Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of golden bells exploded, sparks flew.

On the training ground, war horses neighed, and two fierce generals were fighting.

Wang Hao suppressed Gao Lan's weapon with a spear, and the corners of his lips slightly raised, and a faint smile bloomed:

"Gao Junhou, you are not paying attention. If you continue like this, you will definitely lose.

Gao Lan blocked Wang Hao's weapon with all his strength and fired a shot back at him:

"Although Sima has made rapid progress, he still needs to practice for another two years if he wants to defeat me!"

"Take it!"


The spear tip swept over.

With a sharp whistle, it whistled.

Wang Hao slightly turned his body to avoid the opponent's weapon. At the same time, he used the Overlord Dragon Capturing Style!

The black iron cold spear in his palm drew a perfect arc from bottom to top.

The cold light rushed towards Gao Lan's ribs and attacked fiercely.

""Come on!"

Gao Lan shouted.

He was also amazed at Wang Hao's growth.

In just a few days, he turned from a small soldier who was only proficient in martial arts into a fierce general who could fight against him.

Therefore, Gao Lan did not dare to be careless anymore and focused on fighting Wang Hao.

Faced with such a fierce Overlord Dragon Catching Style!

Gao Lan made a prompt decision, twisted his body on the warhorse, avoided the opponent's spear, and pulled back the iron spear in his hand, posing a posture of an iron bridge blocking the river!


Sparks flew where the two guns intersected.

A deafening golden sound exploded.

Gao Lan was about to block Wang Hao's weapon and launch a counterattack.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded outside the training ground:


"My Lord!"

It was Zhang Nan!

Gao Lan immediately judged and stopped counterattacking:"Sima, it's Zhang Nan!"

Wang Hao also put away his weapon:"Yes, I saw it"

"Let's go and take a look."

The two stopped arguing and rode over.


"Happy event, great happy event!"

Zhang Nan kept waving at Wang Hao.

"Is there going to be a war?"

Wang Hao couldn't help but be curious.

You know, since their Yecheng garrison became an independent unit, Lu Zhi has not arranged any war for them.

Now that the army has killed from Yecheng to Handan, they are just following the army, at most responsible for setting up tents and guarding the camp.

The soldiers of the five battalions of the Northern Army affectionately call them the miscellaneous department!

The meaning is very simple!

You guys are only fit to do miscellaneous work for them, not fit to go to the battlefield, let alone kill the enemy and make merit.

If it weren't for Wang Hao suppressing them, this group of fierce soldiers in Yecheng who crawled out of the pile of dead bodies might really fight with the other side with real swords and guns.

They are all two shoulders carrying one head, who the hell is afraid of who!

Not to mention your five battalions of soldiers, even if the King of Hell comes, I dare to wrestle with him!

Therefore, the old members of Yecheng are in urgent need of a battle to prove their strength.

For them, nothing is more exciting than war.

Sure enough!

Zhang Nanfei nodded quickly, his face full of excitement:"That's right! There is a war!"

Wang Hao exclaimed in surprise:"Hurry up and tell me!"

Zhang Nan just waved his hands:"My lord, you'd better go directly to the central army. I can't explain it to you clearly."

Wang Hao nodded:"Okay!"

He spurred his horse and headed straight for the central army!

The central army tent.

Lu Zhi sat at the top, and next to him, there was a strange face.

Wang Hao bowed and saluted:"I am Wang Hao, the last general, and I pay my respects to Lu Zhonglang."

Lu Zhi didn't waste any words and said:"Sima Wang, this is Zhao Feng, the military marquis from Changshan State!"

The man standing next to him clasped his fists and saluted:"Hello, Sima Wang!"

Wang Hao nodded, hummed, and said nothing more

"That's right!"

Lu Zhi continued,"Changshan King Liu Hong abandoned his country and fled. Now Changshan Xiang Chen Lan requested support. You take the troops and go there. When Tunqiying comes back, I will let them support you."

Wang Hao was overjoyed and clasped his hands and said,"Yes!"

But in his heart, he was secretly cursing:

You must not come back, it's better to die outside!

There is no other way!

Tunqiying is an elite cavalry, while Wang Hao is just an infantryman!

If they really come back in time, reinforcements may arrive before Wang Hao arrives in Changshan.

What the hell is there for me!

Therefore, Wang Hao said goodbye on the spot without hesitation:

"In this case, I will go down and prepare first, and try to set off today."

Lu Zhi nodded:


After leaving the tent,

Wang Hao went straight back to the camp.

Zhang Nan and Gao Lan were waiting for him at the door.

"How is it?"

Zhang Nan asked anxiously

"Go to Changshan!"

Wang Hao waved his hand and ordered:"Quick, gather the troops, only bring three days of dry food, set off quickly, no mistakes!"

Zhang Nan bowed and said:"Yes!" After a while, all the soldiers gathered.

They were all wearing leather armor, with swords hanging from their waists, long bows on their backs, equipped with a pot of arrows, and holding spears in their hands.

Although it was a ragtag army, the weapons and equipment were indeed very intimidating!

When Zhao Feng saw this army, he was also stunned, with horror in his eyes:

"king......Wang Sima, this......this......Are these soldiers from the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army?"

Wang Hao was too lazy to lie and simply shook his head:


Zhao Feng was shocked:


Wang Hao smiled:

"But they are not inferior in strength"

"Let's go, aren't you in a hurry?"

Zhao Feng couldn't help swallowing his saliva:


"But you only have more than 200 people, is this possible?"

Before Wang Hao got angry, Zhang Nan beside him immediately got angry:


"What happened to more than two hundred people?"

"Do you know how many Yellow Turbans we killed?"

"What the Northern Army's Fifth Battalion can do, we can do too. What they can't do, we can still do!"

"In a word, are you still going to save that damn Prime Minister Chen? If not, I will go back to the camp and sleep!"

Zhao Feng nodded hurriedly:

"Save! Save! Save!"

"Must save!"


Don’t give me flowers, I don’t want to update more, I don’t want to stay up late!

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