I have to admit.

Wang Hao is playing with fire!

Lu Zhi is extremely strict in managing the army.

He knows this better than anyone else.

He is a man who cannot tolerate any sand in his eyes.

If he really knows about Zhao Yu's existence, the disbandment of the army is almost inevitable!


Zhao Yu's specialness made Wang Hao reluctant to let her go.

If he could win Zhao Feng's heart with such a small favor, he would really make a fortune.

After careful consideration, Wang Hao felt that he could take a risk.


He would not really care.

In fact, in the following time.

Wang Hao always walked past Zhao Yu's camp inadvertently. He suddenly discovered that except for cooking, she rarely wandered around the camp. She was very low-key.

In addition, whenever she cooked outside, she always lowered her head and hid, and even used ashes to make herself ugly in an attempt to conceal her identity. Even if Wang Hao looked for it himself, it would be difficult to find Zhao Yu, and it would be even more difficult for others!

Perhaps because of this, she had been under Chen Lan's command for so long without being discovered!

Thinking of this,

Wang Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this bomb did not explode, this deal would be a great deal.

Reining his horse and turning around, Wang Hao continued to patrol the camp.

When he returned to the tent, the delicious meals were already prepared.

It's true!

Although there are fewer seasonings these days.

But really, the taste is definitely not worse than that of later generations!

After eating it for seven or eight days, Wang Hao really had an unforgettable feeling.



A bowl of meat soup rolled down his stomach.

Wang Hao exhaled a long breath.

It would be great if he could get a chair and lie down beautifully.

However, he had just put down his bowl and chopsticks when a voice rang out from outside:

""Where is the military commander Wang Hao?"

It was the messenger in front of Lu Zhi.

Wang Hao immediately figured it out, stood up and walked out of the tent:"I'm here!"

The messenger stepped forward quickly, clasped his hands and said:"Sima Wang, Lu Zhonglang has an urgent order, ordering you to go to the central army tent as soon as possible to listen to the order!"


"I'll go right away!"

Wang Hao responded.

He didn't go back to the tent, but followed the messenger.

After a while,

Wang Hao came to the central army.

Before he entered the tent, he heard a lot of chatter inside:

"Lu Zhonglang, this matter is so important. If we fail, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Yes, it should be our cavalry camp that goes!"

"The more we ride the faster the camp goes, so let's go!"

"That is, there were more than ten thousand Yellow Turbans attacking the city, and they were all elite Yellow Turbans. Wang Hao had only four hundred men under his command, so how could they be competent for the task!"

"Once Prince Ganling dies, His Majesty will blame us, and we won't be able to afford it!"

"I hope Lu Zhonglang will think twice!"


Although Wang Hao didn't hear clearly, he was sure that the argument was very intense.

They seemed to be arguing about something!......

Lu Zhi seemed to have already chosen me.


That should be the case.

Wang Hao entered the military tent with doubts.

Suddenly, more than ten fierce lights on both sides passed by me.

This feeling......

It's like they stole their military achievements!

Wang Hao stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted:

"I, General Wang Hao, greet Lu Zhonglang!"

Lu Zhi let out a long breath:

"Wang Hao, I asked you to come here this time because I have an important matter for you to do!"

"This matter must succeed, failure is not allowed, otherwise you will be punished by military law!"

Wang Hao was straightforward and said in a sonorous voice:

"I will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

At that moment, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Sima Wang, do you dare to accept it without even listening?"

It was Xu Min from the Cavalry Battalion!

Wang Hao turned his head and glanced at him:"It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. No matter what the task is, as long as Lu Zhonglang asks me to do it, even if it is through mountains of swords and seas of fire, I, Wang Hao, will never frown!"


Xu Min was angry:"Didn't you hear? Lu Zhonglang said that this matter can only succeed, not fail. What can you do with the 400 soldiers under your command?"

What a boast!

Wang Hao hated their self-righteous feeling the most.

Although he is currently insignificant, if he doesn't have a bit of pride, Lu Zhi will definitely look down on him.

Wang Hao would rather offend these officers than let Lu Zhi look down on him!

Anyway, he is the Sima of another department and only listens to Lu Zhi's orders. As for these guys, Wang Hao doesn't need to be nice to them!

"It's true that I can't do anything big!"


Wang Hao's eyes flashed, and he said in a domineering voice:"When I had 200 troops, I captured 7,000 to 8,000 Yellow Turban soldiers and horses. When I had 400 troops, I faced tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans and tried my best to protect Yecheng!"


Xu Min didn't care and shouted:"You also........."


Lu Zhi immediately retorted, glaring at Xu Min fiercely:"I am the General of the North, and I have the final say on how to arrange military affairs. It is not your turn as a small cavalry captain to make noise here!"

"Sima Wang!"


"Now the elite troops of the Northern Army are fighting fiercely with the main force of Zhang Jue. Once they withdraw, the front line will surely collapse. This can only be done by you, because it is a matter of great importance, so only success and not failure is allowed!"

Sure enough!

The matter is very serious.

Lu Zhi let out a long sigh:"This is what happened! Zhang Jue has been making frequent sneak attacks recently, interfering with my sight, but recently, he sent people to launch a sneak attack on Ganling King Liu Zhong!"

"I guess Zhang Jiao wants to use the lives of Han royal relatives to threaten our army. If this move succeeds, we will be in a passive position, so I want you to rush to Ganling to help me save Liu Zhong!"

At this point, Lu Zhi asked solemnly:"Can you do it?"

Wang Hao didn't think twice and responded with a sonorous fist:"Don't worry, Lu Zhonglang, I will definitely do it!"

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