
County government.

Council Hall.

Zhang Jue held the case with both hands, barely supporting his frail body.

When he raised his head!

His eyes were sunken, looking a little eerie and scary.

What was even more surprising was.

At this moment!

Zhang Jue's face was full of wrinkles, and he was as thin as dry wood.

If you look more closely, you can see that there are strands of snow-white hair mixed in his black hair.

This feeling......

It's as if he has aged ten years in an instant!

"How is the situation now?"

Zhang Jue's voice was a little hoarse.

These days!

He was extremely angry.

Almost every word he said was shouted out, so that his voice became hoarse.

"Killed more than a hundred people."

Zhang Liang simply replied.

But this sentence!

Represents more than a hundred lives!

More than a hundred lives of people who once sacrificed their lives for the Taiping Dao!

But now.........

They died at the hands of their own people!

They died at the hands of the very people they had fought for!

What a sad thing!

"This is not what I want!"


A pair of bare hands slammed the table.

Zhang Jue's eyes were sharp, staring at Zhang Liang fiercely:"If the soldiers in the city are not calm, what's the use of killing a hundred people, even a thousand or ten thousand people!"


Zhang Liang was indifferent.

He really had no other choice.

The holy miracles of Huang Lao's appearance were spread everywhere in the city.

There were even too many fantasy versions.

What's worse, some people publicly declared that the Taiping Dao was a demon and Zhang Jiao was a demon who would be punished by heaven!

Zhang Liang did not hesitate and killed all these people with thunder!


Even so, it still couldn't stop the gossip. On the contrary, the rebellious sentiment in the city was getting higher and higher. Zhang Liang was even assassinated while leading his troops to arrest people!

However, he was killed in return!

Now, Zhang Liang was really helpless against the rumors in Guangzong City.


He let out a long breath and said,"Brother, I really have no other choice!"


Zhang Jue retorted without hesitation:"Is it over with just one sentence:"There is nothing we can do?" Do you know that if we continue like this, you and I will both die in Guangzong City!" Zhang Liang knew this!


Zhang Liang paused, and finally said:"Why don't we take the initiative to attack? If we continue like this, we will just be waiting to die. We might as well take advantage of the troops we still have and fight to the death!"

"I always feel......"

Zhang Liang frowned:"There is something wrong with the altar, or there is something wrong with the stone statue!"

In fact, Zhang Liang has been thinking about what to do.

He naturally does not believe in Huang Lao's apparition!

But how can he make the soldiers in the city not believe in evil as he does?


He can prove that it is fake.

If you want to prove that Huang Lao's apparition is fake, how can you do it without going to it?


In fact, Zhang Jue had also considered this problem.

But the other side placed the elite troops of the five battalions of the Northern Army outside the city, obviously waiting for you to charge.

Although he had many soldiers and horses under his command, Zhang Jue had never won in the wilderness battles, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals!

But as Zhang Liang said!

Nowadays, it is really too difficult to curb rumors.

The only way to turn the tide!

There is only one!

That is......

Prove that the other party is the one who is misleading people with lies!

Prove that the apparitions of Huangdi and Laojun are fake!

Prove that this is a false illusion deliberately created by the officers and soldiers to force them out of the city!

But the only problem is that if you want to do this, you must leave the city!

And once you leave the city, you will definitely fight with the officers and soldiers!

At the same time!

Zhang Jue is also very sure.

Once the city gate is opened, no matter whether they can defeat Lu Zhi or not, it will never be closed again.

Either defeat Lu Zhi; or be defeated by the other side!

It's that simple!

"Damn it!"

Zhang Jue cursed inwardly, gritting his teeth.

He was very unwilling!

More than ten years of hard work was destroyed in an instant.


Zhang Liang bowed and said,"We must make a decision early. If we continue like this, we may not even have 50,000 soldiers. We will die in infighting without even the soldiers taking action!"

Zhang Jue knew!

This was by no means alarmist!

He took a deep breath and waved his hand:"Let me think about it again!"


This is the ninth day.

The ninth day since Wang Hao made his promise to Lu Zhi.

In fact, even Wang Hao did not expect that Zhang Jue's endurance was so strong.

Even if there was crying outside the city and chaos inside the city, he could still stay there with peace of mind!

This man is definitely more powerful than he thought!

But it is true!

A person who can create such a huge organization is not a simple person.

His personality is different from that of ordinary people, which is reasonable.

But unfortunately......

The ten-day deadline is finally coming.

How about trying to take the initiative to attack?

Wang Hao was thinking about this.


The system's voice sounded in his mind.


New legion joins

【[List of Legion Members]:

Jiaochu: Military Strength 48; Intelligence 32; Politics 30; Command 42;......

Li Sanmang: Military Strength 18; Intelligence 12; Politics 8; Command 6;......

Tian Lu: Military Strength 16; Intelligence 11; Politics 3; Command 2;......

What the hell!

Wang Hao was stunned.

When did he have such a batch of inferior soldiers under his command?

The average attribute was less than 20 points, and the worst one had only 16 points of force.

According to Wang Hao's experience, this kind of soldier is of poor quality even in the Yellow Turban Army!............


Wang Hao suddenly realized something.

Yellow Turbans?

Could this team be...... hiss~~~

Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

If I'm not mistaken, this team should be the troops developed by Zhang Nan in the city.

Because they are all from the Yellow Turbans, the level of their four-dimensional attributes is extremely poor!

That's right!

It must be like this!

Wang Hao could only laugh!

This Zhang Nan was really beyond his expectations!

First, his attributes grew explosively!

This time, he actually developed an army in the enemy's confidant!

Damn it!

This is simply a lucky general!

Wang Hao was overjoyed. With this army, he was more confident in attacking Guangzong!

"High view!"

"The end is here!"

"You should quickly send someone to inform Lu Zhonglang and tell him that if Zhang Jue does not fight tomorrow morning, we will attack Guangzong by force!"


Gao Lan was stunned.

You know, according to the original plan, they were going to wait and see.

"General, what's going on?......"

Gao Lan was a little confused for a moment

"Don't ask so many questions."

Wang Hao exhaled:"You just need to tell Lu Zhonglang that I have already arranged a special force to help us. Even if we take the initiative to attack the city, we have an 80% chance of winning!"

""A surprise force?"

Gao Lan pondered for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Wang Hao was referring to no one else!

It was Zhang Nan!


He quickly responded. Then he left.


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