Outside Guangzong City, flags were everywhere and soldiers were wearing armor.

Today, Wang Hao was wearing armor inside and a seven-star Taoist robe outside. He held a black iron cold spear and stepped on the wind chasing sun. He was majestic and awe-inspiring, like a god descending from the sky.

He did not perform the magic dance again.

Instead, he led all the soldiers and stood outside the city with a heroic spirit, repeating one sentence over and over again:

"South, South, listen to my command;"

"The time to slay demons and eliminate evil begins today!"

"Follow the camera and you will achieve success!"


"South, South, listen to my command;"

"The time to slay demons and eliminate evil begins today!"

"Follow the camera and you will achieve success!"


The voice was like a bell, and it sounded like thunder, spreading to all directions!

Wang Hao put on a posture of attacking the city, and kept shouting this sentence.

Not only to convey the order to Zhang Nan, but also to deter the Yellow Turbans in the city, telling them that their destruction will come today!

He shouted for about half an hour!

But there were frequent Yellow Turbans leaving and rioting on the city.

Wang Hao felt that the time had come, so he pointed his spear at the top of the city and roared like thunder:

"Heavenly soldiers and generals, obey my orders!"

"Obey the emperor's order to suppress the bandits, and the emperor will announce his miraculous power!"

"" Kill!!!"

This roar was like thunder exploding in the plain.

The Infantry Battalion and the Changshui Battalion were the first to rush to Guangzong City.

Immediately afterwards, the Shesheng Battalion followed with bows and crossbows, and the rain of arrows directly covered Guangzong to cover the retreat of the army!

Although the rhythm of this attack was exactly the same as before, and even because of the increase in the number of militiamen, the average combat effectiveness was reduced.

But each of them clearly felt that it was different from the previous attack!

That is, the resistance encountered was greatly reduced.

The density of arrows whizzing down from Guangzong City has dropped by at least half!

What's more, when the five battalions of the Northern Army attacked the city, many Yellow Turbans took the opportunity to escape and escaped from the city.

The morale of the five battalions of the Northern Army was greatly boosted!

Tunqi and Yueqi were cavalry and could not go into battle.

But at this moment, they had already turned into cheerleaders, and according to Wang Hao's instructions, they kept shouting at the top of their voices:

"Surrender your guns and you won’t be killed!"

"Surrender your guns and you won’t be killed!"

"Surrender your guns and you won’t be killed!"


Under this wave after wave of sound wave offensive.

The ladders of the infantry battalion were set up right under the eyes of the Yellow Turbans in an instant.

One after another, fearless soldiers, holding steel knives, climbed up the city! It was too smooth! It was so smooth that it was a little unbelievable!

Even though Wang Hao had imagined that the power of resistance would be weakened, he did not expect that the effect would be so obvious.

The soldiers were more confident, and many local militiamen also joined the battle!

This seemed to have turned into the final decisive battle!

Zuo Feng, who was watching the battle, kept twitching at the corners of his lips.

Ten days!

Until today.

If nothing unexpected happens, Guangzong City should be able to be taken.

He forced down the anger in his heart and bowed to Lu Zhi:

"Lu Zhonglang, we congratulate you in advance on your great achievement!"

Lu Zhi was not polite, with a slight smile on his lips, and silently retorted:

"This is all thanks to the persecution of the angels!"

"If it weren't for you, maybe I wouldn't have taken such a risky move!"

The mocking tone came over him.

Zuo Feng was so angry that his face turned purple, and his facial muscles kept twitching.

He originally wanted to trip up Lu Zhi, but who would have thought that this would allow the other party to gain merit.

If His Majesty received the victory report, he would be so happy!

What's more terrible!

If His Majesty knew that Lu Zhi won the victory in this way.

With his playful nature, he would definitely dig deep and even reward Lu Zhi.

Even if he was more capable, he was afraid that he would be unable to do anything to Lu Zhi this time!


Thinking of this, Zuo Feng snorted coldly, left a word, reined in his horse and turned around to leave:"Wait until the battle is over, send someone to tell me, I'm tired and want to rest!"

Lu Zhi didn't even turn his head:"Goodbye, I won't see you off!"

Zuo Feng was furious:"You bastard, so unreasonable!" He walked slowly all the way.

Not long after,

Zuo Feng returned to the military camp.

When he was about to return to his tent to rest, suddenly, a conversation reached his ears:

"Hey! Did you know that there is a woman hiding in Wang Hao's camp?"

"Huh? There is such a thing? Isn't it necessary to have women in the military camp?"

"Yes! Who knows? Anyway, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Wow, he actually dared to hide a woman, how bold!"

"You better be quiet. She is a popular figure in front of Lu Zhonglang. What’s the big deal about hiding a woman?"

"If you ask me, Lu Zhonglang has no idea. He is famous for his iron face and strict military discipline."


Zuo Feng's lips curled up slightly when he heard this.

This is really the rhythm of what you want to get!


At this moment, in Guangzong City, the defenders on the city walls returned in batches.

Zhang Nan, with Jiao Chu and others, pretended to be the reserve defenders and slowly approached the city gate.

Because the Northern Army's five battalions did not have large siege equipment, most of their combat power relied on ladders to attack.

Therefore, the Yellow Turbans' defense of the city gate was also relatively weak.

Perhaps because of an accident in the city, they were slightly strengthened.


It was just a little bit.

Zhang Nan took a peek, breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly:

"Old Jiao, you will be in charge of guarding the city gate, and I will be in charge of opening it!"

Jiao Chu nodded.

"No problem, I'll do whatever you say!"

Just at this moment

, a voice came from not far away:

"Reserve troops, come here quickly and take over!"

Zhang Nan saw the opportunity and waved his hand:

"Follow me!"

He was the first to leave the alley, holding a steel knife and walked towards the city.

When he approached the stairs of the city.

Puff! Puff!

Zhang Nan killed two yellow turbans guarding the gate with two swords and shouted:

"Brothers, the time has come to avenge your parents!"

"Rebellion against the damn Yellow Turbans!"


Jiao Chu raised his sword and roared.

He rushed into the city gate, slashing left and right with the sword in his hand, killing the bandits one after another, and he was unstoppable.

Zhang Nan was slightly stunned:"Hey, he really has some skills."

This time, he was more relieved.

He led his troops to the city gate and killed the Yellow Turban guards in the cave in an instant.

"Lao Jiao, guard the entrance of the cave!"

"The rest of you, follow me and open the city gate!"

"Lao Zhang, it's all up to you!"

Jiao Chu held his sword across the entrance of the city gate and roared like thunder:"You damn Taiping Dao, I want to avenge my dead parents and elder brother, come on!~~~~"


A group of Yellow Turbans came with spears in hand, and attacked.

But at the same time, many Yellow Turbans tore off the yellow scarves on their foreheads, raised their spears in the opposite direction, and turned against their own side.

"I want to avenge my mother!"

"Damn Taipingdao, I’m going to die!"


Zhang Nan and Jiao Chu never expected that their words would completely ignite the entire Guangzong!


The city gate opened wide, and a meter of sunlight suddenly shone in.

Zhang Nan pulled off his yellow scarf, threw away his weapon, and shouted:

"The time to slay demons and eliminate evil begins today!"

"I am Zhang Nan, I surrender!"

"I surrender, don't kill me!"



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