"Big brother!"


Zhang Fei hurriedly ran into the tent and glared at Liu Bei who was handling military affairs:"Brother, there is a situation!"

Liu Bei asked anxiously:"What's the situation?"

Zhang Fei stepped forward quickly and began to reveal:"When I was patrolling the camp just now, I happened to pass by Wang Hao's military camp and found a woman in his camp!"


Liu Bei was stunned:"Yide, are you talking nonsense? There can't be women in the military camp, this is a rule, how could Wang Hao not know it!"


Zhang Fei said with certainty and certainty:"I guarantee it! It must be a woman. The woman ran out with a hat and called Wang Hao"Brother Hao". I almost got angry."

"Oh, right!"

Zhang Fei added:"I heard it clearly, Wang Hao called the woman Yu'er, if it was a man, would he call her that? Why didn't the eldest brother call me and the second brother Fei'er or Yu'er!""


Guan Yu on the side almost vomited because of nausea.


Liu Bei frowned slightly and thought carefully:"Wang Hao actually harbored a woman!"

But in his heart, he was thinking that Wang Hao was now highly valued by Lu Zhi. If he reported it himself, the effect would be greatly reduced, and it might even backfire and make Lu Zhi angry with himself.

Not worth it!

It's not worth it!

If this news wants to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to find someone who is important enough to suppress Lu Zhi.

But looking at the military camp, who else can suppress Lu Zhi?

Liu Bei pondered for a moment.

Don't say it, he really found one!

Little Huangmen Zuo Feng!

If this matter came out of his mouth, it might be a different effect.

Liu Bei let out a long breath, but waved his hand:"Yide, don't make a fuss. Wang Hao may have something to hide."

Guan Yu on the side stroked his beard and said:"Then what the eldest brother means is......"

Liu Bei replied calmly:"Just pretend you didn't see it, understand?"

Zhang Fei exhaled and said:"Brother, you are too kind-hearted. Wang Hao violated military discipline and kept a woman. Lu Zhonglang is strict in military management and will not tolerate this!"

"Just based on this one......"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Bei interrupted him without hesitation:"What's wrong with just this one thing? Wang Hao is deeply loved by Master Lu. Are you going to force Master Lu to drive Wang Hao away?"


Liu Bei frowned and shouted sternly:"Don't jump to conclusions before you know the truth. I thought Wang Hao would not harbor a woman casually. There must be something unspeakable about this!"

Guan Yu clasped his fists and bowed, admiringly saying:"Brother, you are kind and righteous!"

Zhang Fei had no choice but to clasp his fists and said:"I'll remember it, brother, don't worry, I will never tell anyone."

Liu Bei hummed and ordered:"Then continue to patrol the camp, this matter must not be made public!"

Zhang Fei:"Yes!"


Outside Guangzong City.

On the altar.

A tall man, wearing a seven-star Taoist robe, holding a dragon-patterned sword in his left hand and a Buddhist whisk in his right hand, was sitting cross-legged on the altar, slightly closing his eyes and muttering something.

This man was none other than Wang Hao!

Behind the altar, hundreds of Taoists gathered.

They were all wearing apricot-yellow Taoist robes, sitting cross-legged on cushions, and also muttering something.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the Yellow Turban soldiers in the city.

They gathered on the top of the city, looking around, talking about it, and had no idea what the officers and soldiers were going to do:

"Strange! They built this altar, are they going to perform a ritual to summon wind and rain?"

"How is it possible! Calling the wind and rain is a magical skill, even the Great Sage Master can't do it, how could they possibly do it!"

"What is that for? It can't be for the deceased, right? Isn't this a bit too big?"

"How would I know? Don’t ask me, just look carefully!"


All the Yellow Turban soldiers were attracted by Wang Hao's actions.

It has become a topic of conversation among the Yellow Turbans in Guangzong recently.

Everyone is guessing the intentions of the officers and soldiers!

The curiosity among the Yellow Turbans spread like a plague.

Others don't know who the man in the seven-star Taoist robe is!

But how could Zhang Nan in the city not know?

He recognized Wang Hao at a glance!

But in this heart, a question popped up from time to time:

The lord is proficient in the art of Huang Lao?

Is he a god who has descended to earth?

What exactly is he doing?......

Zhang Nan was confused.

Jiao Chu beside him couldn't help but be curious:"Old Zhang, what do you think the soldiers are going to do? Do they think that they can kill all our 100,000 soldiers with lightning by performing rituals?"

"I don't know!"

Zhang Nan shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

But then!

He added:"But I can be sure that this trick is definitely used to deal with monsters.......To deal with the Great Sage Master!"

Jiao Chu nodded and said,"Just as I thought! He is not going to have a discussion with the Great Sage Master, is he? Hehe, the way this battle was fought is too unexpected!"


Jiao Chu actually laughed shamelessly.

Zhang Nan glanced at him and said very calmly,"Old Jiao, remember, there must be a huge conspiracy behind all the unreasonable appearances!"


Jiao Chu was stunned:"Lao Zhang, when did you become so......So deep?"

Zhang Nan exhaled a breath of turbid air and shook his head:"You! You have strong limbs but a simple mind. At best, you can only sell your strength. What else can you do?"

""Oh my!"

Jiao Chu was immediately displeased and asked back:"Then tell me, what are the officers and soldiers doing?"

Zhang Nan pondered for a moment and said solemnly:"Although I don't know what he is doing specifically, I can be sure of one thing, something big will happen outside the city tomorrow at the earliest, and three days at the latest!"

"It's just bluffing!"

Jiao Chu shook his head disapprovingly:"I really don't believe it. Can they drive us out of the city just by reciting a few verses of scriptures and fight them to death?"


"This is absolutely impossible!"

Jiao Chu waved his hand with an extremely firm attitude.

Zhang Nan smiled coldly:"Maybe, it is really possible. You kid, you have to use your brain more in the future, and don't always lead people to snatch wheat cakes. Can you have some future?"


Jiao Chu glanced at Zhang Nan and said,"You are promising, don't eat the wheat cakes I snatched back. Let me tell you, we have 100,000 soldiers and horses. No matter how many people there are, how long can we eat?"


Zhang Nan was also a little confused and asked tentatively:"You said......Why are the officers and soldiers so anxious to attack? After three months of siege, we will surely perish without a fight. I really don't understand why they are putting on such a show!"


Jiao Chu's eyes suddenly lit up:"Boy, what you said makes sense, but who knows? Maybe the officers and soldiers are not as smart as you, or the court is eager to break the city, anyway, it's possible!"


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