"General Pei is dead, everyone run!"

"General Pei is dead......."


The feeling of defeat spread like a plague.

The Yellow Turbans who were attacking the city suddenly turned around and fled. Wang

Hao thought that the Yellow Turbans' offensive would come to a temporary halt.......

There was no sound of gongs and drums from the city walls, but the sound of drums rose.

Wang Hao was startled!

He looked around and saw Zhang Liang holding a long sword and shouting:

"Pei Yuanshao is the commander-in-chief of the army!"

"He died in battle today, and instead of avenging him, you want to run away?"

Puff! Puff!

Zhang Liang personally killed two fleeing Yellow Turbans, pointed his long sword at the three armies, and roared like thunder:

"Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

""All of you, charge forward, avenge Pei Yuanshao, and take Yecheng!" With a roar, the elite Yellow Turbans in the formation took a step forward. They were wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, staring at the fleeing soldiers. As long as the fleeing soldiers approached, they would definitely kill them with a single blow, clean and neat.

""Not good!"

Wang Hao secretly said.

He had expected what would happen next.

Under such violent law enforcement, the Yellow Turbans would definitely turn around and fight again, trying their best to attack Yecheng.

In this way, Wang Hao's plan to use Pei Yuanshao's death to gain rest for Yecheng would be defeated!

Even more rampant attacks would be ushered in!

After all, this time......

Not only to capture Yecheng, but also to avenge Pei Yuanshao!

As expected!

The next second.

A voice rang out from outside the city:

"General Pei was so good to us, he can’t die in vain!"

"Yes! When we were injured, it was General Pei who took care of us!"

"Now, General Pei has died in battle, we must avenge General Pei!"

"Revenge for General Pei!"





Angry roars rang out.

The fleeing Yellow Turbans suddenly became like a different person.

They shouted"revenge", raised their weapons high, and each of them seemed to have transformed into a wild wolf, howling and rushing up.


Wang Hao saw this and immediately made a decision:"Sima Zhao was seriously injured and can no longer fight. I, Wang Hao, will be in charge of the defense of the South Gate for the time being. Everyone, hurry to your posts. Even if it means risking your lives, you must protect the city for me!"

"Li Le, Tie Niu!"

"The end is here!"

"You two are responsible for the left and right defense of the city."


"Zhang Nan!"

"The end is here!"

"You are in the center position, responsible for the central defense!"


Zhang Nan responded, holding his sword and entering his post.

Wang Hao arranged the defense, came to Zhao Hu, and squatted down:

"Sima Zhao, can you still hold on?"

Zhao Hu covered the wound on his abdomen, sweating all over.

He looked up and glanced at Wang Hao.

Zhao Hu forced a faint smile:

"Wang Junhou, don't worry, I won't die for the time being!"

"It's hard work for you to take over this mess of mine!"

"Sima Zhao, don't think so. You have tried your best!"

Wang Hao patted Zhao Hu on the shoulder, without any intention of blaming him.

Then, he turned to look at a soldier and waved:

"Come here!"

"Military marquis!"

"Help your Sima down the city to rest"


"Then, hurry to the county government office and tell the county lieutenant and the county magistrate that the imperial army will arrive in two days at most. Ask them to transport all the kerosene and flint. Do you understand?"

The soldier bowed and said,"Yes!"

Wang Hao waved his hand and said,"Go!"

The soldier immediately helped Zhao Hu up and went down the stairs.

At this moment, Wang Hao was extremely confident!

This battle will be the last battle in Yecheng.

If they can hold out until the reinforcements arrive, they will win; if they can't hold out until the reinforcements arrive, they will surely perish together with Yecheng!

There is no other way to go! In this case!

Let's fight to our heart's content!

Wang Hao held a gun, stood facing the wind, and felt relieved.

There was a scar as big as a bowl on his head.

At worst, he would continue to travel through time and strive to travel to a rich and noble family, the kind that reaches the end as soon as he is born.

"Brothers, we swear to live and die with this city!"

"Follow me and kill!"


Shouts and cries of killing shook the sky.

On the top of the city wall, a frenzied hand-to-hand combat broke out again.

At the same time, the soldier rushed all the way to the county government office.

He briefly told the county lieutenant the whole story and bowed solemnly:

"Wang Junhou said, let the county lord send people to transport all the firearms in the city."

Li Xiong frowned, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly:

"County Magistrate, the Yellow Turbans are fighting with all their might regardless of sacrifice. I think the imperial reinforcements are on the way. With our limited number of troops, I am afraid we won’t be able to survive today!"

The county magistrate nodded in agreement:"That’s right! In this case, let’s act according to the plan. Although this move is a bit cruel, it can at least delay the day for some time!"

"Don’t worry, County Magistrate!"

Li Xiong bowed and saluted, and said very solemnly:"I still say the same thing. If the court really wants to hold someone accountable, I, Li Xiong, will fight with you!" The county magistrate was grateful and said,"Okay!"

Li Xiong saluted and said,"In that case, I’ll go!"

The county magistrate:"Thank you for your hard work!"


What a pity!

400 flowers short of 40,000!

The battle of Yecheng is coming to an end, and the protagonist is about to rise.

Please give me flowers! Monthly ticket! Evaluation! Reward!

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