
Northern Army Camp.

Central Army, Big Tent.

Lu Zhi frowned and paced back and forth.

He was panicked!

Because the war had completely exceeded his expectations.

Although the raging fire was already burning, and Zhang Yan also hurriedly led his troops back.

But for some reason, he could never wait for the victory news!

For Lu Zhi.

No news is bad news!

After all!

If it is a victory news, Xu Min will definitely deliver it as soon as possible.

But if it is bad news, it is not certain whether he can rush out!

But what will happen?

Lu Zhi didn't know!

Because judging from the current situation, everything is going according to the script.

""Lu Zhonglang!"

A voice rang out in the tent at some point.

Lu Zhi turned his head and looked.

Behind the clan member, there was a man with extraordinary bearing.

"he is......"

Lu Zhi frowned and stared at the other person

""Ganling King Liu Zhong!"

The clan member answered directly without hiding anything.~~~

Lu Zhi couldn't help but gasp.

He hurriedly walked around the commander's desk, came to Liu Zhong, and bowed:

"Lu Zhi, the General of the Northern Army, pays respect to His Royal Highness Prince Ganling!"

Liu Zhong waved his hand:

"No need to be polite!"

Lu Zhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Liu Zhong walked around Lu Zhi and sat at the top.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Zhi hurriedly glanced at the clan member, asking him why he didn't report it in advance.

But before the clan member could respond with his eyes, Liu Zhong had already interrupted:

"Don't ask him. I was sent back by Wang Hao."

"He is now leading his troops to attack the Yellow Turban camp, and I guess there will be good news soon."

Lu Zhi was even more stunned:"Wang Hao? Isn't he in Baiyun Township?"

"Baiyun Township?"

Liu Zhong sneered,"It was just a cover, a trick to divert attention. After our whereabouts were exposed, we rode lightly to Quzhou, but he sent people to burn beacon smoke in Baiyun Township to attract the attention of the Yellow Turbans.


Lu Zhi was even more shocked:"Qu Zhou? Good boy, you really have some skills!"

"How is it?"

Liu Zhong sat at the head of the table and looked at the other party:"If you still don't understand anything, feel free to ask. After all, this matter involves military affairs and cannot be taken lightly. I will tell you everything without reservation."

"That being the case......"

Lu Zhi was still somewhat confused, so he cupped his hands and said,"Your Highness, please tell me everything you've experienced. I don't need to tell you the details, just the general process!""


Liu Zhong nodded:"Then I will tell you briefly, this is what happened."

At that moment, Liu Zhong did not hide anything, and simply told Lu Zhi the whole process from robbing the prisoner car, to setting fire to Baiyun Township, until they arrived in Quzhou and joined Zhao Feng:

"That's all!"

Liu Zhong let out a long breath:"You are the General of the North, in control of the overall situation, you should know these things, but now that you know them, you must adjust your strategy and defeat Zhang Jiao!"


Liu Zhong showed a sinister look:"I will report to the emperor, depose you, and choose another wise one!"

Lu Zhi bowed and folded his hands:"Your Highness, rest assured, I will go all out to kill the Yellow Turbans and enforce justice on behalf of heaven!"

At this moment!

He finally understood Wang Hao's strategy.

From robbing the prisoner car, to making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, and even to the reaction of the Yellow Turbans, as well as his Lu Zhi's response strategy, I think all of them are under Wang Hao's control!

And what about him, Wang Hao?

It's just to gain more military exploits as a military Sima!

You know, fighting behind enemy lines is extremely dangerous. Once there is a mistake, it will be doomed.

But Wang Hao can always stay safe and play with the Yellow Turbans in his hands. Not only did he successfully complete the task, but even the success or failure of his Lu Zhi's battle plan now depends on Wang Hao!

This boy's wisdom and strategies are really not empty words!

Lu Zhi admired him so much!

Send Liu Zhong out of the big tent.

Lu Zhi hurriedly ordered:

"Clan member!"


"You should immediately send someone to Changshuiying to find out what the situation is!"


When the clan member was about to leave, suddenly, a quick report came from outside the tent:

"Good news~~~"

"Good news~~"

A clerk rushed in from outside the tent.

He was full of joy, clasped his hands and said:

""Lu Zhonglang, Changshui Camp has a victory report. They have captured the Yellow Turban Camp."

After saying that, the soldier handed the letter tube forward.

The clan member took it, opened it, took out the victory report, and presented it to Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi's eyes rolled up and down.

Sure enough!

It was Wang Hao who attacked the Yellow Turban rear camp, burned the enemy's food and grass, and caused a riot!

Otherwise, Changshui Camp would not have been able to capture the heavily defended Yellow Turban Bandit Camp in such a short time!

"Clan member!"


"You must quickly send a message to the Changshui Captain, ordering him to lead his troops to make a detour and assist the Infantry Captain to attack the Yellow Turban Camp from the south."


"In addition, send someone to inform the other captains to hold on, as reinforcements will arrive soon!"



After the clan members left,

Lu Zhi let out a long breath.

He couldn't help but think of Xu Feng who left some time ago.

"Brother Xu, can you answer a question for me?"

"Go ahead, I'll try to answer."

"What's so special about Wang Hao that makes you do this?"


After a moment of silence, Xu Feng said softly:"The world is about to be in chaos, and the one who can bring peace to the chaotic world must be someone like Wang Hao!"

Lu Zhi had not taken it seriously before, but now, he felt that he might be right.

Wang Hao was a boy who could never be judged by common sense!


Begging for flowers!

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