"Night attack? How is that possible!"

"That’s right, the Yellow Turbans had suffered successive defeats, yet they still dared to launch a night attack?"

"I really don’t know what the county lieutenant was thinking, he even had to conduct random checks himself!"

"Alas, it’s hard for us!"


Two soldiers walked past the city wall, chatting as they walked.

"Look? This is the 27th time. It's almost dawn. How can we launch a night attack?"

"I didn't sleep all night. Look, I can hardly open my eyes."

"Yes! Otherwise......Let's go back to sleep. It will be dawn in another hour anyway."

"Aren't you afraid of being caught by the county lieutenant? That would cost you your life."

"Bullshit! It's so late, if you want to come, you should come earlier. It's okay."

"That’s true!"

"Let’s go back to the house and sleep!"


The two men left the top of the city wall.

In the silence, a faint sound was heard:



If you turn your eyes to the outside of the city, you will definitely see it.

A man in black is hanging on the top of the city wall, holding a dagger and cutting the rope bit by bit.


The rope was cut.

The man in black slowly let it go, afraid of making any sound.

Knowing that the patrolling soldiers had left, the man in black became bolder, and the amplitude of the rope cutting also increased.



The rope was easily cut.

The man in black waved to the outside of the city, making a"cooing" sound like a bird. In the darkness outside the city, a group of soldiers and horses suddenly rushed out.

They carried ladders and ran towards Yecheng at the fastest speed.

At the same time, a figure appeared on the top of the city wall.

"Damn it!"

"Why are there no patrolling soldiers at the South Gate?"

"I knew that the closer it got to dawn, the easier it would be to slack off!"

This person was none other than Li Xiong, the county lieutenant.

He was armed to the teeth!

Sure enough! He came to check the patrol situation.

The East Gate was in good condition, but the South Gate was really bad!

Obviously, a special person was arranged to patrol.

But damn.........

Now there is not even a shadow of a person in sight!

Li Xiong cursed inwardly and looked out of the city.

No matter what, since he was here, he should fulfill his duty of patrolling the city.

But who would have thought that he only took a casual glance and found a large group of soldiers and horses, carrying ladders and rushing towards him.

"not good!"

"It's a night attack!" Li

Xiong shouted subconsciously.

He ran to the drum quickly, trying to beat the drum to warn.......

Li Xiong had just taken a step and had not yet approached the war drum.

Suddenly, a man in black climbed up from outside the city and blocked his way.

The man did not say a word and attacked on the spot.

A cold light flashed and stabbed at Li Xiong's neck!

This stab!

Was as fast as lightning.

It was obvious that they were not ordinary soldiers.

Instead, they were knights who were extremely good at assassination!


Li Xiong was born as a county lieutenant, so his kung fu skills were naturally not weak.

When he found the enemy, he subconsciously pressed the handle of the knife, ready to fight at any time.

Sure enough!

His subconscious was correct.

When the opponent's cold light stabbed at him, he reacted immediately.

With a clang!

The knife was unsheathed, and the cold light flashed!

With a crisp clang.

The swords intersected, and sparks flew.

Li Xiong was proud of his bravery, but he found out after this fight.

He was no match for the opponent.

He only felt pain in the palm of his hand, and was shaken by a huge force. He took several steps back before he could stabilize his body.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Quick, beat the drum to sound the alarm!"

"Organize a counterattack!"


Li Xiong had no time to care about the fight.

He steadied himself and roared without hesitation.

The man in black naturally tried to stop him, charging forward and stabbing with his sword.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The cold light covered Li Xiong.

Li Xiong tried his best to block it, fighting and retreating, shouting as he retreated:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Someone come quickly!"

"Beat the drum to sound the alarm and organize a counterattack!"

"Wang Hao~~~~"

This roar was like a spring thunder bursting out of the mouth, a thunderbolt shaking the tip of the tongue. It was even more like thunder bursting out of the sky, and a cannon shot on the earth!

Wang Hao and Zhang Nan, who were patrolling the city at the north gate, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Wang Hao made a prompt decision:

"Zhang Nan, beat the drum quickly to sound the alarm!"

"The rest of you, follow me to support the South Gate!"

Zhang Nan promised, ran quickly to the war drum, picked up the double hammers, and smashed it with all his might.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rapid and dull drum sounded.

This was the sound of the night attack warning.

The soldiers who were resting at the East Gate got up when they heard the sound.

They slept in their clothes and were ready to fight at any time.

After getting up, they picked up their weapons and ran to the top of the city!

Zhang Nan shouted loudly:"Quick! Gather! The South Gate was attacked at night, the generals have gone to support, hurry up~~~"

""The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is auspicious!"

Just at this moment, the standard slogan of the Yellow Turban bandits sounded again.

Shouts of killing rolled in.

"It's too late!"

Gao Lan, who was holding a halberd and going up to the city, saw the Yellow Turbans rushing in from outside the city, and made a prompt decision:"Zhang Nan, you quickly lead your troops to support Junhou, and leave the defense of the East Gate to me for the time being!"

"It's up to you, brother!"

Zhang Nan shouted and waved his hand fiercely:"Li Le and Tie Niu follow me, the rest of you, return to your teams, Gao Lan will lead the command temporarily, there must be no mistakes!"

All the soldiers:"Yes!"

Gao Lan raised his halberd and roared:"Get your wooden spears ready!"

All the soldiers raised their wooden spears in unison, waiting for the order


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A wave of wooden spears suddenly rose into the air and poured down.


The 7th update is here!

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