"Sima, the Tunqi Battalion has left.

Looking at the Tunqi Battalion leaving in dismay, Zhao Feng was a little confused.

"Well, it's good to go."

"If you don't leave, are you just getting in the way here?"

Wang Hao sneered and replied casually.


Zhao Feng was even more confused.......

What rhythm?

Could it be that there is a conflict between the two?

Wang Hao naturally noticed the other party's doubts.

He took a long breath and explained:

"They are the elite of the Northern Army, but we are just local militiamen."


Zhao Feng nodded in sudden realization:


"after all......"

Zhao Feng suddenly felt a little embarrassed:"I am also a village militia."

Wang Hao paused:"Oh? Then you too......"

Zhao Feng nodded:"It was a little bit at the beginning, but now it's fine. We have proved ourselves."


Wang Hao said solemnly:"From now on, at least Changshan has a place for you."

Zhao Feng raised his lips slightly and forced a faint smile:"Well, it feels good to be respected!" Wang

Hao began to look at Zhao Feng with a new eye.

At least!

He is unwilling to admit defeat in his bones and is willing to fight for dignity.

Such a person is a real man!

"Are you interested in having more people respect you?"


"I mean, bring your subordinates and follow me to fight against the Yellow Turbans and make the whole world look at us!"


Zhao Feng was stunned:"This......Can I do it?"

Wang Hao stared at the other person with his eyes burning:"I can do it, and so can you! It's not easy to be from a poor family, you and I should work harder."

This sentence seemed to touch Zhao Feng's tears.

He sobbed a little, tears rolled in his eyes, but he held them back.

But Wang Hao saw it clearly and took the initiative to extend his hand:

"Come, join me, kill the enemy, gain merit, and be crowned a general and a marquis!"

Zhao Feng took a long breath, pondered for a moment, and took the initiative to shake hands:

"It is my honor to join hands with you to kill the enemy!"

"However, Chen Guoxiang......"

Wang Hao did not hesitate:

"I'll take care of it!"

Zhao Feng nodded:

"In this case, it will be troublesome for Sima."


New legion joins

【[List of Legion Members]:

Zhao Feng: Military Strength 55; Intelligence 42; Politics 38; Command 57;

Zhao Ben: Military Strength 32; Intelligence 28; Politics 21; Command 22;......

Zhao Ermang: Military Strength 22; Intelligence 13; Politics 7; Command 9;......

After a quick glance,

Wang Hao couldn't help but feel confused.

Why did all the soldiers under Zhao Feng have the surname Zhao?

"I wonder where in Changshan the Marquis of Zhao is from?"

Zhao Feng was a little confused by this sudden question.

But he still answered honestly:

"I am from Zhending, Changshan, and I come from Zhaojiazhuang."


No wonder everyone has the surname Zhao.............


Wang Hao suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed some details.


A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

"You said you are from Zhending, Changshan?"

"Yeah, that's right!"

"Do you know a man named Zhao Yun?"

Wang Hao asked, and Zhao Feng froze:"Sima, do you know my brother Zhao Yun?


It was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Wang Haolei was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"You mean......"

"Zhao Yun is your biological brother?"

Zhao Feng nodded and said affirmatively:

"That’s right!"

"My younger brother is Zhao Yun!"


He left Changshan five years ago to learn from Tong Yuan!~~~

Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

This time it's confirmed!

Zhao Feng is Zhao Yun's brother!

He is actually Zhao Yun's brother!

No wonder......

He is so young, yet he can reach the level of an elite soldier.

If he can train in the battlefield for another two years, he might be able to reach the level of a second-rate general. Damn it!

Wang Hao really didn't expect it!

He rushed to Changshan to help, not only did he get military merit, but he also got Zhao Yun's brother!

This deal is a big profit!

Wang Hao was ecstatic in his heart, but his face was calm!


At this moment, the city gate opened.

From inside, Changshan Xiang Chen Lan rushed out.

He hurriedly bowed and hurried to greet him:

"Thank you all for coming to Changshan to help me"

"I am Chen Lan, the Prime Minister of Changshan. I have ordered people to prepare some wine to welcome you all!"

Wang Hao wanted to return to Handan immediately, but for Zhao Feng, he naturally had to make some arrangements.

"Since Prime Minister Chen is offering us such a generous hospitality, we can only decline it with disrespect.

Chen Lan waved her hand to ask for permission:

"General, please go first."

Wang Hao took a step back:

""It is better for Prime Minister Chen to go first."

After all, Wang Hao was only a Sima of a certain department. Compared with the two thousand stone state officials, he was simply a scum.

Although the other party asked him to go first, how could Wang Hao dare to go first.

He still understood this rule.

The two of them pushed each other for a while, and Chen Lan had no choice but to change the routine:

"How about you and I go together?"

Wang Hao nodded:

"That's great!"

The two of them walked side by side and entered the city amid the cheers of the soldiers.


A bit old-fashioned!

But you can never give up Zilong!

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