering, the soldiers who were having a meal on the city wall suddenly started talking:

"What the hell is that? Why does it stink so bad?"

"How can we eat when it stinks?"

"I'm so sick I'm about to vomit blood!"

"Shit! It smells like shit, I can't eat it even if I pinch my nose!"

"Damn it, it's so fucking disgusting!"


Could it be......

Wang Hao suddenly realized something.

He turned his head and looked.

Sure enough!

There were seven or eight big black pots on the carriages on the street. In addition, there were wooden frames to fix the black pots, and buckets of gold juice on the last row of carriages.

This is sour.......

It's really strong!

If it were normal times, Wang Hao would definitely have no appetite.

But now it's wartime, and next, there will definitely be one hard fight after another.

Compared with the stench, not having the strength to hold a sword is the most fatal!

At this moment!

He didn't hesitate and screamed:

"What are you guys doing?"

"If anyone dares to spit out the food, I will chop off his head!"

"What's wrong with it being smelly? The food you eat is not smelly, just eat it all!"

Suddenly, the eyes of the soldiers on the city were all focused on Wang Hao, but they looked at each other, and no one moved their chopsticks.

""Everyone, look at me!"

Wang Hao held a bowl of meat soup and gestured to everyone.

The next second!

He pinched his nose, opened his mouth, and gulped it down.


The bowl was turned upside down, not a drop was left!

"Eat them all for me!"


Not a single drop can be left!"~~~

Zhang Nan couldn't help but gasp.

At this moment, his heart was broken!

"Zhang Nan!"

Wang Hao's sharp eyes fell on him.

Zhang Nan subconsciously shuddered.

After a pause!

He also imitated Wang Hao, pinching his nose, gulping, and swallowing.

"Li Le, Tie Niu!"

Wang Hao's eyes continued to sweep over the two of them.

The two had no choice but to imitate Wang Hao and drink up the corn porridge.

If the leader was like this, what about the soldiers?

The soldiers picked up their bowls one after another, with ferocious expressions, and gulped down the corn porridge.

Seeing this, Wang Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air:

"Brothers, find something to cover your mouth and nose!"


"We're going to boil a pot of golden juice for the Yellow Turban bandits and let them taste how delicious feces and urine are!"

"Zhang Nan!"


"Bring the stuff up here for me. Before the Yellow Turbans come, light the fire and boil the golden juice."


Zhang Nan responded, pulled a piece of cloth off his body, covered his mouth and nose, and waved his hand:"Brothers, follow me and bring all the things up. We are just smelling it and letting the Yellow Turbans have a taste!"

"Fuck! We can’t let the Yellow Turbans get away with this. Let’s move our stuff!"

"Haha, this definitely doesn’t feel like that. Let’s go and move our things!"

"Let the Yellow Turbans have a taste of this? Hehe, I think it’s okay!"

"Move your things, quickly, before they come!"


Humans are really amazing creatures.

They are really excited to let others experience the misfortune they have experienced.

That's right!

More than 30 soldiers moved things together. It didn't take long.

The shelves were erected and the fire was lit.

The golden juice was also put into the pot.


Seize the time to write!

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