
Sparks flew when the swords and spears collided.

A deafening sound of golden explosions.

Although Wang Hao had tried his best, Guan Hai seemed to have stopped his strongest attack with just a light blow.

Chi Leng Leng~~

The weapons of both sides were deadlocked in the air.

The powerful force, through the weapons, kept colliding.

Wang Hao was sweating profusely!

He felt like a gun hitting a mountain.

No matter how many moves you make,

I will remain unmoved!

"So strong!"

Wang Hao couldn't help but sigh.

But he didn't show any fear. While he drew his spear back, the black iron spear spun at his waist, and with endless divine power, it whistled from another direction!

Overlord Cutting River Style!

It suddenly broke out! If Wang Hao didn't make a move, it would be fine. Once he made a move, he went straight to the opponent's waist and abdomen! It happened in a split second! He thought his attack was fast, fierce and accurate enough! But just when the spear tip was about to hit the opponent's waist, it stabbed sideways! The opponent's knife bar blocked the waist. It blocked Wang Hao's attack very accurately!

"Damn it!"

Wang Hao gritted his teeth and looked up at the other person.

But he found that the other person's eyes were also looking at him, but they seemed more indifferent.

This feeling......

As if he was looking down on himself.

Somehow, Wang Hao's anger ignited.

His arms seemed to generate a strong force out of thin air, and along with his anger, they suddenly exploded!

"Die for me!"

Wang Hao swung up the black iron cold spear, and a sharp whistling sound rang in his ears.

This move!

There is no fancy at all!

It is just a simple move of Overlord Shattering Mountains and Rivers!

But Guan Hai, who has always been calm, showed a trace of surprise.

He no longer dared to underestimate Wang Hao, and actually held the knife with both hands, horizontally in front of him, posing a defensive posture like an iron bridge blocking the river.~~~

Sparks flew as swords and spears collided.

Deafening roars of gold rang out.

But what was different from before was......

Guan Hai's knife handle actually bent into a visible arc in an instant.

The sound of metal rubbing against each other, mixed with the sharp neighing of the warhorse, suddenly rang out!

Coupled with his dumbfounded expression!

It all proved how much the opponent was afraid of Wang Hao's head-on attack!

Even Wang Hao himself!

He couldn't imagine that his move could be so powerful!



Congratulations on realizing the exclusive gun intent: Overlord's Bravery.

When attacking, there is a 5% chance of dealing double damage.

The Overlord's Gun Skill level is currently advanced, and the chance has been corrected to 15%.


Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

According to the game settings, each well-known spear technique has a spear intent.

Different spear intents have different effects!

The Overlord Bravery that Wang Hao comprehended is a kind of critical damage similar to the game.

But just as spear techniques can only be learned at the military commander stage, spear intent is also something that can only be mastered by military commanders, and at least by first-class military commanders!


Wang Hao, an elite soldier, had mastered the exclusive spear intent.

However, the power of this exclusive spear intent was closely related to the proficiency of the spear.

At the basic stage, there should be only a 5% chance of producing double damage; but at the advanced stage, the chance increased to 15%; as for the great success stage,......

If Wang Hao remembered correctly, it should be a 30% chance!

Double damage!

That's double damage!

At present, Wang Hao has 66 points of force. Even if we put aside the bonus of equipment and skills, and only count the force of elite soldiers and all professional proficiency, it is almost 58 points!

Once the double effect is triggered!

The explosive power at that moment can reach 136 points!

Damn it!

Let alone Guan Hai.

Even Lu Bu and Zhao Yun would be shocked.

Of course, as a second-rate general, Guan Hai should also have his own skills.

Although Wang Hao triggered the double effect, if the opponent has skills such as damage reduction, it may not be able to kill with one blow!

As it is now!

That defensive iron bridge blocking the river can offset a large part of the damage effect.

Therefore, Guan Hai was not beheaded on the spot by Wang Hao, who had 136 points of force, relying on an instantaneous burst!

Although it is a pity, Wang Hao is already very satisfied with it!


Guan Hai gasped.

His hands holding the knife trembled slightly, and his knuckles were aching!

It was hard to imagine that such a powerful force was hidden under the other party's elegant appearance!

Almost subconsciously, an idea flashed through Guan Hai's mind.

He must kill the other party before he grows up, otherwise this boy will be a big worry for the Yellow Turbans in the future!


Guan Hai used all his strength to knock Wang Hao's weapon away.

At the same time, he endured the severe pain, swung his long sword, and slashed at him.


"Man, your opponent is me!"

From the side, a large iron spear was placed in front of him. With a crisp clang

, Guan Hai's long sword was blocked. Guan Hai turned his head and looked. He saw a man with a dark face and big eyes, a strong body, angry eyes and murderous intent! This man was none other than Gao Lan, a general under Wang Hao. One of the four pillars of Hebei in the future!


Gao Lan glanced and said,"Are you okay?"

Wang Hao nodded and said,"Don't worry, it's okay!"

""Okay!" Gao Lan felt relieved,"Let's kill this thief together!"

Wang Hao smiled lightly,"That's what I meant!"

At that moment!

Two people, two guns; one on the left and one on the right, attack Guan Hai together!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The cold light danced with boundless splendor.

Like a sky full of stars, it instantly covered Guan Hai!

Although Wang Hao's strength is unstable, with Gao Lan's help, he can still barely deal with Guan Hai.

If Wang Hao bursts out with one move, triggering the double effect of Overlord's Bravery, he can even gain the upper hand for a moment!


Wang Hao chopped down with a gun.

Overlord's Bravery, burst out suddenly!

Guan Hai was shocked and the knife handle fell out of his hand, and he couldn't hold it.

Even Gao Lan, who was on the side, couldn't help but be stunned:

"Congratulations, Sima, your strength has made another breakthrough!"

Wang Hao smiled faintly and glanced at Guan Hai:

"Don't mention it, I have to thank him!"

Gao Lan raised his lips slightly and nodded to show his understanding.


The two men raised their spears and fought again, attacking from both sides!

For a moment!

They killed Guan Hai so hard that he could only defend himself and had no ability to fight back!

""Damn it!"

Guan Hai cursed inwardly.

He did not dare to hesitate for a moment. While Wang Hao's shot missed, Guan Hai knocked Gao Lan's weapon away, reined in his horse and turned to leave without hesitation.

"Want to leave?"

Gao Lan shouted,"Not that easy!"

After that, he spurred his horse and chased after him, like chasing a sheep, madly chasing him!

"Where to escape?"

Wang Hao squeezed the horse's belly hard.~~~

Chiyang sat down in pain, raised his head and neighed, then raised his hoof and walked away.

I have to admit!

Chiyang is indeed a good horse from Yanqi.

It seemed like just a moment!

Wang Hao approached his opponent, raised his gun and raised his hand, and stabbed Guan Hai in the back with a Overlord Drill!


Congratulations on successfully fighting against Guan Hai.

Reward: Force +1;


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