"Commander Qu, doesn't Ganling have 30,000 elite soldiers?......"

"I don’t know the specific situation, but there has been no news from Ganling. The general was worried that something might have gone wrong, so he sent us out to investigate!"

"Thirty thousand men couldn't take Ganling? They were too stupid!"

"Tsk! Didn’t General Zhang fail to capture Yecheng with his 40,000 troops?"

"You bastard, do you want to die? Shut up!"


Along the way, the Yellow Turban soldiers were talking among themselves.

Suddenly, a soldier shouted:

"Qu Shuai, look......"

The leading sturdy man looked in the direction the soldier pointed. His eyes suddenly widened!


He couldn't help but gasp.

Suddenly he saw an empty prison van parked on the side of the road.

"Prison cart?"

The strong man with the Yellow Turban realized that something was wrong:"Oh no, could it be that Prince Ganling was kidnapped?"


The soldiers around him stared with their eyes wide open, filled with horror.

"Impossible? This place is so close to Guangzong, how dare they do it right under our noses?"

"Damn it, these guys and officials in the court, is there anything they dare not do?"


The yellow turban strongman made a prompt decision and ordered:"Big Mouth Qiao, you go to Ganling immediately and ask Li Damu whether they have sent the King of Ganling here!"

A yellow turban with a big mouth quickly responded:"Okay!"



"You run fast, so hurry back to Guangzong now and tell General Zhang the news, and ask him to send people to search everywhere to see if they can find any trace of Prince Ganling!"


"The rest of you follow me."

The yellow-turbaned man waved his hand and ran quickly to the west.

He knew very well that the elite northern troops of the imperial court were stationed in the west.

If the King of Ganling was really kidnapped, he would definitely go there!



Ganling King Liu Zhong laughed out loud.

At this moment, he had changed into a yellow scarf and washed his face in a stream beside the road, seeming to have regained his elegant demeanor as a prince.

"I'm beginning to admire you a little bit!"

After listening to Wang Hao's entire plan, Liu Zhong couldn't help but praise:"You are a skilled and courageous boy, your future prospects must be limitless, I am very optimistic about you!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Wang Hao simply bowed and sighed,"What future do I have? I was born in a poor family and have no connections in the court. The fact that I can be a Sima of another department is also a favor from Lu Zhonglang!"


Liu Zhong exhaled a breath and nodded:"You have had a very hard time along the way, but that was in the past. When I return to Luoyang and meet His Majesty, I will definitely speak well of you!"

"You are my savior!"

Liu Zhong wrote a blank check.

Of course!

Wang Hao was just listening and would never take it seriously.

You are born in a poor family and even the nobles look down on you. Will the princes and nobles take you seriously?

The scene before him was most likely a deliberate appeasement policy by Liu Zhong in order to win over Wang Hao.

These guys are proficient in this, but no one will really consider the bottom.

Bullshit savior!

For the princes and nobles, in their subconscious, this is what you should do.

The reason why Wang Hao took the risk was not to climb up the relationship with Liu Zhong, a relative of the Han Dynasty.

At best, he just wanted Lu Zhi to treat him differently.

In Wang Hao's in his eyes.

Although Lu Zhi had a very bad temper, he was upright and trustworthy.

As long as he could solve Lu Zhi's urgent problem.

At least!

In Lu Zhi's eyes, he had completely established his foothold.

When it comes to tangible interests, Wang Hao would not pin his hopes on a blank check.

If the other party really helps him, that would be great.

But if the other party is really a piece of shit, a guy who crosses the river and destroys the bridge, Wang Hao would not be disappointed.

After all, he never expected the other party at all.

Of course!

The necessary surface work still needs to be done.

Wang Hao clasped his fists and bowed:"Thank you, Your Highness, for your support. Don't worry, I will escort you back safely!"

"This time we are dressing up as Yellow Turbans to pass ourselves off as genuine and deceive the world. But if we ride away on horseback, we will surely be discovered, and then the loss will outweigh the gain!"

"I hope Your Highness can understand!"

Liu Zhong nodded in sudden enlightenment:

"So this is ah!"

"You are the commander, I naturally understand you"

"Just give orders as you should, I believe you will fully cooperate."

Wang Hao let out a long breath and hummed:

"That's great!"

The two men rode their horses and continued forward.

Not long after , a group of yellow turbans appeared in front of them.

Wang Hao waved his hand and said,"Don't panic, Your Highness. I'll handle it!"

After that, Wang Hao rode forward and looked down at them,"What are you doing here?"

The yellow turban soldiers didn't know the truth, but they felt that Wang Hao was extraordinary and must have a high status in the yellow turban army.

He was a little timid and hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed:

"General, didn't you receive the order?"

Wang Hao frowned:


He said subconsciously:"I was just about to return to Julu, and I haven't received any orders yet!"

Huang Jin nodded in sudden realization:

"So this is ah!"

"Then I will tell you straight!"

The Yellow Turban soldier breathed a sigh of relief and confessed honestly:"General Zhang said that someone kidnapped Prince Ganling and asked us to look for him. If we find any suspicious people, we must report it in time!"

"Cough cough!"

Liu Zhong was so scared that he coughed several times.

"Suspicious target?"

Wang Hao sat upright on his warhorse, winked at Zhang Nan and Gao Lan, and shouted coldly:"Speak! Did you regard us as suspicious people just now?"


The yellow turban was so frightened that he shuddered:"General, it is because......"

Wang Hao said coldly,"Congratulations, you got it right!"

The yellow turban was stunned:"Ah?"

Wang Hao immediately ordered,"Go!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Cold light flashed, blood flew.

More than ten bodies lay on the ground.


Request flowers~~~

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