Outside the city, a large number of yellow scarves were lined up in an orderly manner.

Wang Hao could see clearly.

The soldiers in the front row were all wearing straw hats and raincoats, wrapped up like scarecrows.

Obviously, they had realized the secret of breaking the golden juice to defend the city.

Although this thing could not block all the golden juice, it could at least block 90%.

As for the remaining 10%, a coarse linen shirt close to the body would be enough to block it.

"The military marquis is indeed as good as a god.

Gao Lan was stunned and praised him.

"I'd rather not guess right!"

Wang Hao was quite helpless.

If there was any possibility, he didn't want this to be true.


Once the Yellow Turbans came back, it would prove that they not only found a way to restrain the gold juice, but also overcame the fear of fighting in the army.


The next battle will be even more brutal.

Perhaps, it will be even more brutal than the previous few days combined.

Wang Hao was unwilling to face this from the bottom of his heart.

Because he didn't know how long it would take for the imperial court's reinforcements to arrive.

"The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is auspicious."

As the Yellow Turbans' standard slogan sounded, a huge wave of black waves suddenly submerged them.

"Brothers, charge!"

"Take Yecheng!"


The shouts of killing shook the sky.

Wang Hao was shocked!

As expected!

The morale was not the same as before.

He subconsciously tensed his nerves and stared at the soldiers outside the city.

"Bows and arrows, wooden spears, ready!"

Wang Hao twisted the bow and put the arrow on it, and stretched it to the full moon.




"Release the arrows!"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

" With a command, a rain of arrows and wooden spears suddenly rose into the air, drawing a beautiful arc in the air before pouring down.

Puff! Puff!

Sporadic Yellow Turbans fell on the way of attack.

Even Wang Hao's bow and arrow only hit the bandits, but failed to kill them.

""Damn it!"

Wang Hao cursed inwardly.

The yellow turban wore a thick straw raincoat. Although it was not as useful as armor, it could greatly reduce the impact of the arrows, thereby reducing the damage to the human body.

If it had not hit the exposed vital parts, it would have been difficult to kill the yellow turban in one shot! Wang Hao hit the target with one arrow.

Although he did not kill the bandit, he injured him.

This was enough to prove that his archery skills were good, but he had not yet reached the level of perfection.

""Get your wooden spears ready, don't use bows and arrows!"

Wang Hao made a prompt decision and shouted.

The wooden spears were much heavier than bows and arrows, and their killing effect was clearly reflected at this time.

The soldiers immediately changed to wooden spears and got ready.


Wang Hao gave an order.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The rain of wooden spears suddenly rose into the air and poured down.

As expected!

The killing effect was significantly improved compared to before.

Unfortunately, these things could not stop the Yellow Turbans like a tide. The first wave of bandits had already killed their way to the city.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of ladders were erected in an instant and placed under Wang Hao's eyes.

He did not hesitate and immediately ordered:

"Golden juice is ready!"


Pour it for me!~~~

Pot after pot of boiling golden juice fell like a waterfall.

However, this time, there was only the shouting and killing of the Yellow Turbans under the city, but no wailing.

Obviously, the golden juice failed to defend the city.

However, this was also within Wang Hao's expectations, so there was no disappointment.

Immediately afterwards, wolf-toothed bats fell from the sky, constantly reaping the lives of the Yellow Turban bandits.

Perhaps because of the bamboo hats, the lethality of the wolf-toothed bats was also greatly reduced.

One bat hit down, only two or three people were killed or injured.

This was really insignificant to the large number of Yellow Turbans.

""General, the Yellow Turbans are coming up soon."

Gao Lan pointed at the Yellow Turbans on the ladder not far away and warned.

"Yes, I know!"

Wang Hao nodded calmly:"Zhang Nan, have you prepared the things I asked you to prepare in advance?"

Zhang Nan shouted:"My lord, don't worry, it's ready."


Wang Hao waved his hand and said,"Send it down immediately, and beat him up!"

Zhang Nan:"Yes!"

At that moment, Zhang Nan came over with two people, carrying a large basket.

In the basket was a small basket woven with rattan, and then two small baskets were buckled together to form a rattan ball.

In the rattan ball, it was filled with oilcloth soaked in kerosene, and the oilcloth was wrapped with flammable dry grass, and some were even wrapped with loose pieces of flint!

"for you!"

"Take it!"


As they walked along, everyone was given a copy.

Gao Lan suddenly realized what was going on and was stunned:

"Fire overcomes wood!"

"Are you planning to use fire attack?"

Wang Hao did not hide it and nodded:

"That's right!"

Then he sighed and said,"What a pity! If there were not enough flint and kerosene in the county, I would really like to boil kerosene in the pot so that they can have a taste of fire attack!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Zhang Nan took out seven or eight arrows wrapped in oilcloth:

"My Lord, this is the rocket you requested!"

Wang Hao drew his bow and drew his arrow:

"Light it up!"


The oilcloth was set on fire

""Throw the oil can!"

Wang Hao gave an order.

Zhang Nan threw the oil can in his hand into the air.


The arrow whistled and the oil can exploded.

The weak flame instantly ignited the kerosene.

With a bang, the red flowers of the fire tree radiated and exploded in all directions.

This scene!

Gao Lan was stunned instantly. Damn it, can the war be fought like this?

"Come again!"



Sparks flew everywhere.

Immediately, wailing sounds rose from the city.


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