After waiting for a night, Zhang Liang saw the raging fire with no chance of being extinguished.

In the end, he chose to withdraw his troops.

Another day and night passed.

The fire in Yecheng was finally extinguished.

The county lieutenant personally led the team to search for the bodies of his comrades in the burning ashes.


They had already changed beyond recognition, and it was impossible to distinguish between friend and foe.

In the end, the county lieutenant simply found a Feng Shui treasure land by the Zhangshui River, dug a pit, and buried them all.

No monument!

No name!

Only a small hill, protruding alone.

That day, everyone cried very sadly, as if a loved one had died.

Even Wang Hao, who traveled through time, was not spared and cried like a tearful man.

At noon that day, the imperial court's reinforcements arrived as expected.

The soldiers and horses of the three rivers and five schools were all dressed in armor and full of energy.

Not to mention the combat capability, just from the perspective of equipment, they were not comparable to the strong men like Wang Hao.

Everyone was discussing that now that they had the elite of the imperial court, what should they do with this ragtag army?

"We can't disband, can we?"

Zhang Nan couldn't hold it in any longer and blurted out this sentence.

"You really don't say it!"

Li Le came closer and lowered his voice and said,"It is indeed possible. Yesterday afternoon, I went to deliver food and grass to them. When I passed by the central army tent, I heard the conversation inside."


Li Le blabbered a lot:"Anyway, from what I heard from them, our troops should either be disbanded on the spot or become an independent unit. It is unlikely that we can be incorporated into the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army!"

"Become an independent army?"

Lü Shu laughed scornfully,"Is it possible? An army has at least 800 soldiers, and we only have about 200 at most. It is impossible for us to become an independent army!"


Zhang Nan was a little disappointed:"Doesn't that mean that they must be disbanded on the spot?"

Lu Shu shook his head slowly:"Not necessarily, but very likely!"

Zhang Nan:"Fuck!"

He learned bad things from Wang Hao, and always used this word from time to time to vent his helpless emotions.

Everyone came out to fight, in fact, just to gain a background and get an official position.

If they can be incorporated into the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army, it would naturally be the best.

After all!

That is an army directly under the central government.

Compared with the local troops, it is completely incomparable.

Once you get an official position in the Northern Army, even if it is just a squad leader or a dubo, it is better than a local military marquis.

Of course, if you can't enter the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army, it is not bad to be an independent unit and fight with the army.

Everyone agreed that after the Taiping Demon Dao was wiped out.

They would naturally fill in the local government.

Either training troops; or suppressing bandits; or arresting thieves;......

If they can achieve good merits, it is highly likely that they will be able to get an official position in the county in the future.

But they least want to see the disbandment on the spot.

Because it will be a waste of time and they will get nothing!


The big tent was extremely quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone seemed to be in a dead silence, and even the atmosphere was a little awkward.

But after a moment, a voice sounded outside the tent:

"" Where is Wang Hao?"

Immediately afterwards, a soldier rushed in from outside, arrogantly looking around the tent:"Who is Wang Hao?"

Wang Hao stood up, clasped his fists and bowed:"I am Wang Hao!"

The soldier glanced at Wang Hao:"Are you Wang Hao?"

"That’s right!"

Wang Hao nodded:"It’s absolutely genuine!"

"All right!"

The soldier whispered,"Come with me, Lu Zhonglang wants to see you."

Wang Hao agreed and followed him out of the tent.

Not far away, they arrived at the central army tent.

Wang Hao stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted:

"General Wang Hao meets Lu Zhonglang"

""Get up!"

Wang Hao slowly straightened up.

Only then could he see clearly.

There was a man sitting upright at the top, with an extraordinary demeanor.

This man had thin eyes and thick eyebrows, a face like a beautiful jade, and a slightly long beard under his chin, which he was pinching with one hand, his eyeballs rolling up and down, looking at him, and slowly nodded:

"Are you Wang Hao?"

"This is exactly me!"

"Good, you are indeed a talented person."

After Lu Zhi gave a brief compliment, he asked:"I heard that it was you who invented the wooden spear rain tactics, boiled gold juice to defeat the Yellow Turbans, and repeatedly reminded the county magistrate and county lieutenant to keep alert at all times?"

Wang Hao nodded:"That's true."

Lu Zhi hummed:"You are very good, no wonder the county magistrate and county lieutenant recommended you to me many times. You have made great contributions to the preservation of Yecheng and the provision of food and accommodation for the Northern Army!"

"The Yellow Turbans are an evil sect that harms the people. Everyone has the right to kill them!"

"I just did something that I should have done, it's not worth mentioning."

Wang Hao bowed, his eyes rolled, and he added:"If you must say that it is a merit, I think that the preservation of Yecheng is the credit of all the soldiers!"

"I know this very well, and you don't need to remind me."

Lu Zhi said,"Whether your army exists or not has nothing to do with whether you have made any achievements or whether you have saved Yecheng!"


Lu Zhi has seen through Wang Hao's intentions. He also exposed it in public without any mercy. Historical records show that he was resolute and iron-faced, and it seems that it is true!

Wang Hao immediately shut up and stopped fiddling with the tiger's whiskers.

After a pause, Lu Zhi said softly:"I have made up my mind. I will promote you to Sima of the other department. Lead the old troops in Yecheng and listen to orders in front of the tent. I hope you can live up to my expectations and make new contributions!"


Congratulations on being promoted to Sima of the other department.

Reward: All attributes +1;


Today's goal is 45,000 flowers!

Still need 2,000+ flowers.

Please support me, readers!~~~

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