
Outside the city.

Northern Army camp.

Central Army, big tent.

Lu Zhi sat at the head, and the civil and military officers were on both sides.

Perhaps because of the replenishment of the troops, the soldiers were all smiling and happy.

In the past, Wang Hao was looked down upon and no one talked to him.

But now, Wang Hao has been recognized by everyone, and many people even came up to him to chat with him.

"Sima Wang, your team is the first to be replenished, which is enough to prove that you are highly valued by Lu Zhonglang!"

"That’s right, a Sima of a separate department can actually have up to 2,000 people. Sima Wang is really no longer the same as before!"

"If you are on the battlefield, be sure to lend a helping hand to your brothers!"

"We are all colleagues, and helping each other is a matter of course. Generals, rest assured, Hao will naturally help you with all his strength."


They were both from the same hometown.

There was a constant stream of generals coming and going to Wang Hao's side.

But Liu Bei's side was so cold that there was no one coming and going, and there was no movement at all.

At a certain moment, Wang Hao could even feel Liu Bei's fierce murderous intent, like a sharp sword, stabbing at him.

In his subconscious, he would not blame Lu Zhi for his tactical misjudgment.

He would only think that Wang Hao had played him, making him a scapegoat and a laughing stock of the whole army!

Especially compared with Wang Hao, who was also a hometown warrior!

One was full of clever strategies, playing with the Yellow Turbans in the palm of his hand, and helping Daxia to collapse; the other was killed by the Yellow Turban bandits and almost wiped out.

If it weren't for Guan and Zhang's efforts to protect himself, even Liu Bei's life would have been buried in the hands of the Yellow Turbans.


Wang Hao also admired Liu Bei!

He could be so calm as if nothing had happened despite such humiliation.

His endurance was comparable to that of Ninja Turtles!

At that time!

Wang Hao was about to approach Liu Bei to talk to him.

After all, he was the future Emperor Zhaolie of Han, and it would be good for him to get in touch with him as soon as possible.

But at this moment, the curtain rose and Lu Zhi strode in.

Wang Hao could only temporarily suspend his plan, stand upright, and wait for military orders!


Lu Zhi turned to the front, looked around at the generals in the tent, and said loudly:"I called you here today because I have something to announce."

"First, the issue of troop replenishment!"

"Some teams have been replenished, and the number of soldiers has almost returned to the pre-war level. The next task is to increase the intensity of training to lay the foundation for the future attack on Guangzong."

"As for the teams that have not received reinforcements, they will be given priority when the next wave of troops arrive. Don't worry too much. I, Lu Zhi, will take care of everyone."

At this point, everyone knew it very well.

The only team that did not receive reinforcements was Liu Bei's miscellaneous team.

Wang Hao glanced at Liu Bei with his peripheral vision, thinking that this guy might blush and be so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the ground.

But who would have thought......

Liu Bei, this old guy, was a little scary in his calmness.

There was no strange expression on his face at all.

The history books said that Liu Bei was not emotional, which was true.

He seemed to want to maintain the image of a model army in front of Lu Zhi. He would take it if he was given, and he would not complain if he was not given.

Only in this way can he capture Lu Zhi's heart and make him feel guilty about himself!

After all, it was because of listening to Lu Zhi's orders that the army was almost wiped out. Now you don't give me reinforcements. Don't ask me, just touch your conscience and say, can I get by?

I have to admit!

This is an extremely superb method.

Liu Bei is well versed in human hearts and is good at it!

This can be seen from the fact that Guan and Zhang swore to follow him to death!

Even Wang Hao admired this.

Liu Bei, who was also born as a local warrior, already had two retainers who were as powerful as ten thousand enemies.

But what about Wang Hao?

There was only one cannon fodder, Zhang Nan.

Even if he broke through the shackles, it was estimated that he would be barely at the second-rate threshold.

Perhaps, it is possible to recruit Gao Lan as a private minister, but with Gao Lan's strength, how can he be compared with Guan and Zhang.

If it weren't for the coincidence that Zhao Feng's troops were captured, Wang Hao couldn't even catch the shadow of the super-powerful general Zhao Yun.

In short, in terms of people's hearts, Wang Hao is indeed far behind Liu Bei and needs to be improved.


Lu Zhi assigned some specific tasks.

The vast majority of troops are naturally focused on training soldiers and horses.

But Liu Bei's miscellaneous department has undertaken more tasks, such as making ladders and assisting in the transportation of food and grass.

When they were about to adjourn the meeting and return to their camps to prepare.


A long report came from outside the tent:


A messenger rushed into the tent, bowed and said:"Lu Zhonglang, there is a letter from Luoyang!"

Lu Zhi waved his hand and said:"Show it!"

Taking the letter, Lu Zhi unfolded it and looked at it, his face slightly unhappy.

But he paused, and told the generals the truth:"Everyone, the court will send people to visit the troops in the near future. If anyone wants to send a letter to Luoyang, prepare the letter in advance!"

"The court is going to send people to comfort the troops?"

"Great! His Majesty still cares about us"

"We won such a great victory, it’s time for you to come and entertain the troops!"

"I haven't contacted my family for several months. I have to write a letter to my wife and children!"

"Haha, me too. When I left, my wife was already three months pregnant."


Suddenly, all the soldiers started talking about it.

But Wang Hao clearly saw that Lu Zhi had no interest in this, but was a little worried.

Obviously, as a senior figure in the court, Lu Zhi keenly noticed that behind the military service, His Majesty did not trust the front-line war.

This is an extremely dangerous signal!

As the commander of the three armies, Lu Zhi must be the first to bear the brunt!

In memory.

According to the course of history, the next person to visit the army should be Zuo Feng, the little yellow gate.

Lu Zhi, this stubborn donkey, did not even give face to the scholars, so how could he give a good face to a eunuch.


The consequences can be imagined.

Although, on the surface, this matter had no effect on Wang Hao.

But Dong Zhuo, who succeeded Lu Zhi, was not a good bird.

Compared with Dong Zhuo, Wang Hao liked Lu Zhi more.

Although he had a bad temper, at least he was fair and would not blame you for your military exploits.

Moreover, now that Lu Zhi looked at Wang Hao differently, it was the time to develop his grand plan!

If Lu Zhi was withdrawn at this time, Dong Zhuo was ordered to take over.

Perhaps the little military merit he had made would most likely be claimed by Dong Zhuo.

But he was powerless and could only endure such a thing, with no possibility of fighting back!

So, whether for Lu Zhi or for himself.

Wang Hao had to come up with a clever plan to capture Guangzong in the shortest possible time.

Otherwise, what happened next would be really fucked up!


Facing a city with 100,000 soldiers, what kind of strategy should be used to capture it in a short time?

Wang Hao thought hard, but he couldn't come up with a good idea!


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