Two days later,

Lu Zhi received the imperial edict.

After he arranged the expedition against the Yellow Turbans, he set off for Luoyang with Wang Hao.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers were beautiful and the scenery was pleasant.

I remember that when I was in Yecheng, it was still early spring in February or March.

However, it is now midsummer in July.

We returned with a great victory, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant!

How happy it is.

In the carriage,

Lu Zhi was reading a book.

He seemed to see that Wang Hao was worried, so he put down the bamboo slips and said softly:

"You've been holding it in all this time, aren't you going to say it yet?"

"If we go further, we will reach Luoyang."

Wang Hao smiled helplessly:

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from you."

Lu Zhi let out a long breath and calmed his nerves:

"After answering your doubts, I also have something to tell you."


Wang Hao paused, and finally couldn't help but said:"Hao is offended."

Lu Zhi waved his hand:"Speak, it's nothing to offend!"

Wang Hao frowned slightly, curiously said:"Lu Zhonglang, Liu Xuande is your student, why don't you take him with you, is it just because he doesn't have enough merit?"

Historically, Liu Bei was appointed as the lieutenant of Anxi County after the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Although this official position is not low, with his relationship with Lu Zhi, plus his status as a relative of the Han Dynasty.

Wang Hao always felt that at least getting a county magistrate of a large county would definitely be no problem.

Even if the plan is properly planned, it is not impossible to be a Langguan of 600 stones in the court, and then experience for two years, and be sent to a county governor of 2,000 stones! But what about the reality?

An official position of Anxi County Lieutenant, sending a beggar?

Wang Hao had doubts when he read historical materials before. Now that he heard that Lu Zhi did not bring Liu Bei to Beijing, the doubts are even greater.

But what about Lu Zhi?


He just laughed up to the sky, pinched the goatee under his chin, and shook his head:"Wang Hao, I really didn't expect that you would ask this question!"

"But it doesn't matter, I'll give you the answer."

"I hope you can give me some advice, Lu Zhonglang!"

Lu Zhi pondered for a moment and let out a long breath:"Wang Hao, do you know who leaked to Zuo Feng that you were hiding your fiancée in the army?"

Wang Hao frowned:"Lu Zhonglang, what do you mean ?......Could it be Liu Bei?"

Lu Zhi nodded:"Although I don't have any concrete evidence, it is very likely that he is involved in this matter."

Wang Hao exclaimed in surprise:"Why do you think so?" Lu Zhi said softly:"Don't forget, since the departure of Prince Ganling, he has been in charge of the security patrol of the camp."

"Is that all?"

Wang Hao still had doubts:"Isn't this a bit too frivolous?"

"Of course not only that!"

Lu Zhi had obviously investigated:"During this period, the entire army was assisting you in your performance. In the camp, apart from those on patrol and on guard, there was no one else."

"If Zuo Feng had known the news earlier, he would definitely not wait until after the war to cause trouble. It was obvious that he learned the news by chance after he returned to the camp!"

"you say......"

Lu Zhi stared at Wang Hao:"Except for Liu Bei telling someone to leak the news, is there any other possibility?"

Wang Hao was stunned, and suddenly realized:"So that's it!"


Since crossing.

Wang Hao has been living on the edge of a knife, and he has no time to care about any intrigue.

Although he fought against the five battalions of the Northern Army at the beginning, he finally relied on a sneak attack on the Yellow Turbans to make peace with them!

But who would have thought......

Even if he was careful, he still aroused the jealousy of others, and was stabbed in the back.

As the saying goes: Don't have the intention to harm others, but be on guard against others.

Wang Hao was still too young.

But he was by no means a saint, and he couldn't repay evil with kindness or turn a blind eye.

This vengeance......

I, Wang Hao, have made a note of it.

Although with his current strength, he may not be a match for Guan and Zhang.

But with the system, sooner or later, Guan and Zhang combined will not be his match!

I just don't know, Liu Bei has always been based on benevolence and righteousness. How can he explain this kind of backstabbing to men like Guan and Zhang who are so righteous!

Perhaps, this is the awesomeness of Liu Bei!

"Liu Bei was conceited and often boasted that he was a relative of the Han royal family!"


Lu Zhi smiled awkwardly:"He was born in a humble family and made a living by weaving mats and selling shoes. This huge gap often made him lose himself. He was unwilling to be content with the status quo and devoted himself to learning!"

"Many people say that he has great ambitions, but in my eyes, Lu Zhi, that is just an excuse for him to recruit people, not what he really wants."

At this point, Lu Zhi let out a long breath:"I admit that he is very capable, but the more so, the more dangerous it is. If the world is in chaos, he may even imitate Emperor Guangwu and do something as a relative of the Han Dynasty." Wang Hao shrugged:"Isn't that great?"

Lu Zhi smiled:"But I don't want the world to be in chaos!"

Wang Hao:"......"


From the current point of view.

Although the Han Dynasty has many problems, it has not collapsed.

A loyal minister like Lu Zhi absolutely does not want the Han Dynasty to be in chaos, which will be a huge catastrophe. But

Wang Hao, who is familiar with the course of history, knows clearly!

This time!

Lu Zhi was really wrong!

However, his analysis of Liu Bei was really to the point!

Wang Hao no longer struggled, but asked:"Lu Zhonglang, didn't you have something to say to me just now?"

Lu Zhi nodded and said:"Yes! I do have some things that I need to make clear to you in advance, so as not to disappoint you."


Wang Hao couldn't help but wonder:"Lu Zhonglang, why am I so disappointed?"

Lu Zhi took a long breath and said softly:"Don't be anxious, listen to me and tell you slowly!"

"Although I am the General of the Northern Army appointed by His Majesty,���My authority is not as great as I imagined, and I have always been tough and resolute, so I have offended many of my colleagues!"

"Although I promised to help you find a better future!"

At this point, Lu Zhi's attitude became serious:"But, first of all, my ability is limited. I may be willing to help you, but I may not be able to do it;"

"Secondly, you are a commoner, you have never been elected as a filial and honest official, and you have worked as a minor official with a salary of 200 shi for a day. Even if you have made great contributions, it is impossible for you to rise to the top in one step!" Wang Hao knew this point too well.

After all, the system of the Han Dynasty is there, and it is impossible to give you a county governor with a salary of 2,000 shi directly because of this little contribution.

You know, it took Sun Jian more than 20 years to go from a minor official in a border county to a county governor and obtain the title of marquis.

When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, Sun Jian was already a county magistrate, and he was also Zhu Jun's Sima, commanding an army alone!

This kind of relationship is much more awesome than Wang Hao's.

But in the end?

Didn't he go back to being a county magistrate?


This time, it was Wang Hao's turn to laugh wildly:"Don't worry, Lu Zhonglang, I know my situation very well. Besides, I am not that ambitious. As long as I have a place to stay, it is enough!"


There are still 2 more customizations to go!~~~

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