"Ha ha ha ha!"



Zuo Feng laughed wildly, pointing at the team working under the city:"Lu Zhonglang, is this your trick to defeat the enemy? If you can break through Guangzong City like this, I, Zuo Feng, will kneel down and call you grandpa!"


"I am dying of laughter!"

Zuo Feng laughed so hard that tears almost came out

"No need!"

Lu Zhi glanced at Zuo Feng and retorted without hesitation:"If I, Lu Zhi, had a grandson like you, I would not be able to face my ancestors even if I died!"


Zuo Feng was immediately furious, and he was about to fight back.

But Lu Zhi didn't give him the chance at all, and interrupted him on the spot:"If you don't understand, just watch honestly. It's ridiculous to say this!"

Zuo Feng gritted his teeth and glared:"Okay! I want to see how you can rely on these broken things to break through Guangzong and kill Zhang Jue. If not, be careful of my methods!"

Facing Zuo Feng's naked threat!

Lu Zhi remained calm and unmoved:"You are just a dead life, what should I fear? What methods do you have, just use them!"

Zuo Feng was furious:"You!"

Lu Zhi reined in his horse and turned around:"Go! Go back to the camp!"

With a light sentence, Zuo Feng was immediately killed without any dignity!

Scholars and eunuchs are incompatible! Especially a stubborn person like Lu Zhi, who never hides his disdain for eunuchs! Zuo Feng's eyes were cold, and a touch of evil murderous intent burst out! He secretly decided that no matter what, he must kill Lu Zhi's spirit!


In the following days,

Wang Hao supervised the project every day.

First, he wanted to observe the sprouting of bean sprouts and the movement of stone statues breaking out of the ground.

Second, he supervised the project and built the corresponding altar according to his requirements.

This is the same as performing magic.

Although they are all tricks to deceive people, if the stage effect is there, people are willing to believe it is real.

In just two days, the altar has already taken on a preliminary scale.

It is 24 meters in diameter, with a total of three layers; each layer is three feet, a total of nine feet, about 2 meters.

(In the Han Dynasty, one foot is 23.7 cm, and nine feet is 2.12 meters.)

Although the scale is enough, the momentum is obviously insufficient.

Wang Hao also sent people to plant the twenty-eight constellations flags at the bottom. The green flag in the east is in the shape of a blue dragon; the black flag in the north is in the shape of a black tortoise; the white flag in the west is in the shape of a white tiger; the red flag in the south is in the shape of a red bird; the layout of the twenty-eight constellations plus the four sacred beasts.

In this way, it has a bit of that flavor.

Although I don't know if I can scare Zhang Jue, it is definitely enough to make the Yellow Turban soldiers' eyes light up!

Of course!

In addition to this, Wang Hao has other arrangements.

On the second floor of the altar, he arranged 64 yellow flags, standing in eight positions according to the 64 hexagrams.

On the top floor, he placed four people.

They are Gao Lan, Zhang He, Qian Zhao, and Zhao Feng.

Each of them wears a hair crown, a black silk robe, a phoenix robe with a wide belt, and red shoes with square hems.

Gao Lan, who is in the front left, holds a long pole with a cow's head on the tip of the pole;

Zhang He, who is in the front right, holds a long pole with a seven-star belt on the pole;

Zhao Feng, who is in the left and right, holds a sword; Qian Zhao, who is in the back right, holds an incense burner; and

24 elite soldiers stand under the altar, each holding a banner, a treasure canopy, a large halberd, a long spear, a yellow axe, a white flag, a red flag, and a black flag, surrounding the altar on all sides. To put it bluntly!

With just these few things, almost all of Wang Hao's Taoist knowledge was used.

But the effect is also amazing!

Not to mention the Yellow Turban soldiers, even the soldiers of the five battalions of the Northern Army couldn't help but marvel at it!

"Wang Hao is indeed a genius. He is not only proficient in the art of war, but also in the art of Huang-Lao."

"Yes! I really wondered if I was blind before. How could I not see that Wang Hao was extraordinary!"

"Such a person is actually a local militiaman? How can I not believe it at all!"

"Perhaps, he is not familiar with classics?"

"Impossible! He is so proficient in Huang-Lao, how could he not be familiar with Confucian classics?"

"Well, no matter what, this kid Wang Hao can never be judged by common sense!"


At this moment.

On the altar.

Wang Hao was making final preparations.


He found a small stone tip emerging from the soil where the stone statue was buried.

This proved that the bean sprouts had already exerted their power!


It was time to witness a miracle.

Without hesitation, he stood up and left, riding his horse all the way to the military camp.

""Lu Zhonglang!"

Wang Hao went straight to the big tent.

"You're back?"

Lu Zhi put down the military book and exhaled:"Are things ready?"

Wang Hao nodded:"Yes! This minister came here for this matter. To be honest with Lu Zhonglang, the stone statue has already sprouted a peak. It is estimated that in two days, the head will be unearthed. We must carry out the sacrifice as planned!"

""It really came out?"

Lu Zhi was shocked.

In fact!

Until now, he still didn't believe it.

A small sprout had the power to support the stone statue?

This was really unbelievable!


Wang Hao nodded seriously:"It's out!"

Lu Zhi took a deep breath:"Okay! Don't worry, I'm ready for those Taoists and they can go at any time!"

Wang Hao said immediately:"In this case, let's pick an auspicious time and start immediately!"

Lu Zhi nodded:"No problem!"

"Clan member!"


"You quickly gather the Taoists and be ready to set off at any time"


After saying that, the clan member bowed and left.

Lu Zhi took a deep breath, staring at Wang Hao with burning eyes:"Sima Wang, next, it's up to you!"

Wang Hao clasped his fists and bowed:"Lu Zhonglang, don't worry, I will do my best!"

After leaving the military tent.

Wang Hao returned to the camp and changed into a green Taoist robe with seven bright stars embroidered on it.

It is a special seven-star Taoist robe!

In Taoism, only people with deep Taoist practice can wear it!

This is a symbol of status!

Of course.

Wang Hao is not a Taoist.

He did this just to scare the Yellow Turbans in the city.

Zhao Yu helped him tidy up his clothes and couldn't help but look Wang Hao up and down:

"I never thought that Brother Hao would look so handsome when he dressed up!"

Wang Hao smiled calmly and said jokingly:


"According to Yu'er, I am not handsome when I wear military uniform?"

Zhao Yu hurriedly shook his head and explained:

"No, no!"

"Yu'er didn't mean that!"

"Brother Hao, please don't slander Yu'er."

Wang Hao sneered:

"Look how scared you are!"

"I was kidding."

After saying that, Wang Hao pointed to the props beside him:"Quick, hand me the dragon-patterned sword and the Buddhist whisk. It will be an auspicious time soon and I must set off!"

Zhao Yu hurriedly handed the props to Wang Hao:"Brother Hao, be careful!"

Wang Hao nodded:"Don't worry, Yu'er, you are alone in the military camp, remember not to run around."

Zhao Yu hummed and watched Wang Hao leave.

When she lowered her head, she suddenly found that Wang Hao was not wearing a hat.


Zhao Yu picked up the hat and hurriedly chased after him:

"Brother Hao, you forgot to wear your hat!"



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