
"General, there is a fire in Fuyunqu's camp!"

"What did you say? The fire was actually in Fuyun's camp?" Zhang Jue was stunned when he heard this.......

Guessed the beginning, but not the ending!

Zhang Jue realized that Lu Zhi was taking advantage of the situation to lure the snake out of its hole, but he never thought that the opponent's target was not the Jize Township camp, but the camp guarded by Fuyun.

Isn't this giving up the easy way to seek the difficult?

Obviously not playing by the rules!

You know, he concentrated all the elite troops in the Jize Township camp. As for the other camps, although there are also generals guarding them, if the Tunqi Camp and Changshui Camp join forces, how can they resist!

"Damn it!"

Zhang Jue cursed inwardly,"Lu Zhi is indeed a famous general of the time, and I, Zhang Jue, am ashamed to be inferior to him!"

Without the slightest hesitation!

Zhang Jue made a decision immediately and ordered,"Quick! Inform the commanders of each army to withdraw from the battle in time and move closer to Guangzong. At the same time, send a message to Zhang Bao, ordering him to return to threaten the flank of the Northern Army!"

The messenger bowed and said,"Yes!"

Zhang Jue knew the characteristics of his camp too well.

It was a structure that could affect the whole body if one hair moved.

As long as the enemy made a breakthrough and he did not have a good defensive countermeasure, he would be torn open by the enemy, and then take advantage of the situation to expand his advantage and sweep the whole army!

The defeat was already decided and there was no way to turn the tide!

In order to reduce the loss of troops, Zhang Jue could only make a prompt decision and withdraw his troops back to Guangzong!

But he knew that he no longer had the ability to counterattack, so he could only hold on here and wait for the victory news from other battlefields of the Yellow Turbans to shock the court and transfer Lu Zhi out of Jizhou!


Zhang Jue punched the commander's desk.

His eyes were wide open, his thick eyebrows were twisted, the flesh on his face twitched slightly, his internal organs were like a raging sea, and the anger in his heart rushed to his throat!

"Lu Zhi, you are a coward!"

"If I don't kill you, I, Zhang Jue, will not be a human being!"

A chilling murderous aura surged in the tent.

Zhang Jue was really angry!

He had been preparing for ten years!

But in the end, he didn't even get out of Jizhou, let alone conquer Luoyang and become an emperor!

But before his anger dissipated, another report was heard outside the tent:


The voice was rapid and contained a hint of fear.

Zhang Jue was startled again and looked up hastily.

He saw the curtain rise and a small official rushed in from outside, with a panicked and dazed look on his face. The man did not even greet him, but fell to his knees with a plop, pointed outside the tent, and cried:

"Woe is me! Woe is me!"

"General, the camps of Lei Gong, Zhang Baiqi and Qing Niu Jiao are all on fire!"

"According to the defeated army's report, the attacker was called Wang Hao, a special unit commander under Lu Zhi!"

Wang Hao?

Zhang Jue was sure he had never heard of the other party's name.

But when he heard the words"special unit commander"!

He subconsciously attributed the other party to Lu Zhi's confidant. After all, the special unit commander's troops were directly under the command of the three army commanders, and it was a kind of independent command system.

""What a Lu Zhi!"

Zhang Jue's heart was even more furious:"You actually hid such a great general and let the five battalions of the Northern Army play along with him. You are really generous!"

Zhang Jue has been suspicious.

If it was the Tunqi Battalion that attacked the camp, then Jize Township would not have caught fire at all, and the war would not have happened.

But now, Jize Township is on fire, proving that the army there must be the Tunqi Battalion!


If this is the case, then who would be the one who attacked the camp?

Zhang Jue racked his brains but could not think of a nameless Sima from another army.

At this moment!

He felt mixed emotions and did not know why. He just felt that Lu Zhi was really amazing.

Since entering Jizhou, he has never seen him use the damn Sima from another army. It has always been the five battalions of the Northern Army that have been fighting against him.

It turns out that they had planned it from the beginning. This sharp sword will never be unsheathed until the critical moment!

Damn it!

Zhang Jue felt like he was being crushed by someone's IQ and was rubbed on the ground repeatedly.

As soon as he thought of this, the surging anger could no longer be held back and rushed up violently.

Ah, puff.~~~

Zhang Jue spat out a mouthful of twenty years old blood.

It seemed as if in that instant, he had aged ten years!

"Quick! Order the troops to withdraw and defend Guangzong!"

"Go and pass the order quickly!"

"Go quickly!!!"

Zhang Jue was hysterical, almost crazy!

He suddenly covered his chest, clenched his teeth, and felt the pain extremely!


Jize Township.

The night was getting darker.

But under the firelight, it was as bright as day.

The Yellow Turban Camp was in a fierce battle, with shouts and killings, and the dispatches were sent in all directions.

The soldiers of the Tunqi Camp trapped in the camp were in an awkward situation of being attacked from both sides.

The situation was extremely critical!

Under the cover of night.

Wang Hao led his troops to approach.

Perhaps because of the fierce battle in the camp, their 400 soldiers were not discovered by anyone.


Zhao Feng lowered his voice and said angrily:"Among the five camps of the Northern Army, this Tunqi Battalion is a piece of shit. Are we sure we want to save it?"

Wang Hao glared at him without hesitation:"What are you talking about! Although I have grievances with Captain Xu, they are at most personal grievances.

We are never vague about business!" At the beginning, when Wang Hao rushed to Changshan to help, although the Tunqi Battalion arrived late, they did not take advantage of the situation, forcibly attack, kill prisoners, pretend to be military merits, and frame Wang Hao!

Just based on this point!

Wang Hao knew that Xu Min was a principled man, but he was a little arrogant and looked down on others.

But can Wang Hao just watch him die because of this?

The answer is naturally no!

He did not hesitate and immediately ordered:


"The Yellow Turbans' rear camp has the least number of troops. Follow me to attack the rear camp and support our friendly forces!"



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