Outside the city.

Wang Hao on the altar saw it very clearly.

The Yellow Turbans in Guangzong City were crowded with people.

This is exactly the effect he wanted!

Once Huangdi and Laozi came out of the earth, the Yellow Turbans would definitely explode.

Zhang Jiao, this idiot, even if he had great abilities, could not influence the gossipy hearts of the Yellow Turban soldiers!

Suppressing the excitement!

Wang Hao glanced at the ground again!

The small stone tip became more and more obvious.

It is estimated that after tonight, it will emerge tomorrow.


It's time to show off the real skills!

He slowly stood up, holding the dragon-patterned sword in one hand and the Buddhist whisk in the other.

Immediately, Zhang He, Gao Lan and others received the signal and immediately followed Wang Hao to start the performance of the shaman dance.


Wang Hao began to chant a spell:

"Hongjun’s disciple, the great immortal who subdues demons!"

"To destroy demons and evil, hawks and dogs must take the lead!"


This paragraph is a Taoist classic called"Fu Mo Jue".

Wang Hao transformed into a demon-slaying immortal under the tutelage of Hongjun Patriarch, to destroy demons and evil, and kill treacherous villains!


Zhang Jiao of the Taiping Dao is this demon!

"The two generals heard the summons and stood in front of the altar."

"According to the law and order, the divine power emperor announced"


Wang Hao swung the dragon-patterned sword in his hand!

Gao Lan and Zhang He, holding long poles, hurriedly stood in front of Wang Hao, pretending to be waiting for military orders.

Wang Hao imitated the immortals and granted them divine power.

"All the demons, monsters and ghosts will be killed without any cover!"

"The Supreme Holy Power is vast and boundless!"


A lifelike performance!

Don't say it!

It really looks like that.

The Yellow Turbans on the city wall were all stunned!

Although they had seen Zhang Jiao perform rituals before, they were nothing compared to Wang Hao, the Taoist master in the seven-star Taoist robe.

Their eyes were as big as bells, staring at Wang Hao who was performing the ritual, and they refused to move at all!

As if!

They were about to witness a miracle in the next second!

"Huangdi Laojun, please show your power soon!"

"Huangdi Laojun, please show your power soon!"



Waves of sound spread all over Guangzong.

You know, Huangdi and Laozi are the gods of the Taiping Dao.

Even if these Yellow Turbans don't understand Taoism, they know which great god they worship.

When they heard about Huangdi and Laozi, they wanted them to show up quickly, grant them power, and kill the demons.


The Yellow Turbans were angry.

The implication was simple.

It was to say that the Yellow Turbans were demons!

To say that the Yellow Turbans were demons, didn't that mean that Zhang Jue was a demon?

"You bastard, how dare you call us Yellow Turbans monsters?"

"Damn it! They are the evil ones, pretending to be gods for so many days, just for this?"

"How abominable! How abominable!"

"It would be strange if Huangdi and Laozi could show their power. Our Taiping Dao is the right way!"

"That’s right! Huangdi and Laozi will never show up!"


Such a big commotion outside the city naturally attracted Zhang Jue's attention.

He appeared on the top of Guangzong City with the Yellow Turban Warriors, looked at Wang Hao who was performing the shaman dance, and sneered:


""Lu Zhi, oh Lu Zhi!"

Zhang Jue shook his head and said softly,"You think too much of me, Zhang Jue, by trying to force me out of the city in this way!"

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

"You must quickly send a message to the entire army. The corrupt official is spreading rumors to confuse the people. He is just trying to provoke us to go out of the city for a decisive battle. You must be patient and don't be fooled!"


Zhang Liang immediately winked at the soldier beside him.

The soldier nodded to show his understanding, turned around and left, passing the order to the commanders of each army.

Turning his head, Zhang Liang tentatively asked:"Brother, do we need to block the top of the city? It's not good to have so many people watching. What if........."

"No need!"

Zhang Jue did not hesitate and waved his hand to stop them on the spot:"Let them go to the city to watch. Since Lu Zhi has given us such a wonderful performance, how can we be reluctant to let go of these audiences? If it gets out, won't people say that we Taiping Dao are guilty?"


Zhang Liang nodded with interest:"That's right! In this case, the city wall will not be blocked."

Zhang Jue hummed:"Don't worry, I promise there will be no problem!"

Zhang Liang was relieved and said softly:"Brother, let's go back. It's too popular here and you haven't recovered yet."

Zhang Jue nodded:"Okay, let's go!"

In fact!

Wang Hao didn't want to show his power immediately.

After all, it takes a growth process for bean sprouts to push upwards.

For now, his performance is just a prelude, just to give a reasonable reason for the excavation of Huangdi and Laozi.

Facing the ridicule of the Yellow Turbans.

Wang Hao is still performing on his own.

With Gao Lan, Zhang He, and a group of elite soldiers, he is not worried about the Yellow Turbans charging!

"Huangdi Laojun, please show your power soon!"

"Huangdi Laojun, please show your power soon!"



This continued for a quarter of an hour.

Wang Hao would rest for half an hour.

He would continue for another quarter of an hour, and rest for another half an hour.

Even in the middle of the night, the performance of the shaman dance continued without stopping.

Even Wang Hao and his companions ate and drank on the altar.


In less than half a day,

Wang Hao became a laughing stock of the Yellow Turbans.......

Zhang Nan didn't believe it.

He knew Wang Hao too well!

This was a man who could create miracles!

No matter how the Yellow Turbans in the city laughed at him, Zhang Nan never wavered in his determination.

The next morning, the roosters crowed and the sky was filled with morning glow.

Zhang Nan couldn't fall asleep, so he took advantage of the clear weather and quickly climbed to the top of the city wall.

He looked far away!

Sure enough!

Wang Hao was still sitting on the altar.


Surprisingly, something seemed to emerge from the soil in front of the altar.

Although the distance was too far for Zhang Nan to see clearly, something did emerge.���

Could it be......

Zhang Nan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Wang Hao's words, like a spell, kept coming back to him.

"Huangdi Laojun, please show your power soon!"

"Huangdi Laojun, please show your power soon!"


At this moment!

Zhang Nan was so surprised that he almost jumped up.

He roared like thunder, pointed outside the city, and shouted:

"Look! Something is coming out of the soil!"

"Come and see, something is coming out of the soil!"


Zhang Nan's voice immediately attracted the attention of the Yellow Turbans on the city wall.

They were suddenly awakened from their deep sleep!


They all looked out of the city wall.

"Hey! It seems there is something!"

"Yes, there is something, there is indeed something!"

"Could it be that the Yellow Emperor and Laojun appeared in spirit?"

"Impossible? How could this be possible! Huangdi and Laojun would come out of the earth?"

"They are indeed Huangdi and Laojun! I used to be in a Taoist temple, and I was with their stone statues every day. They must be Huangdi and Laojun!"

"It worked!"

"It actually worked!"



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