Outside the city.

Yellow Turban Camp.

In a tent in the corner of the camp

"Alas, how could Lao Wang, such a sincere person, die?"

"I wondered, too, was he pretending? It didn't seem like it!"

"Who can say for sure? You all say that I am not pious, but I didn’t die after drinking the magic water!"

"Alas, I can only say that fate is unpredictable. Even you can survive. I am really impressed."


In the tent, several wounded people were chatting.

They all drank the magic water and were the ones who survived these days.

However, although they were survivors, their bodies were still not fully recovered and they were in constant pain.

As they were talking, they all looked at the seriously ill patient in the corner.

""Tsk tsk!"

One of them shook his head:"It looks like he can't hold on any longer. What a pity! He is the most pious one among us, why can't even the talisman water save his life!"


Another person lowered his voice and glanced at the curtain:"Sometimes I doubt whether this magic water is real. Can it really cure all diseases?"


Someone made a gesture to silence him:"You kid, you dare to say anything?"

The man snorted indifferently:"To tell you the truth, I have always suspected that the magic water is fake. It's bullshit that sincerity can make it work and God's will is unpredictable. It's just a trick to fool people!"

"Then how did you get better? Isn't it because of the magic water?"

"Nonsense! I am just in good health. I can get better with just some medicine. It has nothing to do with the magic water."

"You kid......According to the physiognomy book, there must be a rebellious person behind his head!"

""Tsk! Believe it or not, anyway, if the talisman water can really save people, we should save him first!"

After saying that, the man pointed to the seriously ill patient in the corner and said coldly:"He can't survive even though he is so pious. Why should I believe in the talisman water? I might as well believe in myself!"

"Oh, why think so much, just go to sleep!"

"That is, who knows what will happen tomorrow!"


The next morning, roosters crowed and the sky was filled with morning glow.

Pei Yuanshao was patrolling the camp, trying to calm everyone down.

Suddenly, a soldier came running and pointed at the tent in the corner:

"General, he's alive, he's actually alive!"

"that......The seriously injured soldier actually survived!"

"General, you......You can go and have a look!"

Pei Yuanshao was overjoyed when he heard this and nodded:

"Okay! Let's go now!" Pei Yuanshao ran all the way over.

He lifted the curtain and looked at the wounded man in the corner.

He saw that the man was drinking water with the help of everyone, and his complexion was indeed much better.

"You woke up?

Pei Yuanshao was amazed.


The seriously injured soldier nodded:"Thanks to the talisman water, otherwise I would not be able to bear it. The general may not know that I dreamed of the great virtuous teacher. He waved his hand and I recovered!" Although

Pei Yuanshao thought it was a bit nonsense.

But this kind of situation is not uncommon in the Yellow Turban camp.

In order to show their extraordinary piety, they always say things that others cannot verify.

Because only in this way can they gain the respect of others in the Taiping Sect, and even get substantial wealth such as money and food.


Pei Yuanshao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked up, and said respectfully:"Let us thank the great virtuous teacher!" The seriously ill patients, as well as the other patients in the tent, all looked up and said respectfully:"Thank you, great virtuous teacher!"

Pei Yuanshao ordered:"Take good care of him, I will report to the general."

After saying that, he turned around and left the tent without hesitation.



In the training ground.

Wang Hao galloped on his horse and shot an arrow.

Damn it!

Not to mention hitting the bull's eye, it didn't even hit the target. It was so embarrassing.


Wang Hao reined in his warhorse and let out a long breath.

In the past, he always felt that history books were a bit exaggerated.

Someone is skilled in archery and horse riding, and can shoot arrows with both hands, so he can be called a fierce general?

Now that he is riding a horse and shooting arrows himself, he knows that it is really too difficult.

The shaking of the warhorse is beyond his imagination.

Not to mention shooting arrows, it is very difficult to keep the body steady.

Horseback archery!

It is definitely not something that can be mastered overnight.

But fortunately, Wang Hao is a man with a system.

Every time his proficiency improves, it will subtly change his habits, and then he will become familiar with the warhorse little by little.

In other words, as long as he is willing to spend enough time riding, even if he does not practice riding and shooting for a day, as long as he improves his proficiency, he will be able to learn it sooner or later.

This is the BUG of the system!


Primary Riding Skills (35/1000)

Wang Hao's heart broke when he took a look at the system interface.

He was stuck in such a broken city. When would he be able to upgrade his riding skills to the maximum level?


Wang Hao sighed deeply.

He really wanted to wipe out the Yellow Turbans and then see the outside world.

Coincidentally, just as Wang Hao was sighing, a hurried voice came from not far away:

"Military marquis!"

"Military marquis!"

"Something terrible has happened!"

Was it Li Le?

Wang Hao looked in the direction of the voice and asked,"What's going on?"

Li Le waved his hands, panting,"General, the Yellow Turbans......The Yellow Turbans are coming again!"

Wang Hao frowned:"Damn it, where is Zhang Nan?"

Li Le replied:"Zhang Nan and Gao Lan are organizing to resist the enemy, Junhou, please come back soon!"


Wang Hao responded, reined in his horse and turned around:"Go!~~~"

Riding a horse, leaving in a cloud of dust


The number of flowers has exceeded 12,000.

Thank you for your support, readers!

More updates tonight~~~

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