
Wang Hao chopped a yellow turban away with his sword. The blood splashed on his face.

But he didn't feel sick at all. Instead, he felt an indescribable excitement, and his fighting spirit was instantly ignited.


Experience +5000

Basic Sword Skills (10/100)

Puff! Puff!

Wang Hao rushed forward from the side.

He chopped left and right, killing two soldiers in a row.


Experience +2000

Basic Sword Skills (30/100)


Experience is increasing so fast, and proficiency is also improving rapidly!

This feeling......

It was so cool!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Wang Hao stabbed another Yellow Turban to death with his sword!

The soldiers guarding the city were shocked and talked about it:

"Isn’t this the strong man?"

"Damn! So fierce, he has killed three in a row!"

"A strong man is so powerful, how can we retreat?"

"Brothers, let's go together and drive the Yellow Turbans away!"


The soldiers defending the city, who had been frightened by the Yellow Turbans, under the leadership of Wang Hao, actually fought back with their swords. They turned into wild wolves and rushed forward howling, showing great courage!


Shouts of killing shook the sky.

Li Lu, the military commander, took advantage of the situation to fight back, picked up a steel knife, and shouted:"Swear to live and die with the city!"

Wang Hao rushed forward with a knife and chopped off a head:"Kill!"


Congratulations to the host, you have improved the fighting will of the soldiers by your own behavior, and rewarded 1 point of commander value. The commander in the four-dimensional attribute symbolizes the ability to lead troops. The higher the command value, the stronger the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under your command.

Wang Hao really didn't expect it.

It has been less than a day since I traveled through the Three Kingdoms, and I have triggered this invisible condition.

Although the reward value is only 1 point, as a game designer, Wang Hao naturally understands that compared with the channel for improving military power, it is too difficult to improve the command value.

The real god of war!

It is never just personal bravery, that is at best a reckless man.

It represents an army, an army that can fight and win!

What determines the strength of the army!

It is nothing else, it is the command value!


At this moment, Wang Hao has no time to be happy.

He raised his knife and killed another yellow turban.


Experience +10000

Congratulations on reaching level 10.

Basic swordsmanship upgraded to elementary swordsmanship (0/1000).


Too awesome.

Another elementary skill.

He hurriedly abandoned his knife and used a sword to continue fighting on the battlefield!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

When Wang Hao killed three Yellow Turbans in a row, he immediately aroused fear from all around.

The group of Yellow Turban bandits who were lingering on actually pointed their weapons at him:

"Damn it! If there is no way to sneak attack, then we can only fight head-on!"

Wang Hao was not afraid at all. His expression was solemn and extremely calm.

Still as a mountain, moving like thunder!

As if a strong wind was blowing in his face, Wang Hao thrust out a sword, piercing through the wallet and hitting the yellow turban in the heart.


Blood gushed out.

The yellow turban fell down with his eyes wide open, and died!

At the same time!

Wang Hao hurriedly raised his left arm.


A crisp sound.

While the small shield blocked the opponent's attack. At the same time

, Wang Hao thrust out a sword from the side, hitting the yellow turban in the ribs!


Blood gushed out.

The yellow turban fell down brazenly.

He turned around suddenly, the sword tip had been raised, but he saw Li Lu standing in front of him, nodding at him:

"Good boy, you are really brave!"

"You must survive. When we defeat the Yellow Turbans, I will definitely ask for your merit!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed:"Thank you, Military Commander!"

Li Lu waved:"Let’s go, kill the bandits and make merit!"

Wang Hao raised his lips slightly:"I couldn’t ask for more!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Together, the two of them fought bravely.

In an instant, they drove the Yellow Turbans who had attacked the city wall down.


The gong sounded.

Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the yellow turbans retreat like the tide.

He finally had time to take a look at the attribute page:

【Host]: Wang Hao

【Level: lv13 (5000/120000)

【Occupation: Shortbowman......

【Attributes: Military Strength 15; Intelligence 10; Politics 5; Command 6;

【Skills: Elementary Archery (0/1000)......

【Resources: Wood × 325......

【Equipment: Short bow...... hiss~~~

Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

You wouldn't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked!

He actually already has four basic skills: basic archery, basic spearmanship, basic knifemanship, and basic swordmanship, and they have been upgraded to level 13, which means he can open the second job transfer channel.

Congratulations on reaching level 10.

Do you want to change your job?

"Job transfer."

Wang Hao did not hesitate at all.

The next second.

The job transfer channel for the enhanced arms was opened.

Longsword soldiers!

Broadsword soldiers!

Spear soldiers! Longbow soldiers!

Light cavalry!

Archer cavalry!

Since he decided to be the strongest god of war, Wang Hao did not hesitate and transferred all the unlocked enhanced arms in one go!

The familiar power spread throughout his body again. Wang Hao could clearly feel his blood boiling, his muscles reshaping, and his bones growing. This feeling was so wonderful!

When the power disappeared, Wang Hao slowly opened his eyes and clenched his fists:"So strong!"

【Host]: Wang Hao

【Level: lv13 (5000/120000)

【Occupation: Longbowman......

【Attributes: Military Strength 29; Intelligence 14; Politics 5; Command 6;

【Skills: Elementary Archery (0/1000)......

【Resources: Wood × 25......

【Equipment: Longbow......

"Come! Let's gather together!"

Wang Hao turned his head and found Li Lu waving at him:"From today on, this brother Wang Hao is the sergeant under my command. Li Le, Tie Niu, Er Gouzi, Wang Mazi, from now on, you will obey brother Wang Hao!"

The four of them bowed together:"Hello, sergeant!"


Congratulations on becoming the sergeant, Commander +1;

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