
County government.

Council Hall.

Zhang Jue, wearing a sable cloak, was standing in front of the map, frowning and thinking.

Now, his forces have been trapped in Guangzong, and he can't get out at all. It is too difficult to turn the situation around.

But Zhang Jue can't give up. Although the battlefield in Jizhou is not working, it doesn't mean that the other battlefields are not working.

Not to mention the distant ones, the battlefield in Yingchuan was deployed by him personally. Once it breaks out, it can directly threaten Luoyang, the core of the Han Dynasty.

If Bo Cai can defeat the government army, Lu Zhi will be transferred sooner or later.

And what he needs to do is to hold on! Hold on as long as he can!

What's more, Zhang Bao in the north of Julu still has 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers and horses, which echo the more than 100,000 soldiers and horses in Guangzong City. It's not completely impossible to turn the situation around!

It's just that......

He needed an opportunity!

An opportunity to turn the tide!

""Damn it!"

Zhang Jue cursed inwardly.

He had been looking at the map for half an hour and considered too many ways, but he rejected them all.

There was no way!

Lu Zhi's five battalions of the Northern Army were too powerful.

If he did not take the initiative to attack the city and consume a certain amount of strength, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to rush out.

Moreover, with his current physical condition, he could not afford more bumps. Going to war with the army was no different from seeking death for him!

Just as Zhang Jue was thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, a hurried report floated into the hall:


A Yellow Turban soldier rushed in from outside the palace.

He looked extremely panicked. When he met Zhang Jue, he didn't even have time to salute, and he opened his mouth and said:

"Woe is me! Woe is me!"

"Huangdi, Laojun......he......them......"

"them......They came from the soil......Came out of the soil!"

Huangdi and Laojun came out of the soil?

Zhang Jue was stunned when he heard this!

But soon, he opened his mouth and cursed:"Nonsense! Huangdi and Laojun, how could they come out of the soil? You are blaspheming the gods!"


The Yellow Turban soldiers shook their heads like rattles:"General,......The end will be said......The officers and soldiers outside the city performed a ritual, and Huangdi and Laojun appeared and crawled out of the ground!"


Zhang Liang was stunned!

Zhang Jue was even more stunned:"What did you say?"

The soldier took a deep breath and explained again:"I said that the Taoist priest outside the city performed a ritual and prayed to Huangdi and Laojun to show their power quickly, so that they came out of the soil!"

"Now almost all the soldiers in the city have gone to the top of the city wall to see that half of the heads of Huangdi and Laojun have already emerged from the soil, and they are still saying things like"the right way to eliminate demons is today""


The soldier couldn't help swallowing his saliva:"Now the people in the city are in a panic, everyone is talking about it, saying that the Taiping Dao is a demon, and the Demon-Subduing Immortal is going to lead the heavenly soldiers and generals to attack the city!"

"you......" You should pay attention!"

Zhang Jue was stunned.

He finally understood why Lu Zhi played such a trick on him.

But he could not believe that Huangdi and Laojun could actually emerge from the soil!......

Zhang Jue dared not take it lightly.

After all, he knew too well his advantage, which was the faith of the people of Jizhou in the Taiping Dao.

Once this faith was defeated, then the foundation of his existence would be defeated!

In this way, what awaited him, Zhang Jue, must be death!

He didn't even need to be born as Lu Zhi, just the Yellow Turban soldiers in the city would be enough to make him suffer!

Therefore, Zhang Jue gave the order on the spot without any hesitation:

"Third brother!"

"Quick! Bring the Yellow Turban warriors immediately, and seal off the city walls before the rumors spread. Only the Yellow Turban warriors with firm faith will be stationed there. No mistakes!"


Zhang Liang also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Therefore, he agreed and turned around with the Yellow Turban Warriors and left.

It must be admitted that

Zhang Liang's actions were still very fast.

He sent Lei Gong, Fuyun, Zhang Baiqi, Li Damu and other confidants to rush to the four city gates respectively and took control of the city defense at the first time.

At the same time, he personally led his troops to drive away the Yellow Turbans on the city, shouting:

"Go! This is a trick used by the officers and soldiers. It is not real!"

"Everyone, hurry up and leave! This is a trick of the officers and soldiers. It’s not real!"

"It is impossible for Huangdi and Laojun to come out of the earth. It is absolutely impossible for them to come out of the earth."

"This is a trick used by officers and soldiers. This is a trick used by officers and soldiers!"


Looking at the scene on the city wall, which was like chasing sheep, even Wang Hao had to admire Zhang Jiao's sharp reaction and the countermeasures he took.

Judging from the current situation, blocking the top of the city wall is indeed an effective way to curb rumors.


Based on Wang Hao's experience.

Rumors cannot be contained, they can only be guided reasonably!

If it is in modern times, it is relatively easy to guide fishing reels, after all, there are too many media software.

But in the ancient word-of-mouth model, guiding fishing reels is almost impossible!

Moreover, the more you contain it, the more it proves that you are guilty, and the more the people will be interested in the situation outside the city, and the more they will breed various fantasy versions!

Rumors are like knives, and they are bound to be like riding a tiger! It will spread, ferment, brew, and erupt in Guangzong City like a plague!

This takes time!


Wang Hao has time!

The time when the incident on the top of Guangzong City was heard by Lu Zhi in the first time.

Lu Zhi was so excited that he almost jumped up!

You know, blocking the top of the city means reducing the number of troops.

This is the first good news for the officers and soldiers attacking the city.

It means that the pressure they face in the process of attacking Guangzong will be greatly reduced!

However, Lu Zhi is not that stupid!

An internal conflict has just broken out in Guangzong City. If he launches an attack immediately, he will be used by Zhang Jue to divert the attention of the Yellow Turbans in the city and weaken the power of the rumors!

This is an unwise move!

Lu Zhi wants to maximize the effect of rumors in a short period of time!

At this moment, he did not hesitate and directly ordered:

"Clan member!"

"The end is here!"

"You should immediately gather the people near Guangzong and ask them to come on a pilgrimage."


The clan member promised, then bowed and left.

Lu Zhi turned his head to look at Liu Bei and ordered:


"Students are here!"

"Is the person who asked you to prepare before ready?"

"Master Lu, rest assured, those people are all ready."

"Very good!"

Lu Zhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and ordered:"Remember! When the common people come, let them also follow the pilgrimage, and be sure to convey to the people who come to the pilgrimage that the idea of using magic water to treat diseases is harmful to people, understand?"

Liu Bei bowed and saluted:"Master Lu, don't worry, I understand!"

Since we want to achieve an explosive effect, how can we not arrange some"actors"?

Lu Zhi admired Wang Hao's wisdom more and more!

Under such a fishing boat offensive, the Guangzong Yellow Turban will surely collapse!

There is no suspense at all!


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