What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 100 Working hard for the boss’s happiness

Logically speaking, Teruhashi Shinmei took the initiative to distance herself from herself, which allowed her to avoid a lot of jealous looks, and also allowed her to lie down and have a good rest during class, and she didn't have to deal with text messages one after another at night. This was supposed to be A happy thing.

But when he thought that all this was achieved through another misunderstanding, Aokiji felt that his life was hopeless. What if Teruhashi Shinmei publicizes her story again?

Aokiji felt his scalp numb.

After taking a look at the learning skills, he saw that he was only six points away from reaching level four. Aokiji listened to the lesson honestly. Tomorrow at the latest, we will be able to break through level four.

As for the kendo tournament invited by Saiki? Aokiji did not agree. It's not like there is no one else in the Kendo Club except him, and the most important thing is that after talking to Busujima Saeko like that last time, he hasn't figured out how to face her yet.

Qiong was crying with tears before, but she still seemed unwilling to pay attention to him, which made him deeply understand that if he, a bad boy, wanted to continue doing things, he still couldn't help himself with many things. If you have a good relationship with others and make them worry about you every day, this is not a good thing. What Aokiji doesn't like the most is causing trouble for others.

Moreover, instead of worrying about these things now, it is better to become the strongest bad boy as soon as possible. Then, when the time comes, you will be free and can do whatever you want. This will be happy.

"System, how can I become the strongest bad boy?" Aoki Si lay on the table, watching the teacher write math problems on the blackboard, and asked casually while solving the problems.

[Please don’t worry, the system will automatically release the task at the right time. All the host needs to do is to upgrade well, exercise hard, and maintain combat effectiveness. If the host wants to work hard, he can also try to become the number one bad boy in Chiba first. 】

Number one in Chiba? Aokiji sighed. He couldn't lead people directly to the school gate opposite and shout, I want to be the number one in Chiba. If you don't accept it, come out and beat me, right? It is said that as soon as Suzuran High School shouted at the door, hundreds of gangster students would come out, each with a greater sense of school honor than the last. In the past, the underworld had caused trouble for Suzuran School. I heard that they were almost beaten to death, so they didn't dare to revenge.

It's okay for those students to fight among themselves, or against outsiders, but once someone wants to smash the sign of Suzuran High School, it's called unity. There is also the rumored Fengxian High School, which is a whole school of bald heads! Aokiji touched his head and felt that he was not strong enough.

And if he really wants to find trouble in other schools one by one in order to become the so-called strongest bad boy, then Aokiji feels that he is really not that bad, and this must not be what the system wants.

"Hey, we can only wait." To be honest, Aokiji is not too anxious. Anyway, there are still three years of high school, and he can become a boss who can fight more than a dozen people in just two weeks. Give him another year, and he can I'm afraid that I can really run into a gang of delinquents by myself. The system doesn't give him a task now, it must be because the system thinks he hasn't reached that time yet.

By the way, after graduating from high school, I won’t become Superman, right? The kind that can punch a hole in someone with one punch.

Aokiji suddenly had an image in his head that he looked like Ahu in the TV series. He could not survive even being chopped hundreds of times, and even knocked one of them away with one punch. He was so frightened that he shook his head hurriedly and focused his attention again. When it comes to learning.

Looking at the so-called 'problem' written by the teacher on the blackboard, Aokiji felt that it was getting simpler and simpler.

Aokiji just held his chin and thought for a while, and wrote the correct answer of 66 on the scratch paper without even calculating the process on the scratch paper. Somewhat boringly, I painted 66 into a cartoon face, and very cleverly painted all 6 into @to become the eyes of a cartoon character, which doesn’t look out of place at all. While feeling proud of his painting skills, Aokiji finally made it to the end of get out of class.

Remembering that Songshanyan had arranged actual combat training for him tonight, Aokiji felt that he couldn't wait.

If he plays well, will Songshanyan give him more salary or something?

Amidst the noise of school ending, Aokiji slowly packed his schoolbag.

"Boss, do you want to play billiards together?" Maeda Tora packed his schoolbag and raised his eyebrows at Aoki Tsukasa.

Aokiji waved his hand: "Sorry, I have to go home and take a rest to cook for my sister. I still have things to do in the evening."

Maeda Tora nodded with some regret: "That's all we can do, boss, you must watch the TV series "Ji Dao Fengyun" tonight! Today we talked about the place where Tora is going to rescue the heroine Reiko, it will be exciting. "

"No, I refuse!" Aokiji shook his head decisively. He didn't know why. Looking at Ahu in the TV series, he always felt that if this guy had a bald head, he would definitely have an ominous sense of déjà vu.

How is that possible? This kind of TV series is so unscientific. What’s the point of it?

Aokiji patted Maeda Tora on the shoulder: "Have you returned the protection money?"

"Yeah." Maeda Tora hummed, with a pity expression on his face: "You really don't want to think about it?"

"Protection money?" Aokiji frowned.

"No, it's a TV series." Maeda Tora wanted to try harder, but saw Aoki looking at him with an unkind expression, making a fist gesture, and immediately shut his mouth obediently.

Tsukasa Aoki and Tora Maeda waved goodbye and walked out of the classroom.

In the classroom, Komimi Teruhashi was the last one to pack her things for some unknown reason. Looking at the empty classroom, she got up and came to the edge of Aoki Tsukasa's seat in a daze.

Teruhashi Shinmei looked a little disappointed: "I still haven't mustered up the courage to ask Mr. Aoki the truth about the matter. My actions today must have made him think that I hate him."

"Alas" Teruhashi Shinmei sighed, a little sad that she seemed to be a little further away from Aoki Tsukasa.

Looking at the scratch paper on the corner of his desk that he might have forgotten to put away, Teruhashi stretched out his hand curiously and took the scratch paper over.

"Smiling face?" Teruhashi Shinmei looked at the simple cartoon avatar on it, her eyes were painted like mosquito coils and looked confused, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Aoki-san must have had a hard time listening in class, so he drew such a cartoon image on the scratch paper! The reason why the eyes of the cartoon avatar are like mosquito coils must be because he was so dizzy after listening to the lecture!

Why not teach Aoki Tsukasa-san her homework? The mock exam is coming soon, and he must be very anxious!

Teruhashi Shinmei felt as if she had grasped the key. She carefully stuffed the scrap paper into her bag and smiled unconsciously.

"Xinmei-chan, what are you doing?" The voice of her friend who had been waiting for a long time at the door of the class startled Teruhashi Xinmei. She hurriedly turned her head and showed a cheerful smile: "It's nothing, I'm here. I'm going to the coffee shop today. ?"

"Okay, okay, let's go to that place together."

Teruhashi Komimi and a few girls embarked on an ordinary walk after school, but the smile on her face became brighter and brighter unconsciously.

"Oh ho." Maeda Tora and Matsuzaka Daitake were about to go to Fujiwara Miao to play billiards. When they saw Teruhashi Summi passing by with a smile, they couldn't help but roar.

Matsusaka Daitake looked at Teruhashi Sumimi leaving, and suddenly patted Maeda Tora's shoulder thoughtfully: "Hey, Ahu."

"I told you not to call me Ahu, it will easily make me confused between TV dramas and reality!" Tora Maeda touched his bald head, thinking about his previous long red hair, and hummed: "Now I think he is the strongest The man is Boss Aoki."

"This is not important!" Matsuzaka Daitake leaned into Maeda Tora's ear and whispered: "Do you remember that Teruhashi-san seemed very disappointed with the boss today?"

"Ah?" Maeda Tora looked confused.

Matsuzaka Daitake said with hatred: "You see, Fujiwara Miao is about to have a girlfriend, and where is the boss?"

Maeda Tiger clapped his palms and suddenly realized: "You mean"

"Terubashi-san definitely likes the boss, and there is no way anyone wouldn't like a girl like her." Matsuzaka Daitake smiled with a confident smile: "I have decided, I will call Fujiwara Miao later, and we will work hard for the boss's happiness. That’s it!”

Maeda Tora nodded in agreement, with an excited look on his face: "You're right! If the boss can be with Teruhashi Summi, Teruhashi Sumimi knows many super kawaii girls!"

"For example." Matsusaka Daitake blushed and grinned, almost drooling: "Matsuko from the next class?"

"There is also senior Aiko who is a sophomore in high school." Maeda Toraya blushed and fell into fantasy.

The two of them had their arms around each other, blushing and laughing in the corridor. The innocent female classmates who passed by were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. They ran to the other side of the corridor before they dared to go downstairs and go home.

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