The reason why Lu Zhi asked Lu Yu to accompany him was because!

He had more important things to do.

There was no other way.

Lu Zhi was very clear about his interpersonal relationships in the officialdom.

He was a stubborn person!

All of them were opponents, and he had few friends.

And today he basically visited all the friends he could visit.

But even these people felt that Lu Zhi was making a fuss. He was just a person who came from a rural militia. What's the use of being a pillar of talent?

The officialdom is the officialdom!

You can't rise to the top just by relying on talent.

If this is the case, it would be enough for everyone to just study classics, and what's the point of talking about family background!

Especially in a world like this, if you work hard to promote a person with no background, how long will it take for him to grow up before he can give you a reward?

We are not children. The reason why we promote that young man is actually more about the power behind the other party!

A powerful force that can provide help at any time as long as you need it!

This world......

There is no such thing as recruiting people based on their talents!

It is simply a huge network of people that completely fixes the circle.

Lu Zhi wants to pull Wang Hao up!

The difficulty is even more difficult than the crusade against the Yellow Turbans!

After all, the cake of the Han Empire is so big. If there is one more outsider, there will be one less person.

Although the ancient text classics and the modern text classics have always been competing.

But they will never allow a village warrior who is not familiar with the classics to get involved in their cake.

In this world, there are people like Lu Zhi who are willing to help the younger generation simply because of their talents, but they are rare!

Lu Zhi left in high spirits and returned in disappointment.

This day!

He really suffered too much setbacks!

But as soon as he got home, his son Lu Yu immediately came up to greet him and bowed very solemnly.

Lu Zhi was stunned:"Yu'er, what are you doing?"

Lu Yu did not cover up and said immediately:"Father, I think you are right. Wang Hao is definitely not an ordinary person!"


Lu Zhi couldn't help but feel curious, and asked tentatively,"Didn't you think that Wang Hao was a local militiaman and that your father exaggerated his achievements?"

"Why now?......"

Lu Zhi is really confused.


"Please listen to me carefully. I will tell you everything." Lu Yu immediately told Lu Zhi everything that happened today:"At first, I really thought Wang Hao was just a local militiaman and had no real ability at all!"

"But now, I feel that Wang Hao is deliberately hiding his incompetence. Such a difficult problem, even for an official of the Minister of Agriculture, it would be impossible to solve it without a quarter of an hour."

"But what about Wang Hao?"

"It only took a few breaths to give the answer!"

"If a person like this is really a local militia, then what am I?"

Lu Zhi nodded in agreement:"Yu'er, is the question Wang Hao asked still available?"

Lu Yu hummed:"I've prepared it."

After that, Lu Yu took out a piece of straw paper and handed it to Lu Zhi.


Lu Yu said softly:"This is obviously a question about marching, and it is very realistic. If you are not someone who has been dealing with the army for many years, how could you come up with such a question!"


Lu Zhi shook his head and denied it directly:"On the surface, this seems to be just a marching question, but in fact, its marching speed is completely unrealistic. How can an army only march 60 miles a day!"


Lu Yu naturally didn't know:"Is this true?"

Lu Zhi hummed:"However, even so, this problem can be solved!"

Lu Yu was puzzled:"Father, can there be a solution if it doesn't conform to the actual situation?"

Lu Zhi nodded:"Yes! This is the power of this problem, which proves that Wang Hao has completely mastered its calculation method, so he can apply it to actual problems at will."

"That's right!"

Lu Yu replied in agreement:"If he wasn't so skilled, how could he have calculated it so quickly! This Wang Hao is indeed a man of great talent, and father has a keen eye!"


Lu Zhi snorted lightly:"So what if he has a keen eye? Wang Hao is of too humble a birth. Even if father wants to help him, it may not be that easy!"

Lu Yu reminded:"Why don't father try to find Ganling King Liu Zhong? Wang Hao saved this man's life. If he can say a few good words in front of Your Majesty, wouldn't it be more useful than the scholars in the court?"

Lu Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up:"That's right, how could I forget this? If Jizhou is pacified, Liu Zhong will return to his fiefdom. The sooner the better. Your father will go tomorrow"



Congratulations on being appreciated by Lu Zhi.

Reward: Politics +2;

Wang Hao was startled by the sudden voice in his mind.

Could it be that Lu Zhi didn't appreciate him before?

The answer is naturally no.

If Lu Zhi didn't appreciate him, he would never have brought him to Luoyang.

But why would the system give such an evaluation?

And it also gave 2 points of political attributes!

To be honest!

Wang Hao was a little puzzled.


Anyway, it's always good to have attribute points.

"Brother Hao~~~"

Suddenly, Zhao Yu's voice sounded outside the door.

"Well , come in."

Wang Hao exhaled:"I haven't slept yet!"


The door was pushed open.

Zhao Yu came over with a bowl of soup.

"Brother Hao, drink it while it's hot"

"I made this especially for you."


Zhao Yu paused and added,"Thank you for buying me rouge and powder. This is the first time I've used such good rouge and powder since I was a child!"

"Our Yu'er is naturally beautiful!"

Wang Hao smiled and took the bowl of soup:"In fact, Yu'er is very beautiful with or without rouge and powder, but she seems to be more beautiful after a little dressing up."


Wang Hao did not lie at all.

He looked carefully and saw that Zhao Yu had rouge on her face.

But he had to admit that Zhao Yu, who was dressed up, did have a unique flavor.

Zhao Yu blushed slightly:"Really? As long as Brother Hao likes it."

Women dress up to please themselves.

Drinking soup or not is secondary.

Zhao Yu actually wanted Wang Hao to see how she looked when she was dressed up.

It's just that she lacked a reasonable reason to meet.

The shyness of a girl always makes her do some stupid things in front of her beloved man.

"Wait two days, Yu'er's new clothes will be back, they will definitely be more beautiful"

"When the time comes, we will find an artist to draw a picture of Yu'er, and then send someone to deliver it to your brother to let him know that he is safe."

"Really?"Zhao Yu seemed very excited.

""Yes!" Wang Hao nodded,"Of course, I have asked Zhang Nan to buy some paper, and you can write a letter to your brother.""

"Thank you, Brother Hao." Zhao Yu immediately bowed deeply.

"Why are you being so polite to me?" Wang Hao smiled.

Although he was in Luoyang, he had to keep abreast of the military situation.

Writing a letter!

But it was necessary.


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