
Congratulations on equipping the three treasures of equestrianism.

In horse battles, force +2; when you are a top-notch general, force +1; movement speed +5%; warhorse life +5; the moment Wang Hao nailed the horseshoe, the system's voice sounded.

This is the effect that will only be achieved after equipping the three treasures of equestrianism.

Double stirrups with a saddle.

It allows the general to have better stability on the warhorse, so as to exert greater power.

Therefore, there will be a slight improvement in force.

But when it reaches a top-notch level, the influence of the warhorse on the general will decline, so the bonus to force is reduced by 1 point.

The same reason.

With better stability.

The general can ride the horse with confidence and maximize the advantage of the warhorse's speed.

Therefore, the three treasures of equestrianism also have a slight improvement in movement speed!

As for the increase in lifespan, it goes without saying.

Horseshoes can prevent the wear of the warhorse's keratin, it's that simple.

"My Lord, when I was an official in the county, I rode a horse before, but I have never seen anything like this."

"You're actually putting shoes on a warhorse?"

Zhang Nan was as excited as a child, full of curiosity about new things:"To be honest, when you were ordering horseshoes for it just now, I was worried that you would be kicked by Chi Yang."


Wang Hao shook his head helplessly.

He was too lazy to explain to Zhang Nan the reason why the warhorse's cuticle was worn away.......

To Wang Hao, it was simple.

But in Zhang Nan's eyes, it was epoch-making.

With Zhang Nan's intelligence, Wang Hao would have to work himself to death to understand the principle of horseshoes.

"Just know that it's good for war horses."

""It's better to focus more on martial arts than anything else!"

To be honest,

Zhang Nan's strength has increased very rapidly after this period of fierce fighting. Now it has exceeded 40, and it is close to the limit of strengthening the army.

If we judge by this growth rate, Zhang Nan's maximum strength should be at least 70 points.

In any case, it has reached the threshold of a third-rate general.


Zhang Nan scratched his head and said,"My lord, what you are teaching me is that I have competed with Gao Lan before, and I couldn't even last three rounds against him. I still need to work harder!"

"It's good to be self-aware."

Wang Hao glanced at him and said softly

"My Lord, if you compare yourself with Gao Lan......"


Wang Hao coughed several times:"You kid, are you itching for trouble?"

Zhang Nan chuckled:"My lord, to be honest, Gao Lan is really good at martial arts, and he also respects you very much. Don't you have any ideas?"

How could Wang Hao not know what Zhang Nan meant.

But good feelings are good feelings.

If Gao Lan wanted to submit, he would have hinted to Wang Hao long ago.

Since he didn't, it proved that the other party didn't think highly of Wang Hao for the time being, so why should Wang Hao make himself unhappy?

If you want to shock the tiger's body, all the ministers and generals will flock to you!

The most important thing!

You have to have a tiger's body!

Now Wang Hao, apart from showing some wit and strategy, is just a commoner without any capital. It is normal for Gao Lan to ignore him.


Just because there is no such thing now doesn't mean there won't be in the future.

Today, Wang Hao can fight alongside Gao Lan, so he may be able to recruit him in the future!

This kind of thing really can't be rushed!

Wang Hao smiled and said,"You kid, don't get involved if you don't understand!"

Zhang Nan said,"Then I'll take my leave."

"Oh , right."

Wang Hao suddenly remembered something:"How is the arrangement for the night patrol going?"

Zhang Nan said,"Oops!""I forgot."


Wang Hao was furious:"How could you forget such an important thing?"

Zhang Nan lowered his head timidly:"My lord, we have a sword network, how dare the Yellow Turbans attack at night!"


Wang Hao was furious and scolded loudly:"The sword and weapon net is just a dead thing, but people are alive. Do you think that the sword and weapon net alone can stop the night attack? Go back quickly and arrange night patrols!"

Zhang Nan bowed and said:"Yes!"

After that, he left in a hurry.

Wang Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his mood was not peaceful for a long time.

In recent times, they have won too much, so that the soldiers have been somewhat slack.

Even Wang Hao himself couldn't help but be a little slack, otherwise how could he forget to arrange patrols in the city.

You know, two days ago, Wang Hao would personally ask about it, but now he has actually forgotten about it.


The more at this time, the more we can't let down our guard.

Wang Hao subconsciously felt that something was wrong, so he got on his horse and went straight to the county government office.

He can manage his own east gate, but the other city gates still have to rely on the supervision of the county lieutenant Li Xiong.

In any case, this nervous state must be maintained until Lu Zhi arrives.

Otherwise, if there is a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Wang Junhou is right, I overlooked this matter."

Li Xiong exhaled a breath of foul air, patted his chest and assured:"Don't worry, I will rush to the other three gates immediately and personally inquire about the night patrols, and from today on, I will also check the night patrols at any time."

Wang Hao clasped his hands and said:"The county lieutenant is wise, if this can be done, Yecheng will be safe."

Li Xiong said softly:"Thanks to you, Wang Hao, for reminding me!"

Wang Hao:"This is what I should do!"


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Keep licking my face and begging for flowers~~~

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