When they returned to the military camp,

Gao Lan was waiting in the tent.

Seeing Wang Hao coming back, he handed over a pile of straw paper he had prepared in advance:

"Sima, this is the list of new recruits, a total of more than 1,700 people."

Wang Hao didn't pay much attention, just a simple"hmm" and ordered:

"You can keep it to yourself, there is no need for me to review everything."

"But remember one thing!"

Wang Hao instructed:"There are too many soldiers in this group, and their quality is relatively complicated. In this case, it is very easy to develop a mentality of grouping together. We need to divide them and disrupt them all."

In fact,

Wang Hao didn't understand these things before.

But with the increase of his commander-in-chief attributes, these experiences in managing the army have been subtly integrated into his blood.

What kind of situation will have what consequences and how to deal with it!

For Wang Hao at this time, it is like he was born with it and understood it naturally.

Even, he couldn't understand the map before, but now he only needs to take a look at it, and the terrain is basically engraved in his mind.

Wang Hao can only say that the improvement of each attribute has its own role and should never be underestimated.

"Sima, rest assured!"

Gao Lan naturally realized this problem:"I have thought about it. We will try our best to promote our old subordinates. Those who used to be soldiers can now be sergeants, and those who used to be sergeants can now be squad leaders!"

"Then, we will intersperse these new recruits in the team and try to break up their previous organization to prevent the occurrence of grouping. This point has been considered when selecting soldiers."

Wang Hao nodded with satisfaction:"Well, very good!"

After such a long time of getting along,

Wang Hao increasingly felt that Gao Lan, the Four Pillars of Hebei, was actually better at commanding than at fighting.

This can be judged from his recent four-dimensional attribute increase.

Gao Lan's current increase in force is only 3 points; but his command and intelligence increase has reached 7 or 8 points.

It is more than twice the increase in force!

In fact, this is better!

In ancient warfare, the strength of the army was far greater than the individual strength.

A good commander is even better than a brave and invincible man!

Wang Hao has a deep understanding of this!

"Oh, right!"

Wang Hao suddenly remembered something and ordered:"Regarding Zhang He and Qian Zhao, temporarily appoint them as military marquises, each leading 400 soldiers, but try to reduce the number of soldiers under their command."

"at this point!"

"Leave it to you to arrange it!"

Gao Lan nodded:"Don't worry, Sima, I will leave it to you!"

Wang Hao let out a long breath and hummed:"In this case, you arrange the training. If you have any questions, feel free to come to me!"


Gao Lan responded simply.

He wanted to leave like this, but he always felt that Wang Hao was worried since he came back from the political meeting, so he couldn't help but ask:"Sima, are you worried about something?"


Wang Hao then realized that something was wrong and he let out a long sigh:"It's nothing, in fact, His Majesty will send people to visit the troops in the near future, but I always feel that there must be something strange, so I am thinking of a countermeasure!"

"Entertaining the troops?"

Gao Lan was stunned and became more curious:"Sima, entertaining the troops is a good thing, why do you think it's weird?"

Wang Hao briefly explained the inside story to Gao Lan, and Gao Lan gasped in shock:"Hiss..."~~~If it is true as Sima said, wouldn't Lu Zhonglang be in great trouble?"


Wang Hao let out a long sigh:"So I have to think of some countermeasures, and try to help Lu Zhonglang take Guangzong in the shortest possible time, otherwise our efforts during this period will be in vain."


Gao Lan also realized the seriousness of the problem, frowned, and sighed:"What a pity, Zhang Jue has been scared by us and dare not leave Guangzong easily. With 100,000 soldiers stationed in the city, I am afraid there is really no way to deal with it in the short term!"


Wang Hao nodded:"The best way is to cut off Guangzong's connection with the outside world and wait for three months. When the enemy's food and grass are exhausted and their morale is broken, then we only need one strong attack and Zhang Jiao will be defeated!"

"But now......"

Wang Hao shook his head helplessly and sighed:"Alas~~~~"



A corner in the city.

After a period of loss.

Zhang Nan gradually became clear-headed.

He thought very clearly that the court would never let Zhang Jue go.

In this case, the army outside the city would inevitably attack the city. Once the city was broken, wouldn't he have to go back?

Instead of complaining here and being muddleheaded like a living dead, it is better to do his best and try to contribute to the officers and soldiers breaking the city!

Looking at the overall situation!

It seems that no one is in a better position than himself.

It's a pity that Zhang Nan is alone. If he had a team of soldiers, he would dare to attack Zhang Jue at night and chop off his head!

Even if it's not good enough, he can attack the city gate from the inside when the officers and soldiers are attacking the city, and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop with the help of the inside and the outside!

No matter which of these two things is done, it will definitely be a great achievement!


The lord might promote him to the rank of military marquis because of his arbitrary decision!

Zhang Nan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.


Although the sound was small, it still attracted someone's attention.


Jiao Chu came up to him and teased,"I didn't expect you to laugh, brother? It seems you have recovered from the pain of your loved one's death. Congratulations!"


Zhang Nan glared at him and said,"Can you talk, kid?"

Jiao Chu's eyes suddenly lit up and said,"Hey~~~It seems that this time it's really okay!"

Zhang Nan knew that if he wanted to accomplish great things, he couldn't do it alone.

He had to win over everyone as much as possible, just like when he was in Yecheng, Wang Hao almost single-handedly became the core figure of Yecheng, and no one was unwilling to obey his orders!

Since he���Wang Hao's retainers should naturally follow his example and strive to develop their own forces in this desperate situation!


Zhang Nan exhaled a breath of foul air and his attitude softened:

"During this period, I have been grateful to you, brother. Otherwise, I would not have been able to handle it at all!"

Jiao Chu was even more surprised and looked at Zhang Nan carefully:

"Hey, after all these days, you finally spoke some human words!"

Zhang Nan nodded:


Then he said solemnly:"I had a bad attitude before, I apologize to you!"

Jiao Chu grinned and handed over a wheat cake:"Eat it, you must be starving after so many days, right?"

Zhang Nan was not polite, he took the wheat cake and took a big bite:"It's delicious!"~~~"

Jiao Chu handed over another water bag:"Don't be anxious, eat slowly! If others don't starve to death, but you choke to death, it will be laughed at if it gets out!"

Zhang Nan:"......"


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