When Wang Hao appeared on the top of the city wall, he immediately became the focus of all the soldiers.

"What the hell? If you are so afraid of death, why did you come to the city? Just move the equipment."

"Humph, when the Yellow Turbans attack the city, this guy will definitely be the first to be killed. Do you believe it?"

"Oh, never mind. He was conscripted into the army. It's great that he dared to come here. You should be content."

"I don’t understand why you dare to come up here even though you are afraid of death!"


Facing the questioning voices all around.

Wang Hao completely ignored them.

He just stared at the Yellow Turbans outside the city, and the corpses lying on the ground that had not yet been dealt with, and sniffed the bloody smell in the air!

I have to admit!

It was really spectacular!

Ordinary people would be scared to pee their pants when seeing such a scene.

But Wang Hao was not like that.

He did not feel uncomfortable at all, but rather a little excited, as if he was born to be on the battlefield.

This feeling is really wonderful!

"Xiao Wang, you go to that position."

Li Lu, the military commander in charge of this wall, pointed to the empty wall next to it.


Wang Hao nodded, walked over there, picked up a feather arrow, and put it on the string.

Li Lu glanced at Wang Hao who was calm and composed, and raised the corners of her lips slightly:"This kid is a real man! But I don't know if he can survive."

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded under the city:

"The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is blessed!"


In an instant, the Yellow Turban bandits rushed towards the city like a tide.

Li Lu didn't care about Wang Hao, and hurried to the front of the army, shouting loudly:"Three armies listen to my order, string your bows and arrows!"

Wang Hao followed Zhang La Man Yue!


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Arrows flew into the air, covering the Yellow Turbans like locusts.

In the field of vision, the Yellow Turbans rushed and attacked fiercely, regardless of anything. Under a wave of arrow rain, at least dozens of Yellow Turbans lay on the ground.


Compared to the number of arrows fired, the death toll is still pitifully small.

There is no way, the hit rate of this diffuse shooting method is too low.

This is a sheer waste of arrows!

Basic Archery (36/100)

If you continue like this, it will take a long time to upgrade to elementary archery.

According to the game settings.

Hitting the enemy can increase the proficiency by 5 points; shooting the enemy, the proficiency will directly increase by 10 points; only accurate and effective archery can quickly improve the skill proficiency.

Wang Hao took a deep breath, and when he picked up the bow and arrow again, his whole momentum changed suddenly.

His eyes kept looking for the target. He would never easily release the arrow before he was sure.



Closer again!......

Wang Hao released the bowstring, and an arrow whistled out.

The Yellow Turbans below the city fell down!

Basic Archery (41/100)


""Well done!"

The soldier beside him praised.

Wang Hao ignored him and drew his bow and arrow again, locking onto the target.

His eyes, his mind, his hands!


The arrow flew out like a star!

Basic Archery (51/100)

The distance is relatively short, so shoot directly to kill!


Experience +1000

""You are a good archer!"

The soldier beside him was shocked.


Wang Hao still ignored him.

His eyes were already looking for the next target.




One arrow after another.

Wang Hao's archery proficiency has greatly improved and has reached 86 points.


Experience +1000

Congratulations on reaching level 7.


Just as Wang Hao was drawing his bow and arrow, the ladder of the Yellow Turban bandits appeared directly in front of him.

Within the field of vision, there was a Yellow Turban holding a steel knife and climbing up the ladder.

""Come on!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed. This was simply a rhythm of sending someone to his death.

He drew his bow and arrow, and shot an arrow in the direction of the ladder, not even bothering to aim. His proficiency in basic archery instantly increased to 96 points.

"Come on!"

When Wang Hao drew his bow and arrow and stood up to shoot, a man with a yellow scarf on his head and a ferocious face suddenly appeared in front of him. He raised a steel knife high and chopped at him.

""Be careful!" the person beside him reminded.

Close combat!

He should have drawn his sword.

But Wang Hao didn't have time to draw his sword.

He pulled the bow hard, stuck to the opponent's face, and shot an arrow.


Blood spurted out.

The yellow turban was hit in the face by an arrow. The powerful impact made him fall backwards and fall down from the city.


Basic archery skills were upgraded to elementary archery skills (0/1000).

In an instant, a strong amount of information poured into his mind. Various precautions and influencing factors of archery seemed to be born with him, imprinted in his mind and lingering.


Experience +5000

Congratulations on reaching level 8.


Wang Hao was overjoyed.

Although his arrow came dangerously, he must have shot and killed an officer of the Yellow Turban rank or above, otherwise the experience would never reach 5000 points. He made a fortune!

"Brother, you are too brave to shoot me in the face!"

The soldiers beside him had already changed to broadswords, so how could they dare to use bows and arrows?

"Don't worry, you won't die!"

Wang Hao responded casually, and quickly put away his short bow, replaced it with a long spear, stood on the wall, and waited for his prey to come.


Killed a yellow turban with one shot!

Basic spearmanship (10/100) experience +1000


Killed another yellow turban!

Basic spearmanship (20/100) experience +5000......

Wang Hao was ready for battle.

If he didn't make a move, it would be fine. But if he did, it would be a life.

For him, this was not only a military achievement, but also a lot of experience and skill proficiency!


Congratulations on reaching level 9

"Oh no! The Yellow Turbans are attacking the city!"

""Quick! Someone, come! Drive them away!"

Hearing the call, Wang Hao turned his head and saw that there was indeed a gap opened by the Yellow Turbans not far away.

Instead of waiting here for the Yellow Turbans to climb up and die, it is better to take the initiative to attack, so as to maximize the skill proficiency and reach level 10 as soon as possible!

"Brother, I'm going to support you, help me guard it!"

Wang Hao called out to his brother next to him, put away his spear, took out his machete, and rushed over.

The man was stunned:"This.........Is this guy really just a strong man?"

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