For three consecutive days, there was no news about Zhang Nan.

Wang Hao searched almost everywhere he could.

But there was still no trace of him, as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth, no one could see him alive, and no one could see his body after his death!

During this period, Lu Zhi led his troops to kill and almost wiped out most of the Yellow Turbans except Guangzong.

But even so, Zhang Nan still did not show up!

Wang Hao was a little desperate!

If Zhang Nan was really still alive, he would definitely take the opportunity of the counterattack to look for Wang Hao.


But there wasn't!

There was no trace of Zhang Nan, he disappeared completely.

In fact, at a certain moment.

Wang Hao thought that Zhang Nan might have traveled through time.

Together with his body, he traveled to an unknown world.

After all, this kind of bizarre thing had happened to him, and he couldn't help but think about this possibility.

But thinking of this, Wang Hao was relieved! What if Zhang Nan was also bound to a system and became successful from then on, it could be regarded as a kind of destination.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Wang Hao galloped on his horse and kept shooting.

The target in front of him was almost turned into a hedgehog by his shooting.


It was just as he thought.

As long as he could hit the target, his proficiency would improve.

In just seven days, Wang Hao's elementary archery and cavalry combat was maxed out and promoted to advanced archery and cavalry combat.

But he did not stop training because of this. Instead, he worked harder than before!

Advanced archery and cavalry combat (765/3000);

Advanced archery and cavalry combat (766/3000);

Advanced archery and cavalry combat (767/3000);......

As he shot the arrows again and again,

Wang Hao could clearly feel that his horse archery skills were improving steadily.

This was certainly due to his improved proficiency, which led to a subtle change in his body, but also due to his hard work and experience gained from repeated failures!


An arrow whistled.

The arrow shaft trembled slightly on the target not far away.

Advanced Horse Archery Combat (854/3000);

"Oh yeah!"

Wang Hao was secretly delighted.

This was his fifth consecutive arrow that hit the target.

Although the target was a dead object, it also proved that Wang Hao's archery skills had been greatly improved!



Applause rang out

"Congratulations, Sima, your riding and archery skills have improved rapidly!"

It was Gao Lan! Wang

Hao noticed it immediately.


He reined in his warhorse, turned his head, and whispered,"How did you find time to come here?"

Gao Lan walked forward slowly, smiled, and said,"Lu Zhonglang suddenly ordered to gather the local militia to attack the Yellow Turbans together, and asked me to tell you that we must at least replenish 2,000 soldiers and horses!"


Wang Hao nodded:"As expected!"

Gao Lan was slightly startled:"As expected? How do you mean?"

Wang Hao smiled and said:"It's very simple. Now Zhang Jiao is stationed in Guangzong with at least 100,000 troops. Once they close their doors and refuse to fight, we will have no way to deal with them."

"That’s right!"

Gao Lan seemed to understand a little:"Two days ago, the five battalions of the Northern Army tried to attack Guangzong. I heard that they were repelled by arrows before they even reached the top of the city wall!"


Wang Hao naturally knew about this.

He removed the water bag under the saddle and took a gulp:"The problem lies here. Lu Zhonglang knows it very well. If you want to capture Guangzong, who has 100,000 soldiers, it is impossible to do it without 200,000 soldiers!"

"Could it be......"

Gao Lan suddenly realized and said,"Lu Zhonglang ordered the recruitment of local militiamen from all directions to come to the battle because the Northern Army's five battalions were short of manpower, right?"

"Of course!"

Wang Hao smiled calmly:"If nothing unexpected happens, we will be the first team to receive reinforcements. You should be smart and pick more strong militiamen, and then start training together."


Gao Lan clasped his fists and bowed.

"Let's go back to the barracks."

Wang Hao called out and rode back to the barracks.

He did not go directly back to his own tent.

Instead, he went to Zhao Feng first.

His injuries had stabilized, but he had not yet recovered, so he could only rest.

"You can rest assured and recuperate!"

Wang Hao patted Zhao Feng on the shoulder and said,"There shouldn't be any wars recently. As for training, Gao Lan is here, so don't worry too much!"

"Your biggest task now is to rest in peace and make sure you get your body back in shape in the shortest possible time, understand?"

After saying that, Wang Hao called out,"Zhao Yu, you come to supervise!"

Zhao Yu nodded,"Don't worry Sima, I will definitely supervise you, brother!"

Wang Hao smiled,"If he doesn't listen, tell me at any time and I will help you deal with him!"

Zhao Yu was immediately happy, with a dimple smile, very cute,"Yu'er thanks Sima!"

Wang Hao waved his hand,"Hey, don't call me Sima all the time, it sounds uncomfortable, just call me by my name"


Zhao Yu was surprised:"How can this be possible?"

Wang Hao retorted:"Why not? Names are meant to be called, right, Zhao Feng?"

Zhao Feng nodded:"That's right."......It seems to make sense."

Wang Hao smiled and nodded:"Of course! From now on, just call me Wang Hao, you are different from your brother!"


Zhao Yu was a little hesitant at first.

But seeing that Wang Hao was approachable, without any official airs, and caring towards them, he thought for a while and nodded,"Well, Yu'er will obey your command!"

Wang Hao smiled lightly,"That's right!"


Sili, Luoyang.

Imperial Palace.

Imperial Garden.

Inside the octagonal pavilion.

A man in a nine-dragon robe was lying lazily on a woman's lap.

He was holding a bottle of wine and was a little tipsy.

This man was none other than Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty!

"Prince Ganling, didn’t you say that the Yellow Turbans in Jizhou could be wiped out in an instant?"


Liu Hong turned his head and sneered,"It's been almost a month since you returned to Beijing, how come there is no movement in Jizhou?"

"To be honest with you, Your Majesty!"

Ganling King Liu Zhong bowed, also frowning:"In fact, I am also wondering, we did win a great victory over the Yellow Turbans that day, killing them so badly that they fled in disarray!"

"Logically speaking, a month should be enough to capture Guangzong, kill the traitor Zhang Jue, and enforce justice on behalf of heaven, but for some reason, there is still no news!"


Ganling King Liu Zhong exhaled a breath of turbid air:"Your Majesty, could it be that Lu Zhi is slacking off?"

Liu Hong frowned:"Huh? Lu Zhi is slacking off?"

After a long while.

Liu Zhong didn't know how to answer, so he could only suggest:"Or......Your Majesty, send someone to ask?"

Liu Hong nodded and said,"This is a good idea. By the way, it can also help me comfort the soldiers on the front line."

Liu Zhongshen agreed and said,"That's right, Your Majesty should do so!"


Liu Hong immediately decided:"Tomorrow! I will send people to Jizhou to comfort the troops!"

Liu Zhongyi bowed and said:"Your Majesty is wise!"


It was released at 12 noon, and 6 chapters have been updated in half a day.

Not fast, but not slow either!

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