It was night.

It was pitch black.

You couldn't see your hand in front of you.

Outside Guangzong City, a small team was slowly approaching.

""Okay, let's start digging here!"

Wang Hao personally led the team here, chose a good location, and began to arrange everything.

Before crossing, Wang Hao had seen on TV that the White Lotus Sect used bean sprouts to support the Bodhisattva statue to fool the people.

He always felt that it was a bit unbelievable, and felt that the author of the novel was just talking nonsense. How could such a small bean sprout support a huge stone!

But when he personally checked the relevant information, he found that it was true. Don't look at the tenderness of bean sprouts, but its tenacious vitality is definitely not covered!

For this!

Wang Hao even did a special experiment.

Although it was just a big stone, Wang Hao was still extremely surprised when the stone drilled out of the soil!

Just as the soldiers were digging the soil, Gao Lan brought another team of people and came to the front in the dark.

They carried two stone statues about one meter and two meters high.

One is Huangdi; the other is Laozi; after all, Taipingdao regards Huangtian as the supreme god and believes in Huangdi and Laozi.

Nothing is more common in Jizhou than these two things, and they are more lethal to the Yellow Turbans!


Gao Lan ordered the statue to be put down, and lowered his voice and said,"Will this plan work? How can sprouts hold up the statue? I can't believe it even if I die!"


Such an idea is too incredible.

Not to mention Gao Lan, even Lu Zhi was confused after hearing it.

If Wang Hao hadn't explained it earnestly for a long time, and if Lu Zhi hadn't been forced into a desperate situation.

With Lu Zhi's temperament, he would never agree to Wang Hao's plan.

Even if he just tried it, Lu Zhi would feel that it was an insult to his IQ!

Sprouts holding up the statue?


What a joke!

Therefore, Wang Hao was too lazy to explain to Gao Lan, and just said perfunctorily:

"I know you don't believe me, but you should believe me. Since we met, have you ever seen me lie once?"

Gao Lan frowned:"This......"

I have to admit it!

Indeed, there is none!

It seems that all the boasts Wang Hao made have come true.

Even the things he thought were completely impossible were perfectly realized under Wang Hao's arrangement!

"Don't worry!"

Wang Hao patted his chest and assured:"I know what I'm doing, this plan will work!"

Gao Lan exhaled a breath of turbid air and nodded:"Okay! I believe Sima!"

"" Hmm!"

Wang Hao smiled calmly:"That's right! Hurry up and work. Everything that needs to be arranged must be arranged before dawn. There must be no mistakes!"

Gao Lan clasped his fists and bowed:"Yes!"

About an hour later.

The earth pit as high as a person was dug.

Wang Hao personally spread the sprouts at the bottom of the pit.

Then, a shallow layer of loose soil was applied and some water was poured!

With the joint efforts of everyone, the two stone statues were slowly placed into the pit before the remaining soil was backfilled.

The next morning.

The roosters crowed and the sky was full of morning glow.

Outside Guangzong City, Wang Hao personally led the team and began to build the altar.

In order to attract the attention of the Yellow Turbans in the city, Wang Hao mobilized a large scale.

Hundreds of soldiers were cutting wood in the woods; hundreds of soldiers were processing wood on site; even, the elite of the five battalions of the Northern Army were lined up outside to guard the busy construction site.

"All the felled wood is piled there and then processed centrally."

"Hey, don't just stand there, hurry up and move your things. We must build the altar within five days!"

"Sima, we have already found more than 20 tailors from Yecheng and transferred more than 50 pieces of cloth. Please give us your instructions."

"According to the drawing, make all the Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise and White Tiger flags, and the quantity must be sufficient!"


The bustling scene outside the city naturally attracted the attention of the Yellow Turbans in the city.

They thought that the five battalions of the Northern Army were going to attack the city, but they didn't expect that they were just protecting the construction site.

Suddenly, everyone stared at the scene with wide eyes and started talking:

"Hey, what do you think the dog official is going to do?"

"How would I know? Is he going to build a house?"

"Maybe, otherwise why would we cut down trees!"

"Interesting, really interesting"


While everyone was discussing, a man in an apricot yellow Taoist robe appeared on the city wall.

He held a nine-section staff, with black hair fluttering in the wind, and looked far away!

It was none other than Zhang Jue!

At first!

Zhang Jue didn't understand what the other party was going to do.

But when he heard the flags of Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, and the word altar.

He more or less had his own guesses! Could it be that he was praying for rain?

But at this time, the ploughing season had already passed, and praying for rain was useless!

Was he praying for peace?


The war had become like this, and he was still praying for peace?......

Zhang Jue thought hard, but he really had no clue.

Zhang Liang beside him was even more confused:

"Brother, do you know what these soldiers are doing?"

Zhang Jue exhaled a breath of turbid air.

After a long while, he finally said:

"No matter what he's going to do!"

"Remember! You can only hold on and not leave the city!"

Zhang Liang nodded:


I will remember this!"~~~

A cold wind blew

"Cough cough!"

Zhang Jue couldn't help but cough several times.


Zhang Liang said hurriedly:"The wind in the city is too strong, let's go back to the county government. I will send someone to keep an eye on it. If there is any movement, I will report it immediately!"


Zhang Jue nodded.

Then, he turned and went down the city.

Zhang Nan hid in the Yellow Turbans, looking at the majestic Zhang Jue, who walked past him.

He hated it!

This kid is too cautious. He actually brought hundreds of Yellow Turban strongmen with him when he went out, and sent people to clean up the place in advance.

Damn it!

How afraid of death is he to do such a thing?

Zhang Nan originally wanted to seize the opportunity to assassinate Zhang Jue, and then escape in the chaos. But judging from the current situation. Whether

Zhang Jue can be killed is an unknown.

But once he rushed out with a knife, he would be chopped into meat paste in an instant!

We can't sacrifice ourselves without making any military achievements!


This feat of assassination.

Completely denied by Zhang Nan.

"Lao Zhang, what are you thinking about?"

Jiao Chu couldn't help but be curious.

"Oh, nothing!"

Zhang Nan shook his head and looked towards the top of the city wall:"Lao Jiao, why don't we go up to the city and take a look? It's so lively, who knows what may have happened!"


Jiao Chu nodded:"That's exactly what I meant!"

""Let's go!"

Zhang Nan shuttled through the crowd and reached the top of the city wall.

Looking around, he saw a familiar figure directing soldiers to work outside the city.

It was Wang Hao!

Zhang Nan recognized him at a glance.

He really wanted to shout"Lord!"


It's such an embarrassing situation.


The furthest distance in the world is nothing more than this!

Zhang Nan! Come on!

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