"What did you say? The county lieutenant sent people to bring flint and kerosene?"

"That's right, Sima! Just arrived, right outside the city!"

"Damn it! Are we really going to take this step?"

Towards the west gate.

Lu Shu glanced back at the car full of kerosene tanks, feeling a little uneasy.

The soldier was curious:"Sima, what are you doing?......"

Lu Shu gritted his teeth and said,"Nothing, I just feel a little unwilling!"......

East Gate.

Li Le rushed back quickly:"Captain! Captain!"

Gao Lan killed a Yellow Turban with a halberd, turned his head and looked:"Here!"

Li Le looked in the direction of the voice, walked over quickly, and hooked his finger:

"Come closer and listen!"

Gao Lan frowned:"Is there anything I can't say directly?"

Li Le lowered his voice:"This matter is top secret, only you know it."

Gao Lan had no choice but to move closer:"Speak!"

Li Le took a deep breath, and seemed to find it difficult to speak. He paused for a long time before saying:

"The county lieutenant has ordered that if the Yellow Turbans still refuse to retreat after the battle, kerosene should be sprinkled on the top of the city walls, the corpses should be set on fire, and a wall of fire should be built to prevent the bandits from entering the city!"

Gao Lan was shocked:"What did you say?"

Li Le lowered his voice:"This is the county lieutenant's order, we just need to execute it!"

Gao Lan was angry:"Damn it! This man is dead, and he is still being used to defend the city?"


Li Le quickly made a gesture to silence him:"Captain, this is a last resort!"

Gao Lan gritted his teeth and said:"Damn Yellow Turban, I will kill you to pieces!"......

South Gate.

Wang Hao killed a soldier with one shot.

When he learned of Li Xiong's military order, he felt relieved.

In fact, the strategy of burning the corpse and building a wall of fire was originally from his hand.

However, such a thing was really moral and ethical in the Han Dynasty.

After all, the dead are the greatest, and burning the corpse is a great disrespect to the dead. But now the situation in Yecheng.

Wang Hao really couldn't think of any other way to delay time.

This strategy has been shelved.

It is precisely for this reason.

But now!

It's the last moment.

If you want to win and keep Yecheng, you can only do this.

The strategy was proposed by Wang Hao.

It is top secret!

Only he, the county lieutenant, and the county magistrate know it.

And now, the county lieutenant has issued an order in the name of the county, and it has nothing to do with Wang Hao.

In short, the county lieutenant and the county magistrate decided to bear the infamy brought by the burning of the corpse for Wang Hao.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Wang Hao kept fighting, trying his best to defeat the Yellow Turbans.......

The more the Yellow Turbans were killed, the more they were killed!

However, the number of soldiers under his command was decreasing!

The advantage on the city wall was being lost bit by bit!


It was disappearing minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye.

Chenshi had arrived.

Not only did they fail to drive the Yellow Turbans away, but they were almost captured by the other side.

"Damn it!"

Wang Hao no longer hesitated and immediately ordered:"Zhang Nan, take people to bring up all the kerosene tanks under the city and sprinkle them on the top of the city along the way!"


Zhang Nan responded and waved his hand:"You two, follow me!"

After that, he ran down the city, picked up the kerosene tank, and rushed up.


Cans of kerosene were sprinkled on the corpses on the top of the city.

Wang Hao shouted,"Brothers, quickly retreat back to the city. I will cover you."

The soldiers fought and retreated, and retreated back to the city along the stairs.

When Wang Hao killed a yellow turban, he turned over and jumped into the city.


A rocket suddenly took off.

When it landed on the top of the city, with a bang, a raging fire ignited!

The jumping flames met the kerosene, and instantly turned into a fire python, spreading from the middle to both sides.

The raging fire was several feet high in an instant!

It turned into a wall of fire.

The yellow turbans in the wall of fire were swallowed by the flames on the spot.

The yellow turbans outside the wall of fire could not bear the huge heat wave and were blocked outside.

When the south gate caught fire!

A moment later!

The north gate, east gate, and west gate were also on fire.

The walls of fire were burning fiercely all around, and no yellow turban could get in.


No one cheered, and no one was excited.

Instead, some people cried, some shed tears, and some were indifferent.

Because they knew that their lives were saved by their dead comrades with their own bodies.

There was food prepared in advance on the carriage.

But no matter how hungry the soldiers were, no one could eat a bite!

The whole Yecheng seemed to have fallen into a strange silence.

There was only the sound of the flames jumping, and the faint tears of the soldiers!

Outside the city!

Zhang Liang was stunned by the scene in front of him.

He really didn't expect it!

The defenders of Yecheng actually fought to this extent!

Use the bodies of the soldiers who died in this battle to build a wall of fire to block their attack!

""Damn it!"

Zhang Liang cursed inwardly.

He knew that his plan was completely shattered.

Lu Zhi's troops would arrive in two days!

Who knows how long this fire would last?

Should he retreat?

Or wait?

Zhang Liang didn't know.

He was very conflicted and reluctant!


Although the Battle of Yecheng was regrettable, the protagonist did his best, and the author also did his best!

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