

Yellow Turban Camp.

Central Army, Big Tent.

Zhang Jue, wearing an apricot yellow Taoist robe and holding a nine-section staff, stood in front of the map.

The jagged distribution of forces on it recorded the recent confrontation between him and Lu Zhi.

After the fight, Zhang Jue truly realized that although he had a large number of troops, his chance of winning against the five battalions of the Northern Army was still very low.

Too careless!

Zhang Jue had to admit that he regretted it very much.

If he had known that the government army was so powerful, he should have prepared for two more years.

But thinking about it carefully, in fact, the development of things is not something he can control at all!

Just like the leak of Luoyang Tang Zhou at the beginning, it was beyond his expectations.

He raised his army in a hurry!

The court hastily responded to the battle!

As a result, things have developed to the current uncontrollable level!

Zhang Jue is in a dilemma and can only continue with gritted teeth! He exhaled a long breath of turbid air!

Zhang Jue seemed a little bored:"Lu Zhi is worthy of being a famous general of the contemporary era. He is so patient. That's Liu Zhong, the King of Ganling. He dared to let it go!"

"Damn it!"

Zhang Jue cursed inwardly.���He was so angry that he said,"If he can withdraw Changshui Camp, or any one of the Tunqi Camp, it is still unknown who will win or lose this battle!"

"Big brother!"

Zhang Liang stepped aside, bowed and said:"Since Lu Zhi has given up Ganling King Liu Zhong, then it's perfect. We can use his life to threaten Lu Zhi. I really don't believe that he dares to ignore the princes and nobles!"


Zhang Jue nodded:"This is the only way for now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly!

A quick report came from outside the tent:


A small Yellow Turban official rushed in from outside.

He looked flustered. When he met Zhang Jue, he didn't even have time to greet him. He just opened his mouth and said:

"It's a disaster!"

"General, disaster has occurred!"

Zhang Liang and Zhang Jiao were both startled.

"Don't be impatient, tell me slowly, what happened?"

The Yellow Turban clerk took a deep breath and pointed outside the tent:

"General, King Ganling Liu Zhong has been kidnapped!"

"The prison van was found near Jie Bridge"


Zhang Liang was shocked!

Zhang Jue was shocked!

The whole tent of civil and military officials was shocked!

You know, they were still saying that Lu Zhi ignored the Han royal family, but at this moment, they were slapped in the face by reality.

Lu Zhi did not ignore the Han royal family, but he did not send troops to support Ganling.


Their real purpose was to kidnap the prisoner!

And they kidnapped the Prince of Ganling right under your nose!

Damn it!

This is intolerable!

Zhang Jue was immediately furious and scolded loudly:"Damn it! What on earth does Li Damu do for a living? How could he let a dog official kidnap people? How did they get through so many blockades?"

The Yellow Turban clerk was indifferent.

The civil and military officials in the tent were even more indifferent!

For a moment!

No one could figure out the reason.


Just at this moment, another urgent report came from outside the tent.

A Yellow Turban soldier rushed in, bowed and said:

"General, there is news from Li Damuqushuai"

"Near Guyun Township, traces of the soldiers and officers who kidnapped Prince Ganling were discovered!"

"He has insufficient troops under his command, so he asked the general to send troops to help him recapture the King of Ganling!"

Zhang Jue immediately turned his head and looked at the map.

With a glance, he found Guyun Township, this insignificant little township, at the junction of Qinghe, Julu and Weijun!

"Fortunately, it’s not far!"

Zhang Liang looked at the map and let out a long breath.


He clasped his hands and said in a sonorous voice:"Brother, give the order, we can definitely get King Ganling back!"

"General, I, Fuyun, am willing to lead your troops!"

"I, the humble General Lei Gong, am also willing to go!"

"I, General Zhang Yan, am also willing to go!"


At that moment, seven or eight commanders came out and asked to fight.

But what about Zhang Jiao?

He kept his eyes fixed on the map and said nothing.

Zhang Liang frowned:"Brother, you......"

Zhang Jue did not hesitate and directly retorted:"What do you know! We are now confronting Lu Zhi, and the situation is like fire and water, and it is about to explode. He dares not withdraw his troops, so how can I dare to withdraw my troops?"


In order to make Lu Zhi withdraw his troops, Zhang Jue deliberately sent people to attack the King of Ganling.

But what was the result?

The other party would rather use robbery than move a single soldier.

Isn't the purpose to stabilize the position and not reveal any flaws?

If we lose our position because of the King of Ganling, Lu Zhi will definitely take advantage of the situation to press us.

A breakthrough will lead to a complete loss!

This point!

Zhang Jue knows it better than anyone else!

"But big brother!"

Zhang Liang paused, his expression slightly embarrassed:"Are we just going to let those dog officials kidnap Prince Ganling?"

Zhang Jue exhaled a breath of turbid air and pondered for a moment:"The other party did not mobilize a large army, it must be a small force fighting, no matter how few soldiers Li Damu has, it is enough to encircle and suppress them!"

"That’s it!"

Zhang Jue made a decision immediately:"Send someone to tell Li Damu that I am mobilizing troops and tell him to do his best to encircle and suppress the officers and soldiers and recapture King Ganling before the reinforcements arrive!"


Zhang Liang was puzzled:"Brother, this......"

Zhang Jue exhaled a breath of foul air:"Only in this way can he go all out!"



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