After two days of rapid march,

Wang Hao and his men finally arrived at Changshan.

Zhao Feng looked towards the city and saw smoke rising from all directions and shouts of killing, which immediately made him nervous.

"Damn it, look! The Yellow Turbans are attacking the city and some of them have already climbed to the top of the city walls!"

"Sima Wang, should we attack?"

"Or should we wait for reinforcements?"

Wait for reinforcements?

I have been working hard for two days just to end the battle before the Tunqi Battalion arrives!

But you want me to wait for reinforcements?

How is that possible!

Wang Hao refused without hesitation:

"The situation is critical, we can’t wait any longer!"

Zhao Feng was stunned:

"Sima Wang, what are you going to do?"

"There are at least 7,000 Yellow Turban bandits, and some have already climbed onto the top of the city walls. If you rush over now, you will be courting death!"

Gao Lan, who was standing aside, raised his lips slightly and smiled faintly:

"Sima Zhao, don't be nervous, it's still unclear who will die!"

Zhang Nan also echoed:

"There were only seven or eight thousand Yellow Turbans. Back in Yecheng,......"


Zhang Nan waved his hand and said,"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. A hero doesn't talk about his past achievements. Living on past achievements will only wear down one's fighting spirit, right, my lord?"

"You got it, kid!"

Wang Hao glared at Zhang Nan, then gave the order:"Gao Lan, listen to my order. You are ordered to lead your men to detour from the west and go diagonally. You must protect the city gate and never let the Yellow Turbans break through!"

Gao Lan replied in a sonorous voice:"Yes!" Zhao Feng's eyes widened and he was stunned:"Crazy! This is absolutely crazy, you are sending him to death!" Wang Hao smiled lightly, raised his hand and pointed forward:"Marquis Zhao, look over there, with flags flying and soldiers and armors everywhere. That must be the main general of the Yellow Turbans. I want to kill him there. Do you dare to follow me and venture into this dangerous place?"


Zhao Feng was stunned at first.

He wanted to fight back directly, scold him for being reckless, and advise him not to act rashly.

But seeing that Wang Hao was calm and composed, with a smile on his face, he knew that the other party must be serious.

At that moment, he was somewhat impressed and sighed:"Well, I invited you here. Since you don't want to live, I can only sacrifice my life to accompany you!"


Wang Hao responded and waved his hand:"Brothers, attack!"

All the soldiers shouted:"Kill!"~~~~"

At this moment, on the top of the city, there were loud blasts and shouts of killing.

A thin man, holding a ring-handled sword, slashed two yellow turbans with two blows.

Then, he slashed again with his backhand!

The yellow turban who tried to attack from behind but had not yet raised his weapon was killed on the spot!

His name was Chen Lan!

The Prime Minister of Changshan State.

Because of the lack of troops, he had to go into battle himself.

""Damn it!"

Chen Lan cursed inwardly, panting:"Didn't Zhao Feng go to ask for help? Why haven't the reinforcements from the court arrived yet? If this continues, the city will be broken!"

But at this moment.

A soldier raised his hand and pointed outside the city:"Prime Minister, look, what is that?"


Chen Lan killed a yellow turban with a knife, and looked in the direction of the soldier's finger.

He saw a team of about a hundred people coming from the west.

They were wearing leather armor and holding longbows. They ran while drawing bows and arrows.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The arrows were shot randomly, without any pattern.

But they hit the target one by one, which was terrifying!

In sight, the yellow turbans fell down like wheat being cut.

""Good archery skills!"

Chen Lan couldn't help but exclaim.

Could it be......

Reinforcements from the Shesheng Battalion of the Northern Army?

But isn't this equipment a bit too shabby?

Chen Lan was just wondering.

I saw this team of soldiers, with longbows on their backs and ring-handled swords hanging from their waists, rushing straight towards the Yellow Turbans like vicious wolves.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The swords splashed blood and the swords sealed the throat!

Although this team is not large in number, they are all brave.

They acted extremely decisively, without any fancy moves. Once they made a move, it was a killing move, taking your life on the spot!

If they had not experienced a few fierce battles, how could they have such a terrifying murderous aura.


Chen Lan couldn't help but gasp!

Because, in just a blink of an eye, a hole was torn open in the Yellow Turbans under the city.

This team is like a sharp sword!

Not only did they break through the Yellow Turbans' formation, they also stabbed into the heart of the Yellow Turbans!

The city gate!

Their target is the city gate!

Chen Lan immediately realized it and couldn't help but sighed:

"What a strong team!"

His eyes involuntarily looked for the leading officer.

What kind of person could lead such a fierce team!


A burly man came into view!

Chen Lan was looking down and saw it very clearly.

He saw that the man had a dark face and big eyes, staring like copper bells, with a short beard under his chin, like steel needles rising up, with an iron halberd in his hand, killing the bandits one after another, he kept rushing forward, extremely brave!

If this team is a sharp sword!

Then there is no doubt that the man in front of him is the tip of the sword, the sharpest part!

Chen Lan was overjoyed:"We are saved this time!"

"Prime Minister, please don't worry!"

The soldier beside him suddenly brightened his eyes and pointed to the front:"Look, there are more over there!"

Chen Lan hurriedly looked over, but saw smoke and dust stirring, and another team came roaring. Their target was none other than the Yellow Turban commander under the banner!


"Very good!"

"What a great plan to capture the leader first!"

Chen Lan praised three times in a row, then raised his weapon and shouted loudly:"Brothers, reinforcements have arrived, follow me to fight back!"

In an instant, morale soared, and the roar was like thunder:"Kill the enemy!"~~~~"


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