Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bright rhythm of the drums sounded.

A moment later, all the generals of the Northern Army gathered in the big tent, waiting for orders.

Liu Bei had just returned to the camp, and before he had time to pack up, he received the military order to go to the big tent to listen to the order.

He was very happy! He felt that Lu Zhi still had some teacher-student friendship.

Although he was ranked last, it was an honor to be able to enter the military tent to discuss matters.

Liu Bei secretly vowed to seize the opportunity and strive to soar to the sky!

At the head.

Lu Zhi was fully armed and his eyes swept over the crowd:

"Generals, I have called you here today to do something extremely important."

"This matter is related to the overall situation of the war, so I hope you will listen carefully and not miss any details."

All of a sudden, all the generals in the tent bowed:

"I will wait for your orders!"

Lu Zhi took a deep breath and then got to the point:

"According to reliable intelligence, a fierce battle broke out near Guangzong Guyun Township."

"I think it was Sima Wang who intercepted Prince Ganling, but because he failed to retreat in time, his whereabouts were exposed!"

"At this time, nearly 10,000 Yellow Turban soldiers were gathering there, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

After briefly introducing the background of the incident, Lu Zhi's eyes fell on Xu Min of the Cavalry Camp:

"Where is Xu Min from the Cavalry Battalion?"

Xu Min stepped forward:

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead your troops and withdraw from Jize Township after noon today. If Zhang Jue knows you are leaving, he will think you are going to rescue Wang Hao, so he will seize the opportunity and launch a large-scale attack!"

At this point, Lu Zhi raised the corners of his lips slightly and smiled faintly:"However, after leaving Jize Township, I want you to change your route in the evening and go straight to the Yellow Turban camp, and set fire to it at night, without any mistakes!"

"If the Yellow Turbans see the fire, they will know that it is a trap and will immediately return to the camp to support it. You will set up an ambush and kill them halfway. Fighting in the wilderness, under the cover of night, will surely win a great victory!"

The Tunqiying is a heavy cavalry with extremely strong combat power!

It has always been the absolute main force that Lu Zhi relies on.

Of course, the main force of the Yellow Turbans is also facing it!

Previously, neither army dared to take the initiative to attack because they were afraid of the combat power of both sides.

However, this time......

Lu Zhi deliberately exposed a flaw to lure the enemy out of the cave, and then kill him with a surprise attack!

After this set of moves, even if the enemy cannot be completely killed, at least more than half of them will be injured or killed!

Xu Min was stunned at first.

At first!

He really thought that Lu Zhi would let him go to Guangzong to rescue Wang Hao.

But he didn't expect that it was a trick to lure the enemy out of the cave and then raid the camp!

He didn't hesitate, and immediately bowed and said:

"Rest assured, Lu Zhonglang, I will live up to your expectations!"

After saying this, Lu Zhi turned his gaze to the Northern Army and said in a sonorous voice:

"Once Captain Xu has successfully set the fire, you will immediately launch a general attack on the Yellow Turbans!"

All the soldiers bowed their hands:


After arranging the military affairs, Lu Zhi let out a long breath and waved his hand:

"Okay, everyone go back to camp and prepare!"

"Whether we can defeat the Yellow Turbans in this battle depends entirely on your concerted efforts!"

The generals and soldiers bowed again:


Then he bowed and left.

At this moment,

Liu Bei was confused.

He stood there awkwardly, like a wooden stake:

"Master Lu,......What about the students?"

"Do you have anything to do, student?"

According to common sense, since Liu Bei was called to the military tent, he should have military duties.

Could it be that......

Was he missed by Lu Zhi?

Liu Bei felt like a thousand horses were running wildly in his heart.

What the hell!

Isn't this too bad?

"Oh, right!"

Lu Zhi then remembered that there was an extremely important matter that had not been arranged.

He hurriedly called Liu Bei forward:"Xuan De, come forward."

Liu Bei walked up quickly:"Master Lu!"

Lu Zhi ordered:"You immediately lead your troops and go deep into the vicinity of Baiyun Township in Guangzong. No matter what method you use, you must bring Wang Hao back to me!" Liu

Bei was stunned!

Although he didn't understand the current situation of the war.

But damn.........

He heard it clearly just now.

The Yellow Turbans gathered nearly 10,000 soldiers near Baiyun Township.

But he only had 500 local warriors.

With such a huge disparity in power, Liu Bei was really unsure.


Liu Bei hesitated

"What, you don't want to?"

Lu Zhi suddenly sat up straight, staring at Liu Bei with burning eyes.



Liu Bei immediately shook his head and then clasped his hands and bowed:"Master Lu, rest assured, I will do my best to rescue Sima Wang back to the camp!"

Lu Zhi hummed and said softly:"Xuan De, you must pay attention to this matter. Wang Hao has Ganling King Liu Zhong in his hand. He and Your Majesty are close friends. There must not be any mistakes!"

"Do you understand?"

Ganling King Liu Zhong?

A close friend of your majesty?

Liu Bei's eyes shone brightly.

Although he was a relative of the Han Dynasty, he was a very lonely person.

Otherwise, he would not have had to make a living by selling straw sandals.


His identity as a relative of the Han Dynasty is real.

If he can get in touch with Ganling King Liu Zhong, perhaps restoring the glory of his ancestors will be just around the corner.

Liu Bei is so smart, how could he not figure this out?

He immediately bowed and said:

"Teacher Lu, rest assured, students understand!"


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