"Your Highness, it seems that we have been exposed.

After killing the group of Yellow Turbans, Wang Hao turned to Liu Zhong and said,"If we continue to delay, the Yellow Turbans will definitely search here. At this point, we can only change our strategy and force our way through."


Liu Zhong pondered for a moment and nodded:"You are the commander-in-chief. It is up to you to decide how to escape. I will cooperate with you with all my strength and promise not to drag you down!"

Wang Hao felt relieved when he heard this:"Your Highness, don't worry. I have arranged troops to support us in Qiu County. As long as we can get to Qiu County, we will be able to return to Chizhang safely!"

Liu Zhong breathed a sigh of relief:"Good boy, you really have a backup plan!" Wang

Hao replied casually:"Only if you have countermeasures for success or failure can you be considered to be in control of the overall situation!"

Liu Zhong nodded in agreement:"Well! I didn't misjudge you, you really have the style of a general!" Wang

Hao didn't care:"In that case, let's go!"

Liu Zhong:"Okay!"

Wang Hao turned his head and ordered:"Zhang Nan."

Zhang Nan bowed and saluted:"My lord!"

"You ride Gao Lan's warhorse and quickly go to the designated location. Light a smoke signal to inform Zhao Feng and ask him to come with his troops to support you. If you encounter the Yellow Turbans on the way, do not fight them. Understand?"

The smoke signal is a warning!

This is the signal Wang Hao agreed on in advance.

It means that the plan has failed, and you must come to support him.

"Rest assured, my lord, I will leave it to you!"

After saying that, Zhang Nan took the reins from Gao Lan and climbed onto the horse.~~~

He rode his horse and galloped away.

In fact, Wang Hao originally wanted to equip each soldier with a warhorse, so that it would be convenient to shuttle and attack.

But this time he wanted to pretend to be a Yellow Turban, to deceive the world, so naturally he had to have roughly the same configuration as the Yellow Turban thieves.

Such a small team can have two warhorses, which is already the top configuration among the Yellow Turbans!

If there are more, it will surely arouse suspicion, and they may not even be able to reach the boundary bridge, let alone wait and see!

But everything has its pros and cons.

If there are no loopholes in the rescue process, then everything will go according to plan.

But once there are loopholes in the rescue process, as it is now, Wang Hao can only implement the second set of strategies.

But at this time, the disadvantages of the lack of warhorses immediately revealed.

Wang Hao couldn't take Liu Zhong and run all the way to Qiu County.

After all, there were only two of them. Once they encountered a large group of Yellow Turbans, they would definitely not be able to rush through.

Therefore, he had to keep the same speed as the walking soldiers so that he could be combat-effective.

Fortunately, although walking is slower, the Yellow Turban bandits have few cavalry!


""Go to Quzhou!"

Wang Hao gave the order.

All the soldiers hurried to Quzhou with light luggage.


Earlier, when Wang Hao led his team to Guangzong, he found an abandoned village on the way.

The village has about 50 households, and it is not large, but fortunately, it is all thatched houses.

Wang Hao decided at that time that if things change, he would set it on fire and report to Zhao Feng in Qiu County!

Zhang Nan rode his horse and ran. Although he met two teams of yellow scarves on the road, he had an idea and relied on his skin, the yellow scarf on his forehead, and shouted loudly along the way:"Emergency military information, get out of the way!"

It happened that the two teams of yellow scarves did not doubt him and let him go.

After about half an hour of rushing,

Zhang Nan came to the abandoned village.

Without any hesitation, he immediately lit the wormwood prepared in advance.

In an instant!

The raging flames engulfed the thatched houses, and thick smoke rose and floated into the clouds.

Jizhou is a plain with no shelter around.

I think!

Zhao Feng in Qiu County should be able to see it, right?

Zhang Nan prayed secretly and rode out of the village immediately.

But who would have thought!

As soon as he left the village, he ran into the Yellow Turbans.


Zhang Nan froze in place, swallowing his saliva subconsciously.

There was no way!

The other side had at least one team of soldiers!

Even if he, Zhang Nan, had three heads and six arms, he couldn't beat so many people!

Could it be that......

Am I going to die here?

Zhang Nan subconsciously pressed the knife at his waist!

Damn it!

Even if I die, I have to take these two with me.

"Who are you under?"


Have you spotted any suspicious people passing through here?......

Zhang Nan's reaction was quick.

He knew that it was his skin that played a key role.


Zhang Nan pointed casually and said something nonsense:

"Commander Qu, I had urgent military information to deliver, but a small team was chasing me, so I had to hide here."

"Those guys couldn't find me, so they set this place on fire and are now heading in that direction!"

"If you chase them now, you may still catch up. They look very anxious!"

The Yellow Turban leader glanced at the direction of Zhang Nan's finger, and then bowed:

"Good! Thank you for your guidance, brother. You can send the information as soon as possible!"

Zhang Nan nodded hurriedly:


After saying that

, he turned around and left without hesitation.

After taking two steps, he turned his head and found that the Yellow Turban team was heading straight to the far


"A bunch of idiots!"

Zhang Nan said proudly:"Your Grandpa Zhang is the real government army, damn it, I can't kill you idiots!"


Request flowers~~~

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