
Lu Zhi was suspicious:"Sima Wang, how can you be so confident that this rescue will be successful? You know, even I am not sure of victory!"

After all, it involves the life of Ganling King Liu Zhong, Lu Zhi dare not be careless.

In fact!

Lu Zhi did not have a good impression of Ganling King Liu Zhong.

Such hereditary princes and nobles are, in most cases, playboys and guys who rely on influence to make a living.

They are born superior to others. In prosperous times, they specialize in harming the people, and in troubled times, they always cause trouble to the court. They are either caught by the rebels to threaten the court, or they run away with money and don’t even want the fiefdom!

Just like now!

Before there was Liu Hong, and now there is Liu Zhong!

They are not good people!

If not It was he who received the call for help, and he really couldn't just sit back and do nothing!

Lu Zhi even wanted to pretend that nothing had happened.

A prince like this!

Deep down in his heart, Lu Zhi actually didn't want to save him, but instead hoped that he would die!

Therefore, Lu Zhi was very conflicted at the moment!

He should have tried his best to rescue Liu Zhong and give an explanation to his majesty; but he was unwilling to give up the current good situation in order to rescue a waste!


Lu Zhi chose a compromise.

Let Wang Hao do this.

If he can do it, it would be the best; but if he can't do it, isn't it also... A scapegoat?

This matter is naturally a great achievement for the captains of the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army; but for Wang Hao, it is a very hot potato!

If you succeed, you can eat meat, but if you fail, you will lose your life!

The risk and profit are completely disproportionate.

Lu Zhi would not be so foolish as to think that Wang Hao could not see his sinister intentions, but even so, Wang Hao did not hesitate at all and agreed very straightforwardly!

This cannot but make people suspicious!

He suddenly thought of his fellow senior brother Xu Feng.

The other party once commented that Wang Hao was full of wisdom and had the style of a great general.

Could it be that this kid really has a magic trick? Plan?

All the generals in the tent also had doubts about this, and their eyes subconsciously focused on Wang Hao, as if they wanted to see if he, a Sima of a separate army of 400 people, could have three heads and six arms?

In fact!

Wang Hao knew that this was a hot potato.

But as a time traveler, he knew it clearly.

After Liu Zhong was captured, he was imprisoned in Guangzong to threaten the court.

This is an extremely critical information!

Because of this, he dared to take over the task bravely and said shamelessly that he would live up to the high expectations.

At the moment, Wang Hao did not hide it, and clasped his hands and said:

"My respect to Mr. Lu Zhonglang, the reason is actually very simple!"

"The reason why Zhang Jue wanted to rob the Han royal family was because he wanted to use his life to threaten the court"

"In this way, they will not be in a hurry to kill him!"

Lu Zhi nodded in agreement:

"It must have been like this before you showed up."

"But how can you guarantee that they won't do such a cruel thing after you appear?"

"Do you think that King Ganling Liu Zhong can hold on until you come to rescue him?"

"Maybe I should tell you!"

Lu Zhi leaned forward slightly and sighed:"According to intelligence, the Yellow Turbans who attacked Ganling King Liu Zhong have at least 20,000 men, which is far less than the 7,000 or 8,000 soldiers in the mountains."

Wang Hao said without hesitation:

"Even if Prince Ganling can hold out until rescued, I won't take the risk!"

"After all, since Zhang Jiao had dispatched two or three thousand men, he must be determined to capture King Ganling!"

"He must have expected that you, Lu Zhonglang, would come to his rescue, so how could he not be on guard?"

Recently, the Yellow Turbans have been attacking everywhere, interfering with Lu Zhi's judgment, in fact, they are preparing for the attack on Ganling.

Since Zhang Jue has been planning for a long time, he will naturally be on guard against Lu Zhi.

Let Wang Hao, a Sima of a separate army of 400 people, attack the Yellow Turban army that has been prepared for a long time.

The ending is so predictable that you can imagine it with your toes!

He is not that stupid! He will never do something that is clearly a suicide mission!


This time, Lu Zhi was even more shocked:"Then how are you going to rescue?"

To be honest.

At this moment.

Lu Zhi suddenly had high expectations for Wang Hao.

Maybe this matter could have a satisfactory result, or not!

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, organized his words slightly, and then spoke:

"Lu Zhonglang has rich experience and understands human nature!"

"I think you should understand when a person is most likely to let down his guard."

Attack when the enemy is unprepared and take them by surprise.

This is the essence of the art of war!

"You mean......"

Lu Zhi paused, then suddenly woke up:"You want to take action after they kidnap Prince Ganling?"

"That's right!"

Wang Hao nodded immediately:"Because only at this time, it is easiest to succeed"

"That makes sense!"

Lu Zhi let out a long breath and nodded with interest:"It seems that you have made this decision after careful consideration."

Wang Hao hummed:"Please rest assured, Lu Zhonglang, I am sure to win!"


At this point, Lu Zhi stood up and said in a sonorous voice:"I have made up my mind. You will be responsible for this matter personally. If you can bring back Ganling King Liu Zhong, I, Lu Zhi, will recommend you for credit!"

Wang Hao clasped his fists and bowed:"Thank you, Lu Zhonglang!"


Today's goal is 55,000 flowers!~~~

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