Wang Hao would not doubt Liu Bei's identity as a relative of the Han Dynasty.


The court would check the royal family every year.

This matter was handled by the court's Zong Zheng, an official position that was specifically in charge of the royal family's name list. Every year, a special person would be sent to check and then sort out the genealogy of princes with the same surname!

Even if we take a step back and say that Liu Bei's clan has lived in Zhuo County for generations, if Liu Bei lied, doesn't that mean that all of Liu Bei's clansmen are lying?

How is this possible!

What's more!

If Liu Bei was just an ordinary person.

Could he have been Lu Zhi's student and Gongsun Zan's classmate?

The answer is obviously no!


Although Liu Bei's identity as a relative of the Han Dynasty was real.

But in this era when princes were worse than dogs and royal family members were everywhere, his little stuff could only be used to cheat.

In Wang Hao's heart, the only thing that Liu Bei could be praised for was his ability to cheat, which was just quite awesome!

Being able to cheat out Emperor Zhao of Han was enough to prove his strength!

After sending away Liu Zhong, the King of Ganling.

Lu Zhi summoned all the generals and briefly summarized the battle in the central army tent.

Wang Hao was naturally the brightest star. He not only won the respect of the five battalions of the Northern Army, but also successfully made Lu Zhi look at him differently.

His status in the army also rose!

Lu Zhi even agreed that the equipment withdrawn from the five battalions of the Northern Army could be supplemented to Wang Hao's army first.

That was the equipment of the five battalions of the Northern Army!

The heavy armor of the infantry battalion; the bows and crossbows of the shooting battalion; the war horses of the cavalry battalion; all of them were the best of the best!

It is conceivable that the combat effectiveness of Wang Hao's soldiers will be greatly improved.

And what about Liu Bei?

Not only did he suffer a great loss of troops, but he also successfully inherited the title of the general manager.

From now on, he will be responsible for all the trivial matters such as setting up camp and patrolling at night.

After the meeting, Wang Hao left the tent and took a deep breath.

At this moment, it seemed that even the air was sweet!

But he had not enjoyed this feeling enough.

At some point,

Gao Lan came up to him and whispered:

"Sima, Zhang Nan hasn't come back yet."

Wang Hao was stunned:

"What did you say?"

"Zhang Nan hasn't come back yet?"

If it was an ordinary soldier,

Wang Hao might have sent two people out to look for him.

But it was Zhang Nan!

Although he was not very skilled in martial arts and his brain was not very active, he was Wang Hao's first retainer, and he meant a lot to him!


Gao Lan nodded:"He hasn't come back yet. I have sent people to look for him, but there is no news so far!"

Wang Hao suddenly became nervous:"Send more soldiers and horses, disguise them as yellow turbans, and go to Baiyun Township to check!"

Gao Lan exhaled:"I have sent them out. I think there should be news tonight."

Although Gao Lan didn't say it directly, Wang Hao could hear it.

Maybe Zhang Nan has been in trouble!



Somewhere in the county town.

Zhang Nan sat on the ground with a dull expression.

He never thought that he would be forced to follow to Guangzong.

You know, this is Zhang Jiao's old nest, surrounded by the Yellow Turbans of Jizhou.

And as an officer, he was actually among the Yellow Turbans!

God damn it!

Zhang Nan suddenly felt like he was screwed by a god.

What if a Yellow Turban recognized his appearance and pointed him out in front of everyone.

It would take less than a minute for him to become a pile of meat paste!

Zhang Nan couldn't help swallowing his saliva!

He grabbed a handful of ash and smeared it on his face!

Oh my God! Oh my earth!

What sin did I, Zhang Nan, commit in my previous life to end up like this!

"My lord, will I ever see you again?"

"Gao Lan, I really want you to beat me up again!"

"Zhao Yu, I really want to eat another wheat cake you made!"

"Zhao Feng......"


For some reason,

Zhang Nan's mind was filled with scenes.

They were all about his time with Wang Hao, Gao Lan, Zhao Feng and others.

Perhaps only when one is at his loneliest can one know how precious friends are!

""Brother, why are you crying?"

Suddenly, a voice appeared in Zhang Nan's ear.

Zhang Nan was startled, turned his head and looked at it, secretly relieved:

"It's you!"

The man in front of him was the one who had been following Zhang Nan and"commanding" him all the way to Guangzong!

To be honest, Zhang Nan wanted to kill him!

But the other party was outnumbered, and Zhang Nan really had no confidence!

If he caused public outrage, he would probably end up in a mess!

Zhang Nan vaguely remembered!

Wang Hao once said: A little intolerance will ruin a big plan!


Zhang Nan took a deep breath and kept reminding himself:

"I will endure!"

"You must endure it!"

"You must endure until you reach a dead end!"

The yellow turban handed over a wheat cake and said softly:

"Brother, I don’t even know your name yet!"

Zhang Nan was indeed hungry.

He took the wheat cake and took a bite.

At this moment, he wanted to cry even more!

There is no harm without comparison!

After eating what Zhao Yu made, even if it was just a simple wheat cake, he couldn’t eat other people’s food anymore.

Seeing that Zhang Nan only took a bite and didn’t swallow it, the yellow turban thought that he had lost a relative, so he comforted him:

"Brother, these days, death is a very normal thing, you have to be more open-minded!"

"Just like me, my father passed away three years ago, and within two months, my mother passed away, and a year later, my eldest brother passed away too."

"Logically speaking, they were very pious and should have gotten better after drinking the magic water, but they just couldn't get over it!"

"I wanted to let them go, but after thinking carefully, if I died, the Jiao family would be extinct, so I have lived until now."

At this point, Jiao Chu snorted and said,"If you ask me, as long as you can live, it doesn't matter how you live. Just relax. Sooner or later, all the bad luck will pass.��!"

Zhang Nan glanced at Jiao Chu and asked,"Are you annoying?"

Jiao Chu chuckled and said happily,"Brother, you finally spoke. As long as you can speak, it proves that there is no problem. If you are fine, I will be relieved!"


Zhang Nan glanced at Jiao Chu, then turned his back and said,"Fuck! Idiot!"

Jiao Chu knew that Zhang Nan was in a bad mood, so he didn't bother him anymore and said softly,"Brother, you must eat this wheat cake, otherwise it will be snatched away later!"

""Get out!"

Zhang Nan was furious, turned around and said angrily:"I told you to get out, don't bother me!"

Jiao Chu still smiled:"Normal! Normal! Just vent it out, I was the same as you at that time."

Zhang Nan's heart suddenly had ten thousand alpacas running wildly!

He didn't know if Jiao Chu was the most annoying person in the world!

But one thing was certain!

In his world, Jiao Chu was definitely the most annoying person, no doubt about it!

"Get out!"

Zhang Nan clenched his teeth and cursed fiercely:"Get out now! If you don't get out, I'll beat you up, dig out your eyeballs and use them as bubbles to step on, chop off your head and kick it like a ball!"

Jiao Chu:"......"


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