"The sound......"

Wang Hao, who was resting, suddenly opened his eyes.

This voice was too familiar!

Wang Hao definitely couldn't have heard it wrong!

It was Zhang Nan!

It must be Zhang Nan!

At the same time, Gao Lan, who was standing next to him, seemed to have noticed it as well.

He turned his head and looked at Wang Hao:"Sima, it seems to be......"

Wang Hao was horrified:"You heard it too?"

Gao Lan nodded:"Well, if there is no guess, it should be Zhang Nan!"


The next second.

Gao Lan frowned again:"Where is he?"

Wang Hao pondered for a moment!

The voice just now was obviously coming from the city.

He looked far away.

Sure enough!

On the top of Guangzong City, a familiar figure was looking here!

Although the appearance was not very clear.

But Wang Hao recognized the other party at a glance!

It was Zhang Nan!

It was indeed Zhang Nan!

Wang Hao was shocked!

He never thought that Zhang Nan would be in Guangzong City and associate with the Yellow Turbans!


Gao Lan was slightly startled, and followed Wang Hao's gaze.

At this moment!

He was stunned on the spot, with a look of horror:

"this......How can this be?"

"Why is Zhang Nan here?......" hiss~~~

Gao Lan couldn't help but gasp:"Sima, Zhang Nan wouldn't......"

Wang Hao immediately denied it:" No! He may have been forced to follow Guangzong all the way. I believe him!"

At that moment, Wang Hao's mind moved, and he immediately called up the [List of Legion Members].

Zhang Nan was on the list!.......

His four-dimensional attributes are completely different from before.

Zhang Nan: Force 55; Intelligence 62; Politics 50; Command 65;

Wang Hao was shocked!

You know, Zhang Nan's strength before was at best an advanced type of soldier.

But now, it has reached the level of an elite type of soldier.

This is simply a qualitative leap!

Of course, force is not the most obvious, the most obvious is intelligence and command.

It has reached a terrifying 60+ points!


What did Zhang Nan experience during his disappearance that led to such a drastic change!

It's like a rebirth from Nirvana!

Such a Zhang Nan simply refreshed Wang Hao's cognition.

Wang Hao made a prompt decision:"Gao Lan, get ready!"

Gao Lan understood and nodded:"Yes!"

The next second!

Wang Hao stood up again and began to perform the great god dance.

However, the purpose this time was not only to perform for the Yellow Turbans, but also for Zhang Nan!

"Hongjun’s disciple, the great immortal who subdues demons!"

"To destroy demons and evil, hawks and dogs must take the lead!"


"The two generals heard the summons and stood in front of the altar."

"According to the law and order, the divine power emperor announced"


Wang Hao's eyes were fixed on the top of the city wall.

At this moment, his voice suddenly became louder, as if he was afraid that the Yellow Turbans on the city wall could not hear him:

"South, South, obey my command;"

"When demons are in power, don't be distracted!"


"The heavenly soldiers and generals are already in position;"

"The right way to slay the devil is now!"


"South, South, the demons disturb your heart;"

"Follow the camera and you will achieve success!"


Wang Hao didn't know if Zhang Nan could understand it based on his IQ.

But he kept repeating it over and over again!

No matter what!

Zhang Nan is still alive.

He must tell the other party to remember to stay calm and not to be impulsive!

This time, Wang Hao lasted for half an hour.

He was sweating all over, but he still had no intention of stopping!

Gao Lan knew clearly!

Wang Hao was reminding Zhang Nan!

This feeling was really touching.


Gao Lan burst into tears!

At the same time!

Zhang Nan on the city also had red eyes.

He knew!

If he had been standing here.

Wang Hao would definitely keep jumping.

Although he wanted to look at each other from a distance, and even bow to Wang Hao!

But Zhang Nan knew!

He couldn't do it for the time being!

Without hesitation!

Zhang Nan turned and left, disappearing on the top of the city.

Walking all the way.

Zhang Nan was thinking all the way.

Nan Xi Nan Xi, naturally refers to himself!

There is no doubt about this.

The demons are in power, don't be confused.

This sentence is also easy to understand.

It is telling himself not to be impulsive and must not be exposed!

Thinking of this.

Zhang Nan couldn't help but feel touched.

His master really cared about him!

Further down!

The heavenly soldiers and generals are already in place; the righteous way to slay the demons should start today!

This sentence......

Naturally, it refers to the soldiers outside the city, who will attack the city in the near future.

But what about the next sentence?

"Nan Xi Nan Xi, the demons are disturbing my heart"; is it asking me to disturb the will of the Yellow Turbans?

Or is it saying......

The Yellow Turbans will be in chaos, so why should I act according to my circumstances?

Although Zhang Nan didn't quite understand it, at least!

It's not wrong to be careless.

As he was thinking, a voice suddenly sounded:

""Old Zhang, where have you been? You just got up and disappeared."

It was Jiao Chu!

Zhang Nan quickly came to his senses.

He said,"Oh," and raised his lips slightly,"Nothing, I just went to the city to take a look. Guess what?"

Jiao Chu frowned, and couldn't help but be interested:"What can it be? Did Huangdi and Laojun show up? How could this happen?......"


Zhang Nan patted Jiao Chu's shoulder fiercely and said,"You are really smart! It was the Yellow Emperor and Laojun who appeared. Many soldiers on the city saw that the Yellow Emperor and Laojun actually came out of the ground!"


Jiao Chu's eyes widened immediately:"What did you say? Huangdi and Laojun came out of the soil? How is this possible!"

Zhang Nan immediately retorted:"What? Do you think I'm lying to you? Otherwise, go up and see for yourself, it's really Huangdi and Laojun, they showed up, really showed up!"


Jiao Chu couldn't help but gasp, his scalp tingling and his spine chilled.

He paused!

He still seemed to be unconvinced and asked tentatively:"Is it true?"

Zhang Nan did not hesitate:"How could it be false? I just came down from above.��"

When Jiao Chu was wondering, suddenly

, a voice rang out from not far away:

"Come and have a look, I heard that Huangdi and Laojun appeared"

"A miracle? Really?"

"How could it be false? Huangdi and Laojun emerged from the earth!"

"Really? Let’s go and have a look!"


Jiao Chu's gossiping heart was immediately ignited.

He walked without hesitation:"Lao Zhang, let's go up and take a look!"

Zhang Nan waved his hand:"I won't go, you go up by yourself, I'll help you grab two cakes and bring them back, while everyone is on the top of the city, otherwise they will be gone later!"


"You kid!"

Jiao Chu raised the corners of his lips and smiled faintly:"Finally I got it. Then you go, I'll go up and see, can Huangdi and Laojun really come out of the soil?"

Zhang Nan waved his hand:"Go quickly, otherwise you won't be able to squeeze in later. Leave the wheat cakes to me, I guarantee that they will still be hot when you come back!"

Jiao Chu was overjoyed:"Thank you, brother."

Zhang Nan waved his hand:"Then I'm leaving, you go by yourself!"

Jiao Chu:"Okay!"


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