
"No matter what others say, I will follow you anyway!"

After hearing what happened in the military tent, Zhang Nan immediately said:"At worst, I will not be a military marquis anymore and let Lao Jiao take over. Although he is not as good as me, he should have no problem being a military marquis!"

"" Yes!"

Wang Hao nodded:"I agree!"

After that, he turned his head to look at Gao Lan, with a slight smile on his lips:"Gao Lan, among all of you present, except Zhang Nan, you are the only one who has spent the longest time with me and has the deepest understanding of this army!"

"I mean!"

"You will take over as the Sima of the other division and continue to suppress the Yellow Turbans here. Are you willing?

Wang Hao thought Gao Lan would agree readily.

But unexpectedly,

Gao Lan hesitated.


Wang Hao frowned:

"Why, you don't want to?"

Gao Lan hurriedly shook his head:



Gao Lan could not hold it back any longer, he immediately stepped sideways, clasped his hands and said:"I know Sima is leaving soon, there is something I have been holding in my heart for a long time!"

Wang Hao smiled faintly:"Between us, is there anything we can't say? Just say it!" Gao Lan knelt on one knee and said earnestly

:"I am Gao Lan, I am willing to follow Zhang Nan's example, I will follow my lord till death and never leave him!"


Wang Hao couldn't help but gasp.

He really didn't expect that he would hear these words before he left.

And the other party is not an ordinary person!

He is one of the four pillars of Hebei in the future!

In the Three Kingdoms, he is also a well-known general!

Wang Hao was ecstatic in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

He personally helped Gao Lan up:"Do you know? I have been waiting for you to say this for a long time!"

Gao Lan took a long breath and shouted very solemnly:"My lord, I am late!"

Wang Hao shook his head:"No! It's not too late! In this way, I will be more assured to hand over the team to you!"

Gao Lan assured:"My lord, don't worry, I will live up to your expectations!"


Wang Hao nodded, then turned to look at Zhao Feng:"I'm sorry about your sister. It seems that I have to bring her with me when I go to Beijing this time. I wonder if you, as her brother, can rest assured?"

"Sima, look at what you said!"

Zhao Feng hurriedly shook his head:"I know you said that to protect me, how can I blame you, in fact, it is better to follow you to Luoyang, at least it is safe there, unlike here with swords and sabers!"

"Old Zhao, are you so relieved?"

Zhang Nan raised his eyebrows and said jokingly

"Why would I be worried?"

Zhao Feng said back without hesitation,"If I follow someone else, I may not be worried, but if I follow Sima, I will be 100% assured!"

"Then you are not afraid......"

Zhang Nan thought it was a joke:"Your sister has really become my mistress? My master is a handsome man, and your sister is so pretty!"


Zhao Feng glared at Zhang Nan, but he didn't feel embarrassed:"If my sister is willing, I, as a brother, will naturally not refuse. The key is whether Sima can look down on my sister!"

""Oh my!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the room.

Zhao Feng's face flushed immediately, and he quickly changed his words:"Anyway, Sima also needs someone to take care of him in the capital, so let Yu'er be a maid for Sima, that's fine!"


He felt that he was a bit like a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

Wang Hao is both civil and military, and now he is highly regarded by Lu Zhi, the General of the North.

He will definitely soar in the future! But what about Zhao Yu?

She is just a little girl who can cook.

It is simply a fantasy to want to be Wang Hao's wife!

Of course.

Wang Hao will not propose marriage without hesitation, that would be too embarrassing.

The key is what Zhao Yu is thinking, he hasn't figured it out yet, what if she doesn't want to, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Wang Hao smiled indifferently:"To be honest, I am a little reluctant to part with the food cooked by Yu'er, but if you take her to Luoyang, you won't be able to enjoy it!"


Zhao Feng didn't care at all:"Why can't we just deal with it? It's okay. As long as Yu'er can follow Sima, it doesn't matter if we eat less!"


Gao Lan, Zhang Nan and others were speechless.

It feels like he is going to rely on Wang Hao!

He looks shameless, he really deserves a beating!

Wang Hao was quite happy.

Not only did he win over Gao Lan, but he also got a future wife who can cook for free, and the key is that he also got his brother-in-law Zhao Yun.

This time he really made a fortune!


After arranging the military affairs, Wang Hao felt completely relieved.......

He did not waste time.

Instead, he used this rare break time to continue brushing up his bow and cavalry combat proficiency.


An arrow whistled and hit the target.

Wang Hao reined in his warhorse and exhaled a long breath.

This was the 25th consecutive arrow hit. Although not every arrow hit the red star, at least the accuracy has improved a lot.

I have to admit that the job transfer to Yanyun Iron Cavalry has a mutually reinforcing effect on my original cavalry profession, otherwise my cavalry combat strength would not have been improved so quickly!

Isn't it!

In just one short morning.

Wang Hao's primary bow and cavalry combat proficiency has been maxed out.

He changed jobs at the first opportunity.

It was discovered that!

The initial proficiency of advanced bow and cavalry combat is as high as 1200 points.

You know, before the job transfer to Yanyun Iron Cavalry, the initial proficiency of advanced spear cavalry combat was only 500 points.

It is enough to prove how terrifying the improvement of Yanyun Iron Cavalry in cavalry combat is!

"Brother Hao, have a drink of water!"

Since Zhao Yu was exposed, she no longer had to hide her identity.

Not only did she change back into women's clothes, but she could also follow Wang Hao out to enjoy the scenery.

Wang Hao was training horseback archery on the side, and she sat quietly under the shade of a tree with her water bag in her arms.

Whenever someone passed by, they would occasionally tease her with a sentence of love and a match made in heaven.

Zhao Yu always blushed, but never refuted.

It seemed!

She was enjoying it.

Wang Hao took the water bag, gulped down a sip, and smiled:

"Yu'er, it's really hard for you to endure these people's gossip."

Zhao Yu hurriedly shook his head:

"it does not matter!"


Zhao Yu suddenly paused, swallowing the words that came to her lips.

She actually wanted to say: It doesn't matter, Yu'er is willing.

But the shyness of a girl always makes it difficult for her to express her inner feelings easily.

There is no way!

She can only suddenly change her words:

"Brother Hao, do you know?"

Wang Hao waved his sleeves to wipe away the water stains from the corners of his lips:

"What do you know?"

Zhao Yu took the water bag and put it away:

"Yuer heard about Liu Bei from the next camp!"

"Oh, yes, it's Lu Zhonglang's student."

"He also went to see Lu Zhonglang and said that he wanted to go back to Luoyang with you to seek a future."

Wang Hao frowned:

"Oh? Is this true?"

Zhao Yu nodded and said:

"But do you know what the result is?"

Wang Hao shook his head:

"Didn't he agree?"

Zhao Yu was full of astonishment and said incredulously:

"How did Brother Hao know?"

"Lu Zhonglang really disagreed, saying that he might as well stay here and continue to make contributions. When he has made enough contributions, he will naturally have a future."


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