"Who made this dinner?"

""It's really good!"

Wang Hao ate a bite of wheat cake and gulped down a mouthful of soup. It was the first time he had eaten something so delicious since he came here.

It was also wheat cake, but it felt completely different from what he ate in Yecheng!

And this soup......

Although there is no oil or water, it is sweet.

"Let me have a bite too!"

Zhang Nan took a bite of the wheat cake, and his eyes suddenly widened:"Well, it's really good, delicious!"

Gao Lan drank a sip of soup and couldn't help nodding:"It's really different from before, Brother Zhao, do you have a chef under you?"


Zhao Feng did not hide it and nodded:"We have been marching before, and everyone has been eating dry food. This time when we arrive at the camp, we will naturally improve it for everyone."

"Zhao Feng!"

"I am here!"

Wang Hao swallowed the wheat cake in his mouth and said:"Can you bring your chef up here so that we can take a look? Don't mention it, I am really a little curious, what ingredients did he put in this wheat cake, why is it so delicious?"


Zhao Feng hesitated slightly


Zhang Nan asked curiously,"Brother Zhao, don't you want to?""


Zhao Feng waved his hand quickly:"Maybe it's a little inconvenient for him!"

Wang Hao was immediately puzzled, thinking that there must be something fishy:"What's the inconvenience? I just want to ask!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Nan immediately put a hat on the other person and said,"Brother Zhao, are you trying to hide something? You are too stingy. We are all family now!"


Zhao Feng paused, pondered for a moment, as if he had made a great decision:"Well, Sima treats me sincerely, how can I, Zhao Feng, not tell him everything!"

"Please wait a moment!"

After saying that, Zhao Feng stood up and left the tent.

Wang Hao and the others were all confused.

After a while,

Zhao Feng brought a man to the army.

This man was not tall, only about 1.6 meters tall, and thin.

Maybe because of nervousness, he kept his head down and looked shy since he entered the tent.

"he is......"

Wang Hao couldn't help but be curious


Zhao Feng nodded:"She is the cook in the army."

After that, Zhao Feng moved sideways and said softly:"Sister, come and meet Sima Wang!"


Zhang Nan was shocked!

Gao Lan was shocked!

Wang Hao was even more shocked!

Where the hell did a sister come from?

The little guy bowed hurriedly and said timidly:

"Zhao Yu greets Sima and all the generals!"

Zhang Nan's eyes widened and he stood up immediately:

"Brother Zhao, how dare you hide a woman in the army?"

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Lu Zhonglang?"

Gao Lan took a deep breath and frowned:


"Our situation in the Northern Army was not good to begin with."

"Once the fact that there are women in the army is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous."

In the military service system of the Han Dynasty, women were not allowed to serve in the army.

This was clearly stipulated!

A guy like Lu Zhi who had strict military discipline and a stubborn mind.

Once it was discovered that Wang Hao had a woman hidden here, this army would definitely be disbanded.

"I won't be discovered!"

Zhao Yu suddenly raised her head and stretched out her hand:"I swear to God!"

At this moment!

Wang Hao was a little stunned.

He saw her oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, a pair of big black pearl-like eyes, looking around with spirit, her small mouth corners slightly bitten, pearly teeth like snow, pitiful!


"I will definitely not be discovered."

Zhao Yu stared at Wang Hao pitifully, tears almost falling:"There is no one at home. If I don't follow my brother, I will be all alone!"

"I really......So scared!"

When she said this, tears flowed from her eyes:"Sima Wang, I know you are a good person, please be magnanimous and don't chase me away!"

"I learned martial arts from my brother since I was young, and my physique is no worse than anyone else in the army. If they can march quickly, I can do it too, and I will never fall behind. I can also cook, and everyone likes to eat the wheat cakes I make."


"Please, don't chase me away!"

Zhang Nan was originally very aggressive, but after hearing what Zhao Yu said, he immediately became weak.


How could you bear to leave a little girl alone?

No matter what, in the army, at least there are fellow villagers to accompany her and brothers to take care of her.

But once she returns to her hometown, she really has no relatives anymore.


Wang Hao was in a dilemma.

If it was an ordinary person, it would be fine. But......

She is Zhao Feng's sister.

In the future, Zhao Yun is also involved.

If the matter is not handled properly, the general will definitely be lost.

He turned his head and glanced at Zhao Feng:"Has she been following you?"

Zhao Feng nodded:"Yes!"

"When you were under Prime Minister Chen, did you also follow him?"

"Well, keep following!"

"Has it ever been discovered?"


Zhao Feng exhaled:"Sima treated me sincerely, so I dare not hide it. My mother passed away two years ago, and my father also died because of drinking the magic water. My sister and I depend on each other for survival, and we swear that we will never separate."


Zhao Feng paused, feeling a little embarrassed.

After all, Wang Hao had done him a favor, but he had buried a huge trap for him!

This seemed a bit despicable and shameless!


He really has no choice!

"If Sima does not agree, I......"

When Zhao Feng was about to retreat, Wang Hao, the leader, drank a mouthful of soup and turned to look at Zhang Nan:"Is the soup delicious?"

Zhang Nan nodded:"Delicious!"

"Do you still want to drink?"

"Yeah, I want to!"

"What about you, Gao Lan?"

"Well, it tastes good, but a little hot!"

"How can a soup taste good if it’s not too hot?"

Wang Hao replied half-jokingly, then turned to look at Zhao Feng:"Marquis Zhao, the cook under your command is very good. The army’s meals will all depend on him in the future!"

Zhao Feng was overjoyed:"Thank you Sima for your help!"

Zhao Yu burst into laughter:"Thank you Sima for your help!"


I really like beautiful women who can cook!

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