"Straight thief!"

"Didn't you say they were here?"

The Yellow Turban leader pointed at Zhang Nan's nose and started to curse.

"They were here before."

Zhang Nan looked aggrieved, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he said softly:"But, think about it, Chief, they are not dead, how could they stay here motionless and wait for us to come and catch them!"


"That makes sense!"

The Yellow Turban leader nodded and continued to ask:"Then where do you think they will go?"

Zhang Nan paused and pretended to think:"Well,......Chief, think about it yourself. Since they kidnapped King Ganling, they must go back to report. Since they are going back, they must be going to rebuke Zhang!"

"Chi Zhang?"

The Yellow Turban leader hummed, and suddenly realized:"That's right! It's Chi Zhang!"

After that, he waved his hand excitedly:"Brothers, let's go, target Chi Zhang, and chase him with all our strength!"

Zhang Nan secretly sneered:"Humph! A bunch of idiots, so easy to fool!"

As long as the general direction is Chi Zhang, he will have a chance to escape sooner or later.

But who could have thought!

Less than five miles away, a Yellow Turban team gathered.

The two armies simply joined forces.

What the hell!

The number of troops actually reached more than 300 people!

More than 300 people, that's more than 300 pairs of eyes!

Zhang Nan felt a little uncomfortable, and the chance of escape was greatly reduced!

But fortunately, after all, the general direction is correct, there is still a chance to escape!

The team continued to move forward.

After about three or five miles, another army gathered. The two armies joined together.

The number of troops reached more than 500 people.

Zhang Nan wanted to cry.

He felt that he was too smart.

Hijacking King Ganling and heading towards Chi Zhang, anyone with a normal brain should be able to think of it.

Therefore, most of the Yellow Turbans will definitely search in the direction of Chi Zhang. In this way, the number of troops will only gather more and more, and the difficulty of escape will only increase!

"Damn it!"

Zhang Nan cursed inwardly.

This is the rhythm of his old life!

No! He must escape quickly.

Otherwise, he will smash these people's hands.

"Hey, where are you going? Here is the chapter!"

"Oh, I feel a little dizzy!"


"Are you disoriented again?"

"No, I have to pee!"

"Me a little bit too!"

"Me too!"

"How about we all come together!"

"Go, go, go!"


Zhang Nan could only laugh!

At this moment, the number of Yellow Turbans around him had reached more than 1,200 people.

And judging from the current trend, there was a possibility that they would continue to grow!

What should he do?

If his identity was exposed, he would be chopped into pieces?

Zhang Nan shuddered subconsciously.

He shivered!


A voice sounded in the distance:

"Brothers, officers and soldiers have been spotted!"

"Charge! Kill these damn soldiers!"



Suddenly, shouts of killing rang out.

The Yellow Turbans beside him took out their weapons one by one and rushed over.

Zhang Nan was stunned.


Impossible! It was a plan that was made at the beginning.

The smoke of war rose.

Wang Hao led his troops in the opposite direction.

Zhao Feng even set out directly from Qiu County to Quzhou to meet Wang Hao.

How could he meet soldiers here?

Zhang Nan was suspicious and followed with his weapon.

Sure enough!

There was a battle ahead.

Not far away, a red-faced and long-bearded general held a Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand and swept through the army with one move. The three or four Yellow Turbans in front of him had their heads chopped off on the spot. Then he slashed with another knife in his backhand, and the Yellow Turban on the other side was directly blown away!


Zhang Nan couldn't help but gasp.

The strength of this red-faced, long-bearded general in front of him was even stronger than Gao Lan!


He had never seen such a person in the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army!

"Big Brother~~~"

Suddenly, a thunderous shout rang out.

Zhang Nan looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw another man with a black face, short beard, broad back and strong waist, who looked like a black iron tower.

This man was even more fierce. He stabbed the Yellow Turbans' nest with a steel spear of 10 feet in length in his hand. The three Yellow Turbans in front of him were pierced together by him like a candied haws!

What's more deadly!

The opponent held the spear with one hand and swept it vigorously.

The corpses on the spear were thrown away immediately, and puff puff puff, knocking down another seventeen or eighteen Yellow Turbans. The thunderous roar made not only the ordinary Yellow Turban soldiers, but even himself would tremble!


Zhang Nan was sweating profusely.

This black fellow was definitely as strong as the long-bearded general!

Although he was not familiar with the soldiers of the Northern Army's Fifth Battalion, the two men in front of him had distinct features. If they were really from the Northern Army, he would definitely have an impression of them!

More importantly!

The soldiers under the other side were extremely poorly equipped, even worse than Zhang Nan and others.

How could such soldiers come from the Northern Army's Fifth Battalion!

Zhang Nan only took a glance and immediately made a judgment that the group of people in front of him were definitely imposters!

But his brain capacity was really limited.

As for why the other party was pretending and what their real identity was.

For a while!

He really couldn't figure it out!

"Brother, hurry up, the Yellow Turban bandits have too many troops."

"Third brother, you protect eldest brother, I will cover your retreat!"

"Be careful, brother!"

"Don’t worry, third brother!"


"Brothers, Commander Qu has issued a death order, we must destroy them"

"Charge, kill them all, not a single one left!"



Zhang Nan sniffed.

What the hell!

What should I do?


Shouldn't we give flowers to such a lovely Zhang Nan?

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