"Depend on!"

"Missed again!"

Wang Hao cursed inwardly.

The success rate of his casual archery was really too low.

But even so, after killing his way through, his proficiency in archery and cavalry warfare was raised to 366 points.

This was already more than the sum of his usual training!

Wang Hao was very satisfied with this!

Without any hesitation!

Wang Hao immediately abandoned his bow and took his spear, rushing straight to the gate of the Yellow Turban camp.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two arrows flew past Wang Hao from the side, killing the two guards at the gate on the spot.

Wang Hao took this opportunity to clamp the Red Sun Horse, suddenly raised the Black Iron Cold Spear in his hand above his head, and with a powerful and heavy move, he smashed down at the gate!

"Break it for me!"


The gate was smashed open.

Wang Hao rode alone and rushed into the camp.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

He used the Overlord Gale Thorn, and the Yellow Turbans rushing over from the side were killed by Wang Hao in an instant!


Experience +5000;

Advanced Lancer Battle (1877/3000);


Experience +5000;

Advanced Lancer Battle (1887/3000);......

5000 experience points?

Even Wang Hao was stunned.

You know, ordinary Yellow Turban soldiers only have 1000 experience points. Those who can reach 4000 experience points are basically low-level officers among the Yellow Turbans.

In a battle, it is already very good to meet one or two.

But now!

Every Yellow Turban killed by Wang Hao actually has 4000 experience points!


Absolutely elite!

And not just ordinary elite!

Wang Hao did not dare to let down his guard and hurriedly reminded:

"Zhao Feng, Gao Lan, don't underestimate the enemy, this group of Yellow Turbans is not ordinary!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Gao Lan and Zhao Feng rushed in.

Although they killed three or four Yellow Turbans in succession, they also felt the opponent's strength.

"Everyone be careful!"

Gao Lan hurriedly gave orders, reminding everyone:"It is best to fight in groups, and never be left alone!"

Fight in squads!

" It means fighting in squads.

This is what Wang Hao put forward during his usual training, targeting well-trained and powerful enemies.

Practice has proved that even a brave soldier like Zhang Nan would find it difficult to gain an advantage when he encounters five people fighting in coordination alone.

The order was given!

In an instant, the soldiers under his command changed their tactics.

From free hunting, they entered into fighting in squads.


A soldier raised his knife to block the yellow turban spear.

At the same time, the soldiers beside him attacked together, and the spears stabbed left and right, killing the yellow turban on the spot!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two arrows whizzed out.

The yellow turban bandit who attempted a sneak attack fell down!

This is the way of five people fighting in coordination.

There are ring-headed sword infantrymen wearing armor and focusing on defense; there are also spearmen holding spears, agile and swift spearmen waiting for an opportunity to move; there are also long-range crossbowmen observing the situation and providing bow and arrow support at any time!

Of course!

If possible,

Wang Hao also wants to arrange assassins who are good at surprise attacks, and wizards who are well versed in magic.

This is a truly mature team!


But there is no way, the world today does not support this model.......

The combination of melee and ranged combat.

There is also the coordination of meat shields and output.

Whether in the game or in reality, it is universal.

To be frank, although these five people are few, they can be regarded as a small formation!

Small but complete!

Thanks to Wang Hao's timely adjustment of tactics.

The soldiers under his command showed strong combat effectiveness in an instant.

Although the Yellow Turbans are elite, they can't get any advantage at all in the hands of Wang Hao's fierce soldiers.

They died or were injured!

In an instant!

Dozens of people were killed!

Xu Min, who was being besieged, suddenly brightened up.

He seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, pointing the long sword in his hand angrily to the sky, and screamed:

"Brothers, Lu Zhonglang has sent people to rescue us!"

"Everyone, take up your weapons!"

"Follow me!"

The hope of life was ignited.

The soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion seemed to be resurrected on the spot.

They raised their weapons, roared loudly, and rushed towards the spear forest like a group of howling wild wolves!


The spear forest pierced the chest.

But the soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion gritted their teeth, and with their last breath, they used the long spear in their hands to stab the yellow turbans on the opposite side.

Although this group of yellow turbans are elite, compared with the Han Tunqi Battalion, they are just a pile of broken bricks and tiles!

Just relying on this wave of strong charge!

The spear forest of the yellow turbans was instantly broken!

The soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion went crazy, sweeping over with endless anger.

Xu Min looked at Wang Hao who was fighting fiercely, with mixed feelings in his heart.

No matter what!

His life was saved by Wang Hao!

Xu Min was not the kind of person who didn't know what was good for him. He immediately jumped on his horse and rushed over:

"I owe you my life!"

Wang Hao shot a yellow turban to death, raised his head and glanced at Xu Min, smiling slightly:

"That's what you said!"

"Remember this!"

"Without my order, you can't die!"

Xu Min never expected that Wang Hao would answer like this.

He felt relieved and laughed out loud:


"Don't think I will be grateful to you!"

Xu Min killed a yellow turban with a spear. When he said this, he really wanted to slap himself. He obviously didn't think so in his heart!

But when the words came out of his mouth, the taste was not that way.

"" Tsk!"

Wang Hao sneered:"Who cares about your gratitude? Break out quickly. If you don't leave now, you really won't be able to escape!"

After saying that, Wang Hao turned around with his gun, killing as he walked:"Brothers, withdraw slowly!"

""You bastard, where are you going?"

A roar rang out.

In front of Wang Hao, a sturdy man holding a long iron sword appeared.

This man was at least eight feet tall, sitting on a warhorse, and was even stronger than Gao Lan.

More importantly, this man was wearing a set of fine iron armor, which was the equipment that only a general in the army could have!

You know, Wang Hao had killed so many Yellow Turbans, but this was the first time he saw a Yellow Turban wearing armor!

Considering the elite level of this group of Yellow Turbans!

A name popped up in Wang Hao's mind:

Guan Hai!

The most powerful general of the Yellow Turbans!

It was recorded in unofficial history that he and Guan Yu had fought for forty rounds under the city of Beihai without a clear winner.

Later, the Yellow Turbans were broken and disappeared since then.

According to Wang Hao's experience, if the opponent was really Guan Hai, then his martial arts should be at least above 85 points, a second-rate general, and even faintly touched the threshold of a first-rate general!

Wang Hao did not dare to be careless, and stared at his opponent with his eyes!

With his current strength, he was no match for Guan Hai at all!


Wang Hao was not afraid at all, but rather a little excited!

This was his first time to fight a real master!

If he backed down! He would never become a god of war in his life!

Subconsciously, Wang Hao tightened his grip on his weapon.

His eyes flashed, and he squeezed the horse's belly hard, holding the weapon high, and rushed over like lightning!


"Take my shot!"


Please order first!

Today will be very exciting!

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