"Haha! This guy is so easy to catch!"

"That's right! I thought those corrupt officials in the imperial court would try their best to save him, but to my surprise, there was no response at all!"

"It turns out that in their eyes, the relatives of the Han royal family are just that-so. Don’t you think so, Prince Ganling?"




On the official road leading to Guangzong, wild laughter could be heard one after another.

A group of Yellow Turbans were escorting a prisoner cart, moving slowly and leisurely.

In the prison cart, a middle-aged man with dishevelled hair and a dirty face was staring angrily at the Yellow Turbans who were laughing wildly. It was unclear whether the murderous intent in his eyes was directed at the Yellow Turbans or at Lu Zhi, who had done nothing.

"You should say something!"

"Prince Ganling, aren’t you a relative of the Han royal family?"

"Aren’t you close friends with Liu Hong?"

"Isn't your life valuable?"

"Why are you so listless now?"

Ganling King Liu Zhong remained silent, his eyes sharp.

Although he had become a prisoner, he was still a relative of the Han Dynasty, and deep down he still looked down on these peasants.

He could only express his resistance with silence, because if he started to curse, he would be beaten!

""You bastard, why don't you say something!"

A Yellow Turban seemed to be unable to bear Liu Zhong's silence, and put his spear directly on the other's neck:"Believe it or not, I will stab you to death with this spear!"

King Ganling was still cold and even closed his eyes!

"If you dare to do it, just do it!"

"If I, Liu Zhong, blink, I will be your son-in-law!"


The cold blade was pressed against Liu Zhong's neck.

The fierce Yellow Turban soldier gritted his teeth and said,"Damn it, do you think I don't dare?"

"Ergou, what are you doing!"

The yellow turban beside him hurriedly pulled out his spear and scolded him harshly:"The Great Sage Master said that this man must be alive. If we really hurt his life, how can you and I afford to offend him!"

""Damn it!"

The yellow turban named Ergou cursed inwardly, gnashing his teeth and said viciously:"When we get to Guangzong, I'll see how long you can be so arrogant?"

"Please be patient and hurry back to Guangzong to report. We have already wasted a lot of time."

"Got it, chief!"


The Yellow Turban team continued to move forward.

After a while, they had just crossed the boundary bridge and had not walked far when they were stopped by another group of Yellow Turbans.

There were only about 10 to 20 people on the other side, but two of them were riding horses. Judging from their clothes, they were also of higher rank among the Yellow Turbans. I think they should be the personal guards of a general!

"I am a personal guard of the Yellow Turbans under Guan Hai's command. I have been ordered to take over the Prince of Ganling to Guangzong. After you give me the prisoner cart, you can return to Ganling to join the army."

Wang Hao sat on a tall horse and pointed at the other side arrogantly.

It is too far from Chizhang to Ganling.

There will definitely be too many Yellow Turban teams on the way.

In this way, if they want to attack by force, they will naturally encounter countless obstacles.

Wang Hao is not so stupid. Rushing and attacking is the worst strategy. He will not adopt this tactic.

On the contrary!

He wrapped a yellow turban on his head, wore leather armor, hung a sharp blade on his waist, and rode a Chiyang horse. He led a"Yellow Turban" team, under the opponent's flag, and staggered all the way to Jieqiao, waiting for the rabbit!

There is no way!

The Yellow Turban troops are too many.

Under the pressure of Lu Zhi, the troops of various counties , all gathered in Julu, and no one knew each other.

This trick of passing off fakes as real was really implemented super smoothly!

More importantly!

Wang Hao directly brought out Guan Hai's banner.

Instantly, this group of Yellow Turbans was stunned!

You know, Guan Hai is the personal guard of the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jue, with superb martial arts, ranking first among the Yellow Turbans, and no one can match him.

And his personal guards are all loyal ministers selected from various armies, and they can fight ten brave soldiers with one!

Sure enough!

This momentum is awesome to the point of exploding.

The leading Yellow Turban didn't know the truth, and was frightened by Wang Hao's momentum, and nodded and bowed hurriedly:

"Very well, we will give you the prisoner car right away. We have been delayed for quite some time, so we hope you can forgive us."

Wang Hao frowned and said bluntly:

"Humph! You also know that you have wasted time?"

"If the Great Sage Master blames you, watch out for your heads!"

The Yellow Turbans were stunned and said no. They hurriedly made the handover:

"What are you still standing there for? Hand the prison van over to them!"

"Let’s hurry back to Ganling to report!"


Huang Jin hurriedly handed over the reins of the carriage.

Wang Hao winked at Zhang Nan.

Zhang Nan nodded, took the reins, and waved his hand:

"What are you still standing there for? Get out of here!"

""Yes! Yes! Yes!"

After a round of nodding and bowing, the Yellow Turban fled away.

Zhang Nan secretly laughed, these guys are too easy to fool.

Wang Hao did not dare to delay, and walked back with the prisoner cart.

After walking a distance, Wang Hao looked around and found that there was no Yellow Turban, so he hurriedly ordered:

"Zhang Nan, Gao Lan, you are responsible for vigilance!"


The two men led guards around.

Wang Hao quickly dismounted and walked up to them:

"I, General Wang Hao, have been ordered to come to the rescue!"

The King of Ganling, who was closing his eyes to pretend to be powerful, suddenly opened his eyes:

"Are you......"

Wang Hao answered as he unlocked the door:

"I am Wang Hao, the Sima of a separate unit under Lu Zhonglang!"

"Your Highness, please follow me quickly. It is too dangerous here. I have prepared a war horse for you!"

King Ganling did not hesitate and nodded quickly:

"Good! Thank you Sima for saving me!"


The iron chain opened.

Ganling Wang got out of the prison car and jumped on the horse without hesitation.

Wang Hao handed him a ring-handled sword:

"Your Highness, please use it for self-defense!"

Liu Zhong hummed and took the ring-handled sword:

"If you can survive this time, I will definitely give you a lifetime of wealth!"


I guess Taoyuan Sanji will be on stage today!

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