
Outside the city, on a tree-lined path.

Wang Hao and his party were galloping.

Suddenly, a group of Yellow Turbans appeared in front of them.

Wang Hao did the same thing, reined in his horses, and said in a domineering tone:

"Which group are you from? Why are you in such a hurry?"

This group of Yellow Turbans is still small, and the leader must be of low rank.

They are naturally terrified when they meet a top-notch team like Wang Hao.

As expected!

The Yellow Turban leader nodded and bowed:

"General, we are heading to Baiyun Township to provide support."

"Don't you know?"

"A great battle broke out in Baiyun Township, and a group of government troops kidnapped Prince Ganling and fled.

Wang Hao pretended to understand and nodded:


"So that's how it is!"

Then, he had an idea and continued to ask:"How many people are there in a team like yours? Will there be a large army coming to support from Julu?"


The Yellow Turban leader was in a dilemma and scratched the back of his head:"General, you are embarrassing me. I am of low rank and my words are not taken seriously. I only received the order to rush to Baiyun Township, but I don't know anything else."

It seems that the Yellow Turban leader in front of him is indeed the lowest one. He can't get any valuable information from him.......

Quzhou is not too far from the main position of the Yellow Turbans.

According to common sense, the smoke of war in Baiyun Township should have caused a huge shock.

But when Wang Hao traveled all the way here, he encountered only small scattered forces, not large-scale Yellow Turbans with hundreds or even thousands of people!

Based on this, Wang Hao judged that Zhang Jue did not withdraw the main force from the front line. In this way

, there was no opportunity for Lu Zhi to launch a full-scale attack. His trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west felt a bit wasteful.

"Brothers, take action!"

Wang Hao winked at Gao Lan and immediately gave the order.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The blades rose, cold light flashed, blood flew.

In an instant, more than ten bodies lay on the ground.

They were familiar with the route and immediately hid the bodies in the dense weeds and covered the blood on the ground with sand.


Gao Lan put away his ring-handled sword and exhaled:"It seems that Zhang Jue is calmer than we thought. I'm afraid our tactic of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west will fail!"


Wang Hao set fire to Baiyun Township to attract the attention of the Yellow Turbans.

He attempted to use the special identity of King Ganling to attract Zhang Jue to withdraw troops from the main force to support Baiyun Township.

In this way, the Yellow Turbans will be exposed, and Lu Zhi will naturally not miss this opportunity!

He will definitely launch a full-scale attack and defeat Zhang Jue's defense line in one fell swoop!

And what about Wang Hao?

He withdrew in the opposite direction, taking advantage of the opponent's attention being attracted by Baiyun Township, and moved towards Zhang Jue's main force, trying to catch them off guard, unexpectedly, and take advantage of the situation to gain some military merits.

But things did not go as planned, and the plan was ultimately ruined.


Wang Hao glanced at the King of Ganling next to him and exhaled:"It doesn't matter, then we will wait for Zhao Feng to arrive and escort His Highness back to the barracks with all our strength!"

No matter what!

Escorting King Ganling back at the cost of almost zero casualties is also a great achievement.

As for Zhang Nan who was trapped in Baiyun Township?

He is alone and has a very small target. As long as he survives the search of the Yellow Turbans, he will definitely be able to come back!

Wang Hao is really not worried at all!


Gao Lan sighed, and said with a little regret:"I'm afraid this is the only way!"

Wang Hao turned around and bowed:"Your Highness, please wait patiently for another night. We will meet our troops tomorrow and will arrive in Quzhou!"

Liu Zhong nodded:"Don't worry, I have said that I will cooperate with you to the fullest!"

Wang Hao bowed:"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding!"


Baiyun Township.

At this moment.

Zhang Nan's heart was broken.

He looked at the scattered teams around him, but the number was at least a hundred people, and he suddenly felt like he had been screwed.

Originally, he just wanted to find a secret place to hide, wait for the search to pass, and then escape and return to the barracks.

But who would have thought!

He took two steps and encountered a group of yellow turbans! He took two more steps and encountered another group of yellow turbans!......

The same excuse.

It worked the first time.

It worked the second time.

But the third time.........

Although he was fooled, when the other party learned that Zhang Nan was going to pass on the news that Prince Ganling had been kidnapped, he immediately stopped him.

"Commander Qu already knows your information, so there is no need to go to Guangzong anymore."

"Why don't you stay and search with us?"

Zhang Nan immediately became discouraged and quickly refused:

"General, this is unacceptable. I am a scout."

"Even if the intelligence is wrong, we must return to Commander Qu and wait for his orders!"

Zhang Nan naturally wanted to withdraw.

But the other party's words made him give up resistance:

"Maybe you don’t know yet?"

"Commander Qu ordered everyone to encircle and suppress Baiyun Township"

"Not to mention a small scout like you, even the commander has to go into battle personally!"

"You! Just follow us and help us search for the bandits!"

Zhang Nan was confused!

This time, he was really trapped in a tight siege, and it was difficult to escape!

What was even more terrible was that the Yellow Turban leader actually took a fancy to his warhorse and took it away to ride it himself.

Zhang Nan was alone and could only rely on his skin to survive!

What should I do?

Waiting online, urgent!


It will be on the shelves tomorrow!

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