[Xianyujiang: Ah, sorry, I didn’t see your friend application yesterday. 】

Miao Fujiwara's mouth was dry with excitement, and her fingers were trembling a little. She hurriedly typed out the reply: "It's okay, it's okay. I added you as a friend yesterday too suddenly."

[Xianyujiang: Is it okay for you to add me as a friend? 】

"I saw yesterday that we are both from Yachiyo City, so I thought we could make friends." Fujiwara Miao quickly replied.

[Salted Fish Sauce: That’s right. 】

"Well, I saw it in the group chat yesterday." After Miao Fujiwara replied, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Suddenly, his cell phone was snatched away with a big hand. Before Fujiwara Miao could get angry, he saw Matsusaka Daitake hooking his neck from behind and hugging him tightly: "Boss, Ahu, look at what is written. !”

Aokiji and Maeda Tora took his mobile phone and quickly flipped through the records.

Miao Fujiwara shouted urgently: "No, no!"

"Salted Fish Sauce" Maeda Tiger chuckled and clicked on Salted Fish Sauce's profile. There was actually a photo of her in it, which was a selfie without showing her face.

"F*ck!" Maeda Tora's eyes widened, and he gasped. He only looked at the selfie of Xianyujiang with a slim waist, long legs, and a plump bust. Just looking at her figure, she is an eighty-year-old beauty!

A girl with such a figure, even if she looks ugly, is definitely a man’s wish! Especially those perky buttocks, which are simply not what high school students should have!

Just the thought that such a beautiful ass could be used for shit made Aokiji feel uninterested. Well, he wouldn't be jealous anyway, and it's impossible to be envious.

Aokiji looked at the photo, then at the pretty and pretty Fujiwara Miao, and raised his eyebrows at him: "Not bad, Fujiwara-kun."

"Boss!!" Fujiwara Miao broke away from Matsusaka Daitake in shame and snatched the phone away: "I just met her!"

Maeda Tora patted Fujiwara Miao hard on the shoulder: "It's time to do something, it's time to do something!"

"Come on!" Aokiji glanced at him. Judging from the chat history between the two, he hadn't even made a single stroke yet, so he was probably going to be cool. After all, beauties with such a figure certainly have no shortage of suitors. Judging from the way Miao Fujiwara chats, his techniques for flirting with girls are also very blunt.

But thinking carefully about it, he, an old bachelor, didn't seem to have any say. Aokiji shrugged and turned around and said, "I'm going to eat a bento."

Maeda Tora pulled Fujiwara Miao and walked to the rooftop together, muttering: "Let me tell you, if you talk to her like this, she will definitely not want to talk to you."

Fujiwara Miao also forgot about his shyness and grabbed Maeda Tora with an eager look on his face: "Then how should I talk to her? Ahu! Help me!"

Matsusaka Daitake snorted coldly: "What does he know? Let my love prodigal son Daitake help you! You can do this, this, and this."

Maeda Tora looked dissatisfied: "It's definitely not possible to listen to him. You have to do this, this, and this!"

Listening to the two chattering nonsense, Aokiji almost broke out in laughter while eating his lunch box.

Fujiwara Miao, on the other hand, looked confused and started chatting with Salted Fish Sauce under the control of the two of them.

Aokiji looked at Matsuzaka Daitake who looked like an experienced person and gave advice on the mountains and rivers, and looked at Maeda Tora who looked like a conceited lover and made suggestions. Fujiwara Miao actually believed in them, so he secretly felt relieved: If this can be done, I will Aokiji will eat it.

"She is actually willing to be friends with me!" Fujiwara Miao's joyful cheers made Aokiji's lunch stuck in his throat, and he almost died before the bad thing happened, collapsing halfway on the rooftop.

Under the astonished gazes of Maeda and Tora, Aokiji gave a shaky thumbs up, coughing and saying intermittently: "Come on!"

Unexpectedly, although Maeda Tora and Matsusaka Daitake do not have girlfriends.

But they can brag!

"Bah." The rooftop door suddenly opened, and an old friend who hadn't seen him for a few days appeared on the rooftop.

It turned out to be Qi Mu from the Kendo Club who appeared at the door of the rooftop.

Aokiji and Maeda Tora all stared at Saiki who appeared at the rooftop door.

"Aoki-kun, I have something to tell you. Excuse me, do you have time?" Qi Mu looked stiffly at the four bald men in front of him, with a forced smile.

Only then did Tora Maeda and the others fall into the world of conquering salted fish sauce.

Qi Mu breathed a sigh of relief, pushed up his glasses, and looked at Si Aoki, who was sitting on a big shabby sofa with his brows furrowed and his eyes red (and he was still choking). He felt that the guy in front of him looked like this. A little more terrifying.

Aokiji covered his mouth and finally swallowed a little of the stuff in his throat. He felt as if he was about to shed tears as soon as he closed his eyes. In order not to make a fool of himself, he could only stare and look at Saiki: "What's the matter."

Qi Mu was stared at by Aoki Si with red eyes. He felt his body trembling a little, as if he had encountered some hungry beast in the wilderness. He felt cold sweat falling and his voice was a little intermittent: "That, that , I would like to ask Mr. Aoki to sign up for the kendo club competition."

"Huh?" The low voice of question in Aokiji's throat frightened Saiki to stand upright unconsciously: "Brother, I'm sorry!"

"Huh?" Aokiji was afraid that he would spit it out as soon as he opened his mouth, so he had to close his mouth tightly and use his throat to continue asking questions.

"Because the True Dragon Flag Tournament at the end of this year has launched a new mixed battle. Ishihara-senpai of the Kendo club has voluntarily resigned from the club. Now no one can partner with Busujima-senpai to participate in the competition. That's why I came to ask for your help!"

Qi Mu felt that his back was soaked, but Aokiji was still frowning and saying nothing.


It doesn’t work anymore, it doesn’t work anymore, I feel like I’m going to spit it out as soon as I speak, is there any water?

Anyone who has been choked knows that holding back this feeling is like killing someone. If you press down without water or anything, it will be really uncomfortable and drive you crazy.

Qi Mu seemed to get the answer from Aokiji's expression, and said quickly: "I'm sorry, it seems that Brother Aoki doesn't want to participate. It's me, Meng Lang, I'm sorry!"

Maeda Tiger suddenly interrupted: "Are you the boss's younger brother? Why are you also called Boss Aoki?"

Saiki looked at Maeda Tora's fierce expression with scars on his face, and his face was almost bruised and swollen: "I'm sorry!"

"Bang!" Aokiji slammed the table, frightening the people present to tremble. His trembling fingers were pointed at Maeda Tiger, and they twisted together with a ferocious expression.

Maeda Tora felt chilled and hurriedly said loudly: "I'm sorry, boss! I'm the one who got into trouble!"

"s" Aokiji pointed at the drink on the edge of Maeda Tora's lunch box, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Big, big brother wants me to die...?!" Maeda Tora swallowed with a horrified expression.

"Fuck...!" Aokiji covered his mouth and his eyes widened even more.

Maeda Tora glanced at the drink pointed at by Aokiji with a confused expression. Could it be that he didn't want me to die, but said water? He slowly but firmly reached for the drink bottle with both hands, feeling a little miserable in his heart: It seems that today is really a troublesome thing. The boss is angry. If he doesn't do something, he may not be able to calm down!

No wonder, when we talked about protection money this morning, the boss looked very unhappy.

Maeda Tora gritted his teeth and said loudly and cruelly: "Boss! I understand! I'll pour this water! I just hope you can forgive me!"

After saying that, he opened the bottle cap of the drink. Maeda Tora closed his eyes. Under the astonished gazes of the others, he poured the drink onto his bald head with a tragic look on his face.

"Pour me the water, you bastard!" Tsukasa Aoki couldn't help it. He let go of the hand covering his mouth and grabbed the drink bottle that was held by Maeda Tora over his head. There was still a small mouthful of the drink bottle left, and he was gurgling. Pour it into your mouth.

Maeda Tora wiped the drink that was still dripping on his bald head with a dazed look on his face, and murmured to himself: "Didn't you just pour the water on my head?"

"Aoki-kun, let's have a lunch together!" The rooftop door was pushed open with a click again. Teruhashi Komimi was holding the lunch box. As soon as she turned around, she saw Aokiji holding a drink bottle in front of him, and Aoki Maeda Tora, who was drinking in front of Tsukasa, seemed to have a desperate expression, and the smile on his face gradually became stiff.

Seeing Aokiji looking at him with red eyes, grabbing the drink bottle, and the ferocious look on his expression had not faded away, the lunch box in Teruhashi Kommei's hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"I'm sorry to bother you!" Teruhashi Shinmei's eyes were instantly filled with mist, and she turned around and ran towards the way she came.

"No," Aokiji muttered to himself, and the drink bottle in his hand fell weakly to the ground.

He turned his head and looked at Qi Mu, with a desperate and gloomy expression: "That's not the case, right?"

"Yes! Brother!" Qi Mu's legs weakened and he knelt on the ground, unconsciously holding his head with his hands.

With a click, the rooftop door was opened again. Teruhashi Komimi picked up the lunch box that had just fallen on the ground, but when she looked up, she saw Saiki kneeling on the ground with his head in his hands. The drink bottle under Aokiji's feet was still rolling. He couldn't help but shed tears. He felt that the image of the gentle and reliable Aokiji in his heart was a little disillusioned. He held the lunch box in his arms and said, "I didn't expect Aoki-kun to be such a person!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away crying.

Aokiji lowered his head expressionlessly and looked at Saiki.

Qi Mu realized that he seemed to have done something very wrong, swallowed his saliva, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "I didn't mean it."

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