Yuanshi County.

The palace.

Since Changshan King Liu Hao fled.

This place has become Chen Lan's command center.

Changshan Xiang Chen Lan sat at the head, smiling, and raised his cup to invite:"Today, if it weren't for the help of all the heroes, Changshan might have fallen. I can't repay your kindness this time, so I can only prepare a little wine to show my gratitude."


"Let's drink this wine together!"

All the soldiers raised their cups, tilted their heads back, and drank the wine.

Zhang Nan put down the cup, feeling like he was dreaming, he could actually drink with the prime minister!

You know, this is a two thousand stone official position in the Han Dynasty, he had only heard of it, but never seen it.

When he was an official in the county, he could have a drink with the county lieutenant once, which was enough for him to brag about for two months. Now he is the prime minister! Do you dare to believe it?

Anyway, no matter whether others believe it or not, Zhang Nan believes it!

What else can he ask for in life?

Zhang Nan is really too satisfied!

But when he turned his head and looked at Wang Hao.

Suddenly he found that

Wang Hao was always calm and composed, neither humble nor arrogant.

Tsk tsk~ He is worthy of being my lord!

This is the true style of a great general!

You know, Wang Hao was born a local militiaman, strictly speaking, he is not as good as me.

But look at his demeanor, it is comparable to that of a two thousand stone state minister, and his future must be limitless!

I am Wang Hao's retainer, so naturally I can't embarrass my lord!


Zhang Nan straightened his attitude!

The expression of snickering suddenly disappeared, replaced by indifference!

However, his deliberately calmness seemed a little fake compared to Wang Hao's calm demeanor.

Gao Lan glanced at Zhang Nan and smiled awkwardly:

"You! Aren't you tired of pretending like this?"

Zhang Nan snorted coldly:

"What do you know!"

"This is not called pretending, this is called changing!"

"People always grow up, and that's what I call growth!"

Gao Lan chuckled, raised his cup and smiled:

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

"Come, drink!"

Zhang Nan immediately picked up the wine cup and smiled:


"Come on, drink, drink!"


Zhang Nan tilted his head back and drank the wine.

But when he put down the wine cup, he saw Gao Lan staring at him with a fake smile.

"A glass of wine has disfigured you, why are you still pretending!"

Zhang Nan immediately became depressed and stared at Gao Lan:

"You kid......"

Zhang Nan almost squeezed out this sentence from between his teeth:"Do you want a beating?"

Gao Lan shook his shoulders and raised the corners of his lips:"What? Want to fight?"

Zhang Nan hurriedly shook his head:"I was wrong, is that not enough?"

Gao Lan sneered:"Challenge me, and I will break your legs!"

Zhang Nan:"......"

After three rounds of wine and five dishes,

Wang Hao saw that Chen Lan was already a little drunk.

He took the opportunity to stand up, raised his glass and invited her to drink another glass of wine.

Chen Lan was in high spirits, his face was slightly red, and the alcohol was rising:

"Sima Wang really has a huge capacity for words!"

"Chen has reached his limit and cannot drink any more!"

Wang Hao put down the wine cup and said tentatively:

"Prime Minister Chen is very approachable. It is really a great pleasure to drink with you today!"

"I often say that when you meet a close friend, a thousand cups are not enough; when you are with a stranger, even a single word is too much. Today, when I meet Mr. Chen, I really want to drink with you until we are drunk!"

"such a pity......"

Wang Hao looked a little disappointed:"I have military duties to attend to. After the matter here is over, I have to return to Handan to report. I can't enjoy myself with

Prime Minister Chen. It's a pity!" Chen Lan waved his hand:"What's the harm? When the Yellow Turbans are eliminated and the world is peaceful, you and I can drink together. By then, we will be free of constraints and can enjoy ourselves!"

"Chen Xiang is right!"

Wang Hao hurriedly bowed and said in a gentle and persuasive manner:"The Yellow Turbans will naturally be destroyed sooner or later, but it has nothing to do with me, Wang Hao. The imperial court has its own five battalions of elite northern troops, and we are just vassals!"


Chen Lan frowned immediately:"Sima Wang, is there something behind your words?"

Wang Hao exhaled:"Well, if I say too much, it will only bring tears. I won't disturb your interest."

Chen Lan waved his hand:"Speak! I must speak! I really want to hear, is there any injustice under the command of the dignified Lu Zhonglang?"

"In fact, Lu Zhonglang is good, but others may not be so!"

Wang Hao simply talked about his experience after becoming the Sima of another department:"They are the elite of the court, and it is reasonable for them to look down on us, the local militia!"


Wang Hao gritted his teeth and said,"If I had eight hundred men, why would I be afraid of those scoundrels in the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army? When I was defending Yecheng, they were still eating the emperor's food!"

"That's right!"

Chen Lan was also indignant:"Those guys in the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army are really hateful! If they had come a step earlier, Jizhou would not have been in this state. If there were no local militia to help defend the city, even Changshan would have fallen long ago!"


"I’m Chen Lan!"

"I admire you guys very much, from the bottom of my heart!"

After saying that, Chen Lan let out a long breath and said softly:"Let me tell you, I have a fierce general under my command. He was born as a local militiaman, and he is decisive in killing and has made many military achievements!"


"I will make the decision for him and let him bring his troops to join forces with you. After returning to Handan, we can show those guys that the local militia is no worse than them!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed:"Really?"

"How could it be false?"

At that moment, Chen Lan called out,"Zhao Feng!"

Zhao Feng clasped his hands and said,"I am here!"

"Are you willing to follow Sima Wang back to Handan to fight against the Yellow Turbans?"

"I am willing to do so!"


Wisely persuade Chen Lan.

Reward: Intelligence +1;


The team is gradually growing!

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