Wang Hao knew too well the discrimination among the noble families in the late Han Dynasty.

Although it was not as severe as that in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it had already formed a relatively fixed circle.

If a poor scholar wanted to achieve a class leap, it was not simply a problem that could be solved by fists.

In fact, no matter how powerful your fists were, in the eyes of these people, you were just a warrior and could not be on the stage at all. Was

Dong Zhuo in history powerful enough?

But although he had a strong fist, he was still not accepted by the Guandong nobles.

In the eyes of this group of people in the fixed class circle, Dong Zhuo was at best a good family boy! Dong Zhuo was like this, let alone Wang Hao?

In a sense, Wang Hao was not even a good family boy!

He really had no noble family background at all!

Although Lu Zhi was willing to help, it was up to the two of them whether they were willing to accept him.

Wang Hao did not ask for anything, so why was he disappointed?

Or should I say so!

Wang Hao knew that it was basically impossible to be accepted.

Therefore, he never had any hope.

His only request was to find a place to live as soon as possible.

It would be best if it was a large county with a salary of about 1,000 stones, and he wanted to be the absolute boss! In this way, we can build up our army and accumulate strength to wait for the times to change!......

Although I don't care, it doesn't mean that others don't care.

Now, Lu Zhi has returned triumphantly, and Huangfu Song will also arrive in Luoyang in the near future. Except for Zhu Jun in Nanyang who is still fighting, the Yellow Turbans in other places have almost been pacified!

The officials in Luoyang specially hosted a banquet to entertain Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song.

If it were before, Lu Zhi would definitely not accept it, he knew too well the struggle between the ancient and modern schools of Confucian classics.

Lu Zhi is stubborn again!

Once he talked about Confucian classics.

This is not a celebration banquet, but a war of words!

Therefore, Lu Zhi would rather stay at home and read more books than get involved with them.

But this time!

Lu Zhi actually agreed for Wang Hao's official position.

After all, it is really difficult to make an exception without the support of a large number of officials.

Since he is going to attend the banquet of the upper class, Wang Hao naturally needs to be well disciplined.

For this reason, Lu Zhi even asked his son Lu Yu to personally take Wang Hao to pick cloth, cut clothes, and recognize the way in Beijing, and walked around for a whole day.

It was getting close to evening, and the sun was setting.

It was time for dinner.

Wang Hao had delayed Lu Yu for too long, and naturally felt bad.

So he proposed to have dinner together.

Lu Yu couldn't refuse, so he chose a moderate-quality wine shop and rushed over together.

"Let's go here!"

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, Lu Yu let out a long sigh:"I know that if the level is too low, Brother Wang will naturally not want it, but if the level is too high, it will be too expensive, so let's compromise and come here!"

I have to admit that

Wang Hao's influence is too strong.

In just one day, Lu Yu learned the word"level", and he applied it quite well.

"That's fine!"

Since it was Lu Yu's choice, Wang Hao could only agree.

In fact, he didn't care about money.

After all, these were all confiscated money.

Wang Hao only took a part of it today, and there was still a lot left in the posthouse.

As the host, Lu Yu naturally led the way and opened a window seat in the private room on the second floor.

Zhang Nan handed a coin to the shopkeeper.

Immediately, the waiter followed him.

Ordering dishes and serving wine!

The speed was so fast.

Lu Yu teased,"Brother Wang, you spent a lot of money today, right?"

Wang Hao smiled indifferently,"Actually, not much. I bought seven or eight pieces of cloth, which cost a total of 4,325 coins. I also found a special tailor to make it urgently, which cost 2,468 coins. These two items totaled 6,793 coins."

"Other than that, there are some odds and ends."

"Some rouge and powder from Yu'er, eight hundred and twenty-five coins;"

"Some necessities for the three of us, one hundred and thirty-two coins;"


Wang Hao babble a lot, and confessed the expenses of today's trip in one breath:"After all the calculations, it should be 13,628 coins, which is not a lot!"


Lu Yu was shocked!

Zhang Nan was shocked!

Zhao Yu was even more shocked!

She blinked her big black pearl eyes and said in disbelief:"Brother Hao, could you remember it so clearly? Yu'er remembered the rouge and powder, and the two sets of clothes, but she didn't remember anything else."

"How difficult is this!"

Wang Hao's light words made Lu Yu confused to the extreme.

He paused, and said in horror:"Brother Wang, if you can only remember it, it's fine, but isn't it difficult to summarize it all in such a short time?"

Wang Hao shrugged:"It's just addition and subtraction, not worth mentioning!"


Lu Yu couldn't help but take a breath and asked tentatively:"Wang Hao, have you ever studied the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Classic?》?"

Wang Hao shook his head without any hesitation:"No!"


Lu Yu was confused again:"How is this possible? Even the Da Si Nong Mansion, which is good at calculations in the court, can't find a person who can compare with my brother's speed of calculation. Each of them is a master of the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Classic."

Da Si Nong!

Short for the Ministry of Finance of the Han Dynasty.

All financial expenditures of the court, military and national expenses, such as land rent, head tax, salt and iron monopoly, grain transport, currency management, etc., are all managed by the Da Si Nong.

You must know that the Da Si Nong has 1 Da Si Nong Cheng and 3 Da Si Nong Bu Cheng. There are often 30 people in charge of statistics in various states, and more than 50 people when it is busy!

Lu Yu had helped before, so he naturally knew their level very well.

That's why he dared to say it so confidently!

At this moment!

He suddenly became very interested in Wang Hao.

According to his father, this person has many wise plans and is a pillar of the Han Dynasty, but he is not proficient in classics and is a local warrior.


Are the local militia really that powerful?

The answer is obviously no!

Lu Yu tentatively said:"Since Brother Wang said it is simple, how about letting me ask Brother Wang a question?"

Wang Hao did not object and nodded:"Okay!"

Lu Yu paused, his eyes suddenly lit up:"I got it! Brother Wang, listen to the question. Now some people are buying things together. Each person pays eight cents, and there are three cents left; each person pays seven cents, which is less than four cents. What is the number of people and the price!"

Wang Hao could only laugh.

This kind of elementary school question is really not difficult for him.

He did not hesitate and answered directly:"Seven people, the price is 53 cents."

Lu Yu's eyes widened immediately, and he quickly counted with his fingers:"Brother Wang, you are really......This really shocked me!"

Wang Hao said unconcernedly:"This is actually very simple, not difficult at all!"

"Oh?" Lu Yu was stunned."Then what kind of questions do you think are difficult?"


Wang Hao pondered for a moment and said,"I'll give you a question. Please listen carefully."

Lu Yu nodded,"Okay!"

Wang Hao thought of a simple one:"Now there are three teams, Team A, Team B, and Team C. Team A walks 60 li a day, Team B walks 67.5 li a day, and Team C walks 75 li a day."

"Now, Team A and Team B go from East County to West County, and Team C goes from West County to East County. The three teams set out at the same time. After Team C meets Team B, they meet Team A two days later. How far is the distance between East and West County?"


Lu Yu's brain was about to explode:"This......"

Wang Hao smiled and said:"If you can solve this problem, you will be able to get started!"


I sorted out the subsequent plot today, so I was a little delayed.

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